< Tich Joote 1 >

1 Ne osiepna Theofilo: E kitapa mokwongo ne andikoe gik moko duto mane Yesu otimo kendo opuonjo,
Theofle, first `Y made a sermoun of alle thingis, that Jhesu bigan to do and to teche,
2 nyaka chop chiengʼ mane okawe motere e polo, bangʼ chiwo chik ni joote mane oseyiero kuom teko mar Roho Maler.
in to the daie of his ascencioun, in which he comaundide bi the Hooli Goost to hise apostlis, whiche he hadde chosun;
3 Bangʼ kane osesande, ne onyisore en owuon ne jogi, kendo nochiwo ranyisi mangʼeny masiro ni ongima. Ne ofwenyorenigi kuom ndalo piero angʼwen ka owuoyo kuom pinyruodh Nyasaye.
to whiche he schewide hym silf `alyue aftir his passioun, by many argumentis, apperinge to hem fourti daies, and spekinge of the rewme of God.
4 Chiengʼ moro achiel kane oyudo ochiemo kodgi, nowachonegi niya, “Kik uwuog Jerusalem, to rituru mich mane Wuonwa osingore ni nomiu, ma usewinja ka awuoyo kuome;
And he ete with hem, and comaundide, that thei schulden not departe fro Jerusalem, but abide the biheest of the fadir, which ye herden, he seide, bi my mouth;
5 nimar Johana nobatiso ji gi pi, to un bangʼ kinde manok ibiro batisou gi Roho Maler.”
for Joon baptiside in watir, but ye schulen be baptisid in the Hooli Goost, aftir these fewe daies.
6 Kuom mano, kane gisechokore kaachiel, negipenje niya, “Ruoth, kindeni ema ibiro duogo pinyruoth e lwet jo-Israel koso?”
Therfor thei that weren come to gidere, axiden hym, and seiden, Lord, whether in this time thou schalt restore the kingdom of Israel?
7 Nodwokogi niya, “Ok en wachu mar ngʼeyo ndalo kata kinde ma Wuoro oseketo gi tekone owuon.
And he seide to hem, It is not youre to knowe the tymes ether momentis, whiche the fadir hath put in his power;
8 To ubiro yudo teko ka Roho Maler obiro kuomu; kendo unubed joneno maga ei Jerusalem kendo ei Judea duto gi Samaria, kod tungʼ piny gi tungʼ piny.”
but ye schulen take the vertu of the Hooli Goost comynge fro aboue in to you, and ye schulen be my witnessis in Jerusalem, and in al Judee, and Samarie, and to the vtmeste of the erthe.
9 Bangʼ wacho mano, nokawe motere e polo, mana ka ginene, kendo polo noime mi olalnegi, makoro ne ok ginyal nene.
And whanne he had seid these thingis, in her siyt he was lift vp, and a cloude resseyuede him fro her iyen.
10 Kane oyudo pod gichomo wengegi e polo, ka gingʼiyo kaka odhi, apoya nono, negipo ka ji ariyo morwako lewni marochere ochungʼ bathgi.
And whanne thei biheelden hym goynge in to heuene, lo! `twei men stoden bisidis hem in white clothing, and seiden,
11 Jogi nowachonegi niya, “Jo-Galili, angʼo momiyo uchungʼ ka ungʼiyo polo? Yesu owuon-ni, makoro osegol kuomu oter e polo, biro duogo kendo, mana kaka usenene kodhino.”
Men of Galile, what stonden ye biholdinge in to heuene? This Jhesu, which is takun vp `fro you in to heuene, schal come, as ye seyn hym goynge in to heuene.
12 Bangʼ mano joote nowuok modok Jerusalem, ka gia ewi got miluongo ni Zeituni, ma en kama bor madirom kilomita achiel koa Jerusalem.
Thanne thei turneden ayen to Jerusalem, fro the hille that is clepid `the hille of Olyuete, which is bisidis Jerusalem an halidaies iourney.
13 Kane gichopo, negidhi nyaka kama negidakie, ei ot man malo ewi gorofa. Joma ne ni kanyo ne gin: Petro gi Johana, Jakobo gi Andrea; Filipo gi Thoma, Bartholomayo gi Mathayo, Jakobo wuod Alfayo, gi Simon ja-Zilote, kod Judas wuod Jakobo.
And whanne thei weren entrid in to the hous, where thei dwelliden, thei wenten vp in to the soler, Petir and Joon, James and Andreu, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matheu, James of Alphei, and Symount Zelotes, and Judas of James.
14 Giduto ne gin e achiel ka ginano e lamo, kaachiel gi mon moko, kod Maria min Yesu gi owete Yesu.
Alle these weren lastingli contynuynge with o wille in preier, with wymmen, and Marie, the moder of Jhesu, and with hise britheren.
15 E kindeno Petro nochungʼ e kind joma oyie (mane nyalo romo ji mia gi piero ariyo)
In tho daies Petre roos vp in the myddil of the britheren, and seide; and ther was a company of men togidere, almest an hundrid and twenti;
16 mi nowachonegi niya, “Owetena, Ndiko nyaka ne chop kare, mana kaka Roho Maler nohulo chon gi dho Daudi, kuom Judas mane otelo ni joma nomako Yesu.
Britheren, it bihoueth that the scripture be fillid, whiche the Hooly Goost bifore seide bi the mouth of Dauith, of Judas that was ledere of hem that token Jhesu;
17 Chutho, Judas ne en achiel kuomwa, kendo en bende ne en-gi kare e tichwani.”
and was noumbrid among vs, and gat a part of this seruyce.
18 Judas nongʼiewo lowo gi pesa mane oyudo kuom richone, to kanyo ema noruomboree piny, kendo bund iye nobarore mi nyimbi iye opukore oko.
And this Judas hadde a feeld of the hire of wickidnesse, and he was hangid, and `to-brast the myddil, and alle hise entrailes weren sched abrood.
19 Ji duto mane ni Jerusalem nowinjo wachno, mine giluongo puodhono gi dhogi ni Akeldama, ma tiende ni, Puoth Remo.
And it was maad knowun to alle men that dwelten in Jerusalem, so that the ilke feeld was clepid Acheldemak in the langage of hem, that is, the feeld of blood.
20 Petro nodhi nyime kawacho niya, “Ondik e Kitap Zaburi kama: “‘Mad miechgi dongʼ gunda; ngʼato angʼata kik yiene dag e iye,’ kendo ondik niya, “‘Mad ngʼat machielo kaw tije.’
And it is writun in the book of Salmes, The abitacioun of hem be maad desert, and be ther noon that dwelle in it, and an other take his bishopriche.
21 Kuom mano, ber mondo wayier ngʼato achiel e kind joma osebedo kodwa, chakre kinde mane Ruoth Yesu ochako bedo kodwa nyaka chop kinde mane okawe e dierwa.
Therfor it bihoueth of these men, that ben gaderid togidere with vs in al the tyme, in which the Lord Jhesu entride, and wente out among vs,
22 Ngʼatno nyaka bed ngʼat mane nitie chakre ndalo Johana Ja-batiso nyaka odiechiengʼ mane okaw Yesu ogol e dierwa. Nimar achiel kuom jogi nyaka bed janeno kuom chierne kaachiel kodwa.”
and bigan fro the baptym of Joon til in to the dai in which he was takun vp fro vs, that oon of these be maad a witnesse of his resurreccioun with vs.
23 Eka negichiwo nying ji ariyo: Josef miluongo ni Barsaba (ma bende niluongo ni Justo) kod Mathias.
And thei ordeyneden tweyn, Joseph, that was clepid Barsabas, that was named Just, and Mathie.
24 Bangʼe ne gilemo niya, “Ruoth, ingʼeyo chuny ji duto. Nyiswae kuom ji ariyogi ngʼat miseyiero
And thei preieden, and seiden, Thou, Lord, that knowist the hertis of alle men, schewe whom thou hast chosun of these tweyne,
25 mondo okaw tich mar bedo jaote mane Judas ojwangʼo oweyo kane odhi kare mane ochanne.”
that oon take the place of this seruyce and apostlehed, of which Judas trespasside, that he schulde go in to his place.
26 Eka negigoyo ombulu, kendo ombulu nolwar kuom Mathias. Omiyo nomede kuom joote apar gachiel mamoko.
And thei yauen lottis to hem, and the lot felde on Mathie; and he was noumbrid with enleuen apostlis.

< Tich Joote 1 >