< 2 Samuel 17 >

1 Ahithofel nowachone Abisalom niya, “Kane bed ni an in, to dine ayiero ji alufu apar gariyo kendo awuokgo otieno ma kawuononi mondo alaw Daudi;
Moreouer Ahithophel said to Absalom, Let me chuse out now twelue thousand men, and I will vp and follow after Dauid this night,
2 mi amonje kapod ool kendo onyosore. Anami kihondko malich make mi ji duto man kode ring weye. Daneg mana ruoth kende
And I will come vpon him: for he is wearie, and weake handed: so I will feare him, and all the people that are with him, shall flee, and I will smite the King onely,
3 eka aduog ji duto iri. Ka ngʼat midwaro ngimaneni otho; to ji duto noduog maonge ngʼama nohinyre.”
And I will bring againe all the people vnto thee, and when all shall returne, (the man whome thou seekest being slaine) all the people shalbe in peace.
4 Wachni ne nenore ni ber ne Abisalom gi jodong Israel duto.
And the saying pleased Absalom well, and all the Elders of Israel.
5 To Abisalom nowacho niya, “Luonguru Hushai ja-Arki, mondo en bende wawinj gima owacho.”
Then said Absalom, Call now Hushai the Archite also, and let vs heare likewise what he sayth.
6 Kane Hushai osebiro ire, Abisalom nowacho niya, “Ma e rieko mane Ahithofel osengʼado. Owinjore watim kamano koso? To ka ok kamano to kare nyiswa ane kaka iparo.”
So when Hushai came to Absalom, Absalom spake vnto him, saying, Ahithophel hath spoken thus: shall we doe after his saying, or no? tell thou.
7 Hushai nodwoko Abisalom niya, “Rieko ma Ahithofel ongʼado kawuononi ok ber.
Hushai then answered vnto Absalom, The counsel that Ahithophel hath giuen, is not good at this time.
8 Ingʼeyo ni wuonu gi joge gin jolweny, bende gin joma ger mana ka ondiek moma nyithinde. Bende nyaka ingʼe ni wuonu en jalweny mongʼith; ok obi nindo kama jolweny nindoe.
For, said Hushai, thou knowest thy father, and his men, that they be strong men, and are chafed in minde as a beare robbed of her whelps in the fielde: also thy father is a valiant warrier, and will not lodge with the people.
9 Kata mana sani koro osepondo e bur moro kata mana kamachielo; kipo ni en ema okwongo omonjo jogi, ngʼato angʼata mowinjo wachno biro wacho ni, ‘Oseneg jolweny mag Abisalom.’
Behold, he is hid now in some caue, or in some place: and though some of them be ouerthrowen at the first, yet the people shall heare, and say, The people that follow Absalom, be ouerthrowen.
10 Kata mana jalweny ma jachir ma chunye chalo gi chuny sibuor, biro kirni ka luoro ohewe, nimar Israel duto ongʼeyo wuonu ni en jalweny kendo ni ji man kode gin jochir.
Then he also that is valiant whose heart is as the heart of a lion, shall shrinke and faint: for all Israel knoweth, that thy father is valiant, and they which be with him, stout men.
11 “Kuom mano an angʼadoni rieko kama: Chok jo-Israel duto, chakre Dan nyaka Bersheba gin joma ngʼeny ka kwoyo man e dho nam, to in mondo itel nyimgi ka ukedo.
Therefore my counsell is, that all Israel be gathered vnto thee, from Dan euen to Beer-sheba as the sand of the sea in nomber, and that thou goe to battell in thine owne person.
12 Eka wanamonje kamoro amora minyalo yude kendo wanapodh kuome mana ka thoo momoko e lum maonge ngʼato kuomgi kata achiel manowe kangima.
So shall we come vpon him in some place, where we shall finde him, and we will vpon him as the dewe falleth on the ground: and of all the men that are with him, wee will not leaue him one.
13 Kaponi odhi mopondo e dala moro, to jo-Israel duto nokel tonde e dalano kendo wanaywa ohinga mar dalano mi wamuke kwatere e holo ma kata mana bathe matin ok noyudi.”
Moreouer if he be gotten into a citie, then shall all the men of Israel bring ropes to that citie, and we will draw it into the riuer, vntill there be not one small stone founde there.
14 Abisalom kod ji duto mag Israel nowacho niya, “Rieko mar Hushai ja-Arki ber moloyo mar Ahithofel.” Nimar Jehova Nyasaye noramo ni nyaka oroch rieko maber mane Ahithofel ongʼado mondo okelni Abisalom masira.
Then Absalom and all the men of Israel sayde, The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better, then the counsell of Ahithophel: for the Lord had determined to destroy the good counsell of Ahithophel, that the Lord might bring euill vpon Absalom.
15 Hushai nonyiso Zadok gi Abiathar, ma jodolo niya, “Ahithofel osengʼado rieko ni Abisalom gi jodong Israel mondo otim ma gi macha, to an bende asengʼado rieko mondo gitim mana kama.
Then said Hushai vnto Zadok and to Abiathar the Priests, Of this and that maner did Ahithophel and the Elders of Israel counsell Absalom: and thus and thus haue I counseled.
16 Koro oruru wach piyo piyo mondo unyis Daudi ni, ‘Kik inindi e dho wath manie thim; to nyaka ingʼadi idhi loka machielo nono to ruoth gi joma ni kode notieki.’”
Now therefore sende quickely, and shewe Dauid, saying, Tarie not this night in the fieldes of the wildernesse, but rather get thee ouer, lest the King be deuoured and all the people that are with him.
17 Jonathan gi Ahimaz ne ni En Rogel. Nyako moro ma jatich ne onego ternegi wach, to gin ne giterone ruoth Daudi nikech ne ok gidwar ni ngʼato onegi ka gidonjo e dala maduongʼno.
Now Ionathan and Ahimaaz abode by En-rogel: (for they might not be seene to come into the citie) and a maid went, and tolde them, and they went and shewed King Dauid.
18 To kata kamano rawera moro nonenogi mowacho ni Abisalom. Omiyo ji ariyogi nowuok piyo kendo negidhi Bahurim e od ngʼat moro. Ne en gi soko e laru mare, kendo negidonjo e iye.
Neuerthelesse a yong man sawe them, and tolde it to Absalom. therefore they both departed quickely, and came to a mans house in Bahurim, who had a well in his court, into the which they went downe.
19 Chi ngʼatno nokawo gimoro ma oumogo soko bangʼe ne omoyo cham e wiye. To onge ngʼama nofwenyo sokono.
And the wife tooke and spred a couering ouer the welles mouth, and spred ground corne thereon, that the thing should not be knowen.
20 Kane jo-Abisalom obiro e od dhakoni, negipenje niya, “Ere Ahimaz gi Jonathan?” Dhakono nodwoko niya, “Ne gisengʼado aora.” Jogi nodwero to ne ok giyudo ngʼato, mine gidok Jerusalem.
And when Absaloms seruants came to the wife into the house, they said, Where is Ahimaaz and Ionathan? And the woman answered them, They be gone ouer the brooke of water. And when they had sought them, and could not finde them, they returned to Ierusalem.
21 Ka jogo nosedhi, ji ariyogi nowuok e soko mi gidhi gitero ni ruoth Daudi wach. Negiwachone niya, “Wuogi ingʼad aora piyo, Ahithofel osengʼado rieko machal kama kuomi.”
And assoone as they were departed, the other came out of the well, and went and tolde King Dauid, and sayde vnto him, Vp, and get you quickely ouer the water: for such counsell hath Ahithophel giuen against you.
22 Omiyo Daudi gi ji duto mane ni kode nowuok mongʼado aora Jordan. Kane piny yawore to ne onge ngʼat modongʼ kapok ongʼado Jordan.
Then Dauid arose, and all the people that were with him, and they went ouer Iorden vntil the dawning of the day, so that there lacked not one of them, that was not come ouer Iorden.
23 Kane Ahithofel oneno ni rieko mane ongʼado ok oluw, noidho pundane modok dalagi e ode. Noloso weche mag ode; bangʼe ne odere. Omiyo notho moike e bur wuon mare.
Nowe when Ahithophel sawe that his counsell was not followed, he sadled his asse, and arose, and he went home vnto his citie, and put his houshold in order, and hanged him selfe, and dyed, and was buryed in his fathers graue.
24 Daudi nodhi Mahanaim, to Abisalom nongʼado aora Jordan kod jo-Israel duto.
Then Dauid came to Mahanaim. And Absalom passed ouer Iorden, he, and all the men of Israel with him.
25 Abisalom noseketo Amasa mondo otel ni jolweny kar Joab. Amasa ne wuod ngʼat moro miluongo ni Jetha, ja-Israel mane okendo Abigael, nyar Nahash mane nyamin Zeruya ma min Joab.
And Absalom made Amasa captaine of the hoste in the stead of Ioab: which Amasa was a mans sonne named Ithra an Israelite, that went in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash, sister to Zeruiah Ioabs mother.
26 Jo-Israel gi Abisalom nojot e piny Gilead.
So Israel and Absalom pitched in the land of Gilead.
27 Kane Daudi obiro Mahanaim, Shobi wuod Nahash maa Raba e piny jo-Amon, gi Makir wuod Amiel maa Lo Debar, gi Barzilai ma ja-Gilead maa Rogelim,
And when Dauid was come to Mahanaim, Shobi the sonne of Nahash out of Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and Machir the sonne of Ammiel out of Lo-debar, and Barzelai the Gileadite out of Rogel
28 nokelo gige nindo gi bakunde to gi gik mochwe gi lowo. Bende negikelo ngano gi shairi, mogo gi cham molodi, oganda gi ngʼor,
Brought beds, and basens, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and floure, and parched corne, and beanes, and lentiles, and parched corne.
29 mor kich gi chak mopoto, rombe, cha dhiangʼ mopoto mongʼin ni Daudi gi joge mondo ocham. Nimar negiwacho niya, “Jogi osebedo mool kendo riyo ohewogi e thim.”
And they brought hony, and butter, and sheepe, and cheese of kine for Dauid and for the people that were with him, to eate: for they said, The people is hungry, and wearie, and thirstie in the wildernesse.

< 2 Samuel 17 >