< 2 Samuel 15 >

1 Bangʼ kinde moko, Abisalom nongʼiewo gari gi farese kendo ne en gi ji piero abich mane ringo e nyime.
Now after these things Absalom made himself chariots, and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.
2 Ne ochiewo gokinyi kendo nochungʼ e bath yo mochiko dhoranga dala maduongʼ. E kinde duto mane ngʼato angʼata obiro man-gi wach modwaro mondo ruoth ongʼadnee rieko, Abisalom ne luonge kapenje niya, “Ia e dala mane?” To nodwoke niya, “Jatichni oa e achiel kuom dhout Israel.”
And Absalom rising up early stood by the entrance of the gate, and when any man had business to come to the king’s judgment, Absalom called him to him, and said: Of what city art thou? He answered, and said: Thy servant is of such a tribe of Israel.
3 Eka Abisalom ne odwoke niya, “Aneno ni wecheni beyo kendo gin adier; to makmana ni onge ngʼat ma ruoth oseketo mondo owinjne weche makamagi.”
And Absalom answered him: Thy words seem to me good and just. But there is no man appointed by the king to hear thee. And Absalom said:
4 Kendo Abisalom nomedo wacho niya, “Ka dine yiera mondo abed jangʼad bura e piny, to ngʼato angʼata man-gi ywak kata wach moro, nyalo biro ira kendo anyalo neno ni ongʼadne bura mowinjore.”
O that they would make me judge over the land, that all that have business might come to me, that I might do them justice.
5 Bende e kinde ma ngʼato angʼata nobiro ire mondo okulre e nyime, Abisalom ne mako lwet ngʼatno kendo nyodhe.
Moreover when any man came to him to salute him, he put forth his hand, and took him, and kissed him.
6 Abisalom notimo kama ni jo-Israel duto mane biro ir ruoth mondo ongʼadnigi bura, kendo noywayogo chuny jo-Israel.
And this he did to all Israel that came for judgment, to be heard by the king, and he enticed the hearts of the men of Israel.
7 Bangʼ ka higni angʼwen noserumo, Abisalom nowachone ruoth niya, “Yiena mondo adhi Hebron kendo achop singruok moro mane atimo gi Jehova Nyasaye.
And after forty years, Absalom said to king David: Let me go, and pay my vows which I have vowed to the Lord in Hebron.
8 Kane jatichni odak Geshur e piny Aram, ne asingora kama: ‘Ka Jehova Nyasaye noduoga Jerusalem, to anadhi alam Jehova Nyasaye Hebron.’”
For thy servant made avow, when he was in Gessur of Syria, saying: If the Lord shall bring me again into Jerusalem I will offer sacrifice to the Lord.
9 Ruoth nowachone niya, “Dhi gi kwe.” Omiyo nodhi Hebron.
And king David said to him: Go in peace. And he arose, and went to Hebron.
10 Eka Abisalom nooro joote lingʼ-lingʼ e dhout Israel duto kowacho niya, “E sa moro amora ma unuwinj ka turumbete oywak, to wachuru ni, ‘Ruodh Hebron, en Abisalom.’”
And Absalom sent spies into all the tribes of Israel, saying: As soon as you shall hear the sound of the trumpet, say ye: Absalom reigneth in Hebron.
11 Ji mia ariyo moa Jerusalem nobiro kod Abisalom. Ne oluong-gi kaka welo mi gidhi gichuny maler ka ok gingʼeyo gimoro amora madhi nyime.
Now there went with Absalom two hundred men out of Jerusalem that were called, going with simplicity of heart, and knowing nothing of the design.
12 Kane Abisalom timo misengini, nooro joote mondo oom Ahithofel ma ja-Gilon, jangʼad rieko ni Daudi mondo obi koa Gilo, ma dalagi. Omiyo tim mar ngʼanyo nomedo bedo gi teko, kendo ji mane luwo bangʼ Abisalom nosiko ka medore.
Absalom also sent for Achitophel the Gilonite, David’s counsellor, from his city Gilo. And while he was offering sacrifices, there was a strong conspiracy, and the people running together increased with Absalom.
13 Jaote nobiro mowachone Daudi niya, “Chuny jo-Israel nigi Abisalom.”
And there came a messenger to David, saying: All Israel with their whole heart followeth Absalom.
14 Eka Daudi nowachone jodonge duto mane ni kode Jerusalem niya, “Biuru! Nyaka to waring waa ka, ka ok kamano onge ngʼato kuomwa mabiro tony e lwet Abisalom. Nyaka wawuog mapiyo, nono to enobi mapiyo mojukwa mi otiekwa kendo oneg ji e dala maduongʼ gi ligangla.”
And David said to his servants, that were with him in Jerusalem: Arise and let us flee: for we shall not escape else from the face of Absalom: make haste to go out, lest he come and overtake us, and bring ruin upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.
15 Jodong ruoth nodwoke niya, “Jotiji to oikore mar timo gimoro amora ma ruodhwa ma en ruoth oyiero.”
And the king’s servants said to him: Whatsoever our lord the king shall command, we thy servants will willingly execute.
16 Ruoth nowuok kaachiel gi joode duto makmana monde mamoko apar ema ne oweyo karito dala ruoth.
And the king went forth, and all his household on foot: and the king left ten women his concubines to keep the house:
17 Omiyo ruoth nowuok kaachiel gi ji duto kaluwo bangʼe, negidhi ma gichungʼ matin kamoro mochwalore.
And the king going forth and all Israel on foot, stood afar off from the house:
18 Joge duto nowuotho mokadho ka gin kaachiel gi jo-Kereth duto kod jo-Peleth; to gi jo-Giti duto mia auchiel mane obiro kode koa Gath bende ne wuotho e nyim ruoth.
And all his servants walked by him, and the bands of the Cerethi, and the Phelethi, and all the Gethites, valiant warriors, six hundred men who had followed him from Geth on foot, went before the king.
19 Ruoth nowachone Itai ja-Giti niya, “Angʼo momiyo idhi kodwa? Dogi mondo ibed gi Ruoth Abisalom. In ngʼama wendo, moringo koa e pinygi.
And the king said to Ethai the Gethite: Why comest thou with us? return and dwell with the king, for thou art a stranger, and art come out of thy own place.
20 Yande eka ibiro ka. To koro tinendeni ere kaka diwuoth kodwa kamoro amora, to an akia kuma adhiye? Dogi mondo ikaw jothuru idhigo. Mad ngʼwono gi adieri bed kodi.”
Yesterday thou camest, and today shalt thou be forced to go forth with us? but I shall go whither I am going: return thou, and take back thy brethren with thee, and the Lord will shew thee mercy, and truth, because thou hast shewn grace and fidelity.
21 To Itai nodwoko ruoth niya, “Akwongʼora gi nying Jehova Nyasaye mangima kendo akwongʼora ni ruodha ma en ruoth ni kamoro amora ma ruodha ma en ruoth nobedie, bed ni en kar ngima kata kar tho, to kanyo bende ema jatichni nobedie.”
And Ethai answered the king, saying: As the Lord liveth, and as my lord the king liveth: in what place soever thou shalt be, my lord, O king, either in death, or in life, there will thy servant be.
22 Daudi nowachone Itai niya, “Wuoth wadhi.” Omiyo Itai ja-Giti nowuotho gi joge duto gi joutegi mane ni kode.
And David said to Ethai: Come, and pass over. And Ethai the Gethite passed, and all the men that were with him, and the rest of the people.
23 Ji duto mane ni kama gikadhoe noywak matek ka jogo duto kadho. Ruoth bende ne ongʼado Holo mar Kidron kendo ji duto nowuotho kochomo yo thim.
And they all wept with a loud voice, and all the people passed over: the king also himself went over the brook Cedron, and all the people marched towards the way that looketh to the desert.
24 Zadok bende ne ni kanyo to gi jo-Lawi duto mane ni kode notingʼo Sandug Muma mar singruok mar Nyasaye. Negiketo Sandug Muma mar singruok mar Nyasaye piny, eka Abiathar nochiwo misengini nyaka ji duto notieko wuok e dala maduongʼ.
And Sadoc the priest also came, and all the Levites with him carrying the ark of the covenant of God, and they set down the ark of God: and Abiathar went up, till all the people that was come out of the city had done passing.
25 Eka ruoth nowachone Zadok niya, “Dwok Sandug Muma mar Nyasaye e dala maduongʼ. Ka Jehova Nyasaye okecha, to enoduoga ka kendo enomi ane Sandug Muma kod kar dak Nyasaye kendo.
And the king said to Sadoc: Carry back the ark of God into the city: if I shall find grace in the sight of the Lord, he will bring me again, and he will shew me it, and his tabernacle.
26 To kowacho ni, ‘Ok amor kodi,’ to aikora; we mondo otim gima oneno ni berne.”
But if he shall say to me: Thou pleasest me not: I am ready, let him do that which is good before him.
27 Ruoth nomedo wacho ni Zadok jadolo niya, “Donge in janen? Dogi dala gi kwe, gi wuodi ma Ahimaz gi Jonathan wuod Abiathar. In kod Abiathar kawuru yawuotu ariyo udhigo.
And the king said to Sadoc the priest: O seer, return into the city in peace: and let Achimaas thy son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar, your two sons, be with you.
28 Abiro rito kama iyoroe aora e thim nyaka ayud wach moa iri kinyisago gima dhi nyime.
Behold I will lie hid in the plains of the wilderness, till there come word from you to certify me.
29 Omiyo Zadok gi Abiathar nodwoko Sandug Muma mar Nyasaye Jerusalem ma gibet kanyo.”
So Sadoc and Abiathar carried back the ark of God into Jerusalem: and they tarried there.
30 To Daudi nomedo wuotho ka twenyo got mar Zeituni kowuotho gi tiende nono, koumo wiye kendo oywak. Ji duto mane ni kode bende noumo wigi, to gin bende ne giywak ka gitwenyo got.
But David went up by the ascent of mount Olivet, going up and weeping, walking barefoot, and with his head covered, and all the people that were with them, went up with their heads covered weeping.
31 Nonwangʼo ka Daudi osenyisi niya, “Ahithofel en achiel kuom jo-andhoga mane oriwore gi Abisalom.” Omiyo Daudi nolemo niya, “Yaye Jehova Nyasaye, lok ngʼado rieko mar Ahithofel obed fuwo.”
And it was told David that Achitophel also was in the conspiracy with Absalom, and David said: Infatuate, O Lord, I beseech thee, the counsel of Achitophel.
32 Kane Daudi ochopo ewi got kuma ji ne lamoe Nyasaye chon, Hushai ja-Arki ne ni kanyo mondo orom kode, lawe ne oyiech kendo buru ne ni e wiye.
And when David was come to the top of the mountain, where he was about to adore the Lord, behold Chusai the Arachite, came to meet him with his garment rent and his head covered with earth.
33 Daudi nowachone niya, “Kidhi koda to idhi bedona tingʼ mapek.
And David said to him: If thou come with me, thou wilt be a burden to me:
34 To kidok e dala maduongʼ miwachone Abisalom ni, ‘Abiro bedo jatiji, yaye ruoth; nikech ne an jatij wuonu ndalo mokadho, to sani koro abiro bedo jatiji,’ to kitimo ma to inyalo konya ketho ngʼado rieko mar Ahithofel.
But if thou return into the city, and wilt say to Absalom: I am thy servant, O king: as I have been thy father’s servant, so I will be thy servant: thou shalt defeat the counsel of Achitophel.
35 Donge jodolo ma gin Zadok gi Abiathar jodhi bedo kodi kuno? Wachnegi gimoro amora miwinjo e dala ruoth.
And thou hast with thee Sadoc, and Abiathar the priests: and what thing soever thou shalt hear out of the king’s house, thou shalt tell it to Sadoc and Abiathar the priests.
36 Yawuotgi ariyo ma gin Ahimaz wuod Zadok gi Jonathan wuod Abiathar bende ni kanyo kodgi. Orgi ira gi gimoro amora miwinjo.”
And there are with them their two sons Achimaas the son of Sadoc, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar: and you shall send by them to me every thing that you shall hear.
37 Omiyo osiep Daudi ma Hushai nochopo Jerusalem e sa mane Abisalom donjoe e dala maduongʼ.
Then Chusai the friend of David went into the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem.

< 2 Samuel 15 >