< 1 Timotheo 5 >

1 Kik idhaw gi ngʼama duongʼ gi dwol makwiny, to wuo kode mamuol giluor mana ka wuonu monywoli. Kaw yawuowi matindo ka oweteni,
Blame thou not an eldere man, but biseche as a fadir, yonge men as britheren; elde wymmen as modris,
2 to mon madongo kaw ka mineni, kendo mon matindo kaw ka nyimineni, e yo maler chutho.
yonge wymmen as sistris, in al chastite.
3 Nyaka ipar mon ma chwogi otho modongʼ kendgi madwaro kony e yor adiera.
Honoure thou widewis, that ben very widewis.
4 To ka dhako ma chwore otho moro nigi nyithindo kata nyikwayo to ber mondo gitingʼ nying Nyasaye malo kuom rito joodgi ka gikonyo jonywolgi gi kweregi kod deyegi, nikech timo kamano longʼo ni Nyasaye.
But if ony widewe hath children of sones, lerne sche first to gouerne her hous, and quyte to fadir and modir; for this thing is acceptid bifor God.
5 Dhako ma chwore otho keto genone duto kuom Nyasaye, kendo osiko olamo odiechiengʼ gotieno kokwayo Nyasaye mondo okonye.
And sche that is a widewe verili, and desolate, hope in to God, and be bisy in bisechingis and preieris niyt and dai.
6 To dhako ma chwore otho mohero mor mar piny, osetho kata obedo ni pod ongima.
For sche that is lyuynge in delicis, is deed.
7 Puonj ji wechegi bende, mondo kik ngʼato obed gi bura.
And comaunde thou this thing, that thei be withouten repreef.
8 Ka ngʼato ok orito wedene, to moloyo ka ok orito joode owuon, to osekwedo yie marwa, kendo orach moloyo japiny.
For if ony man hath not cure of his owne, and most of hise household men, he hath denyed the feith, and is worse than an vnfeithful man.
9 Dhako moro amora ma chwore otho ok nyal ndik nyinge kama indike nying mon ma chwogi otho ka hikgi ok oloyo higni piero auchiel, to bende nyaka bed ni ne osebedo ja-adiera e dakne gi chwore,
A widewe be chosun not lesse than sixti yeer, that was wijf of oon hosebonde,
10 kendo ongʼeye kuom timbene mabeyo kaka oserito nyithindo e yo mowinjore kendo osebedo kohero rwako welo e ode, kendo osebedo ka olwoko tiend jomaler kendo ka okonyo joma ni e chandruok, kochiwore chuth ni timo gik mabeyo duto.
and hath witnessing in good werkis, if sche nurschede children, if sche resseyuede pore men to herbore, if sche hath waischun the feet of hooli men, if sche mynystride to men that suffriden tribulacioun, if sche folewide al good werk.
11 Kik iyie mondo mon ma chwogi otho ma pod tindo ndik nying-gi kama indikoe nying mon ma chwogi otho. Nikech ka ringregi ohewogi gi gombo to giweyo Kristo ka gimanyo chwo mondo okendgi.
But eschewe thou yongere widewis; for whanne thei han do letcherie, thei wolen be weddid in Crist,
12 Kuom mano gikelo kum kuomgi giwegi, nikech giseketho singruokgi mokwongo.
hauynge dampnacioun, for thei han maad voide the firste feith.
13 To bende ewi mano, gibedo jo-samuoyo ma budho abudha, ka gibayo abaya e ute ji koni gi koni. Ok gibed mana jo-samuoyo ma budho abudha kende, to bende gibedo jokuoth ka gichuogore e weche ji mamoko kendo ka giwuoyo e weche ma ok onego giwuoye.
Also thei idil lernen to go aboute housis, not oneli ydel, but ful of wordis and curiouse, spekynge thingis that bihoueth not.
14 Kuom mano daher mondo mon ma chwogi otho matindo okendi, mondo ginywol nyithindo, kendo girit utegi mondo kik gimi jasigu thuolo mar ketho nying joma oyie.
Therfor Y wole, that yongere widewis be weddid, and bringe forth children, and ben hosewyues, to yyue noon occasioun to the aduersarie, bi cause of cursid thing.
15 Chutho, moko odok chien mi koro giluwo Satan.
For now summe ben turned abak aftir Sathanas.
16 To ka ngʼama oyie moro odak gi mon ma chwogi otho e dalane, onego okonygi en owuon mondo kik kanisa bed gi tingʼ mapek mar ritogi, eka kanisa okony mon ma chwogi otho mamoko man kendgi chuth maonge ngʼama nyalo konyogi.
If ony feithful man hath widewis, mynystre he to hem, that the chirche be not greuyd, that it suffice to hem that ben very widewis.
17 Jodong kanisa morito weche mag kanisa onego yud pok margi nyadiriyo, to moloyo jodongo ma tichgi en yalo kod puonjo wach Nyasaye.
The prestis that ben wel gouernoures, be thei had worthi to double onour; moost thei that trauelen in word and teching.
18 Nimar Ndiko owacho niya, “Kik utwe dho dhiangʼ kaywayo lodi ma idinogo cham,” kendo niya, “Jatich ber gi chudo kuom tije motiyo.”
For scripture seith, Thou schalt not bridil the mouth of the oxe threischinge, and, A werk man is worthi his hire.
19 Kik iyie gi ketho modonjnego jaduongʼ kanisa kaonge joneno ariyo kata adek.
Nyle thou resseyue accusyng ayens a preest, but vndur tweyne or thre witnessis.
20 Joma osiko timo richo nyaka kwer ratiro e nyim ji eka joma moko obed maluor.
But reproue thou men that synnen bifor alle men, that also othere haue drede.
21 Achiki e nyim Nyasaye kendo e nyim Kristo Yesu, kaachiel gi malaika moyier, ni mondo ilu puonjgi adimba ma ok idewo wangʼ ngʼato kendo ma ok idok kor ngʼato angʼata.
Y preie bifor God, and Jhesu Crist, and hise chosun aungelis, that thou kepe these thingis with oute preiudice, and do no thing in bowynge `in to the othere side.
22 Kik irikni yieyo lwedo kuom ji, kendo kik iriwri e richo ji mamoko. Ritri mondo ngimani osik kaler.
Put thou hondis to no man, nether anoon comyne thou with othere mennus synnes. Kepe thi silf chast.
23 Ok onego imodh pi kende, to madh divai matin mondo okonyni iyi nikech midekre ma in-go pile.
Nyle thou yit drinke watir, but vse a litil wyn, for thi stomac, and `for thin ofte fallynge infirmytees.
24 Jomoko richogi ongʼongʼore kendo otelo nyimgi ka terogi e bura to richo jomoko to opondo kendo luwo bangʼ-gi.
Sum mennus synnes ben opyn, bifor goynge to dom; but of summen thei comen aftir.
25 Mano bende e kaka tim ngʼato makare bende ongʼongʼore, kendo kata mana mago motimo mopondo fwenyore bangʼe.
And also goode dedis ben opyn, and tho that han hem in othere maner, moun not be hid.

< 1 Timotheo 5 >