< 1 Timotheo 2 >
1 Wach mokwongo ma jiwo en ni ji duto mondo oter kwayogi e nyim Nyasaye ka gilamo kendo ka gigoyo erokamano ni Nyasaye
I exhort thee, therefore, first of all, that thou present to God supplication, and prayer, and intercession, and thanksgiving, for all men:
2 ne ruodhi gi joma nitie e loch duto mondo eka wadag gi kwe maonge tungni, ka waluoro Nyasaye kendo ka wan jomaler chuth.
for kings and magistrates, that we may dwell in a quiet and tranquil habitation, with all reverence for God, and with purity.
3 Mani ber kendo moro Nyasaye Jawarwa,
For this is good and acceptable before God our life-giver;
4 madwaro ni ji duto oyud warruok kendo ongʼe adiera.
who would have all men live, and be converted to the knowledge of the truth.
5 Nikech nitie Nyasaye achiel kende gi ngʼat achiel ma jathek e kind Nyasaye gi dhano, en e Kristo Yesu mane obiro e kido mar dhano.
For God is one; and the mediator between God and men is one, namely the man Jesus the Messiah;
6 Nochiwore owuon mondo ochul nengo mar waro ji duto. Kuom mano Nyasaye nokele kaka ranyisi e kinde mowinjore.
who gave himself a ransom for every man; a testimony that arrived in due time,
7 Mano emomiyo ne oyiera kaka jahul wach kendo kaka jaote. Awacho adier, ok ariambi, kendo an japuonj wach yie madier ne joma ok jo-Yahudi.
of which I am constituted a herald and legate. I speak the truth, and do not lie, for I am the teacher of the Gentiles in the belief of the truth.
8 Emomiyo adwaro ni kamoro amora ma ji ochokoree ka lemo to chwo duto mondo otingʼ lwetgi maler malo ka gilemo, maonge mirima kata goyo mbaka.
I desire therefore, that men may pray in every place, while they lift up their hands with purity, without wrath, and without disputations.
9 Adwaro bende ni mon orwakre gi lewni mowinjore ka gibidhore kendo giritore maber, to rwakruokgi kik bed mana mar kado wich kata mar dhahabu kata mar rwako tigo ma nengone tek kata lewni ma nengogi tek,
So also, that women appear in a chaste fashion of dress; and that their adorning be with modesty and chastity; not with curls, or with gold, or with pearls, or with splendid robes;
10 to onego girwakre gi timbe mabeyo mowinjore gi mon mawacho ni oluoro Nyasaye.
but with good works, as becometh women who profess reverence for God.
11 Mon mondo opuonjre kolingʼ kendo koyie winjo wach.
Let a woman learn in silence, with all submission:
12 Ok ayie mondo dhako opuonj ji kata obed gi teko ewi ngʼama dichwo; nyaka olingʼ mos,
for I do not allow a woman to teach, or to be assuming over the man; but let her remain in stillness.
13 nikech Adam ema nokwong chwe eka bangʼe Hawa.
For Adam was first formed, and then Eve.
14 To bende Adam ok ema ne owuondi, to dhako ema ne owuondi, mi odoko jaketho.
And Adam was not seduced, but the woman was seduced and transgressed the command.
15 Kata kamano mon noyud resruok e yor nywolo nyithindo, ka gisiko e yie kod hera gi ngima maler kendo modimbore.
Yet she shall live by means of her children, if they continue in the faith, and in love, and in sanctity, and in chastity.