< 1 Jo-Thesalonika 4 >

1 Mogik, jowetewa, ne wapuonjou kaka onego udag malongʼo ne Nyasaye, mana kaka ngimau chalo sani. To koro wakwayou kendo wajiwou kuom Ruoth Yesu mondo umed timo kamano moloyo.
As to what remains therefore, my brethren, we intreat and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received instructions from us, how ye ought to walk and to please God, ye would abound therein more and more.
2 Nikech ungʼeyo puonj mane wamiyou kuom teko mar Ruoth Yesu.
For ye know what commandments we gave you from the Lord Jesus.
3 En dwaro Nyasaye mondo ubed jomaler. Nyasaye dwaro ni ubed mabor gi timbe mag terruok
For this is the will of God, even your sanctification: that ye should abstain from fornication,
4 to bende ngʼato ka ngʼato nyaka puonjre rito ringre e yo maler kendo malongʼo,
and that every one of you should possess his vessel in sanctification and honor,
5 ma ok oyie mondo ringre oowre gi gombo mathoth kaka jopiny makia Nyasaye timo.
not in the passion of lust, like the heathens who know not God.
6 To kuom wachni, ngʼato kik tim ni wadgi marach kata wuonde. Ruoth biro kumo joma timo timbe ma kamago mana kaka ne wasenyisou kendo siemou.
That no one over-reach, or wrong his brother in any thing: because the Lord is an avenger of all such crimes, as we also told you before, and testified to you.
7 Nimar Nyasaye ne ok oluongowa mondo wadag e ngima mar dwanyruok, to ne oluongowa mondo wadag e ngima maler.
For God hath not called us to impurity, but to holiness.
8 Omiyo ngʼato angʼata motamore winjo puonjni ok otamore winjo dhano, to otamore winjo Nyasaye owuon mamiyou Roho Maler.
He therefore who rejecteth us, rejecteth not man, but God; who hath given us his holy Spirit.
9 To kuom wach hera ma jowete kuom Kristo onego oherrego to ok wane tiende ndikonue, nikech un uwegi Nyasaye osepuonjou mondo uherru ngʼato gi ngʼato.
But as to brotherly love, ye need not that I write unto you; for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.
10 To kuom adiera uhero jowete duto man e miech Makedonia duto. Kata kamano wakwayou, jowetewa, mondo umed timo kamano moloyo mano.
And indeed ye do it to all the brethren, that are in all Macedonia; but we exhort you, brethren, to abound in it more and more:
11 Dwaro maduongʼ mar ngimau onego obed ni mondo udag e ngima mokwe, ka urango mana tijeu kende, kendo kutiyo matek gi lwetu mana kaka ne wachikou,
and endeavour to be quiet, and mind your own affairs, and work with your own hands,
12 mondo kit ngimau mapile oywa chuny joma pok oyie mi gimiu luor, kendo kik uket genou kuom ngʼato angʼata.
as we gave you in charge, that ye may walk decently toward those that are without, and may have need of no one's assistance.
13 Jowetewa, ok wadwar mondo ubed ka ukia gima timore ne joma osetho, kata mondo ubed gi kuyo ka joma moko, maonge gi geno.
But I would not have you ignorant, my brethren, concerning those that are fallen asleep, that ye may not be grieved like others who have no hope:
14 Wayie ni Yesu notho mochier oa kuom joma otho, omiyo wayie ni Nyasaye biro chiero jomo oyie duto mosetho kaachiel kode.
for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also those, that sleep in Jesus, will God bring with Him.
15 Kaluwore gi wach Ruoth owuon, wanyisou ni wan ma Ruoth noyudwa ka pod wangima chiengʼ ma nobie, ok wanakwong dhi kapok okaw joma osetho.
For this we tell you in the word of the Lord, that we who shall be living and remain to the coming of the Lord, shall not be before those that are asleep.
16 Nikech Ruoth owuon nolor koa e polo, mi nogol chik gi dwol maduongʼ, ka malaika maduongʼ kok, kendo ka turumbete mar Nyasaye ywak matek; eka joma nosetho kani kuom Kristo nochier mokwongo.
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with acclamation, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first;
17 Bangʼ mano, wan ma pod wadongʼ ka wangima noyudhwa kaachiel kodgi mi terwa malo e boche polo mondo warom gi Ruoth e polo. Omiyo wanabed gi Ruoth nyaka chiengʼ.
then we who are living and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we for ever be with the Lord.
18 Emomiyo jiwreuru gi wechegi.
Therefore comfort one another with these words.

< 1 Jo-Thesalonika 4 >