< 1 Samuel 25 >
1 Koro Samuel notho, kendo Israel duto nochokore moywage; mine giike e dalane Rama. Bangʼe Daudi nowuok molor piny e Thim Paran.
And death came to Samuel; and all Israel came together, weeping for him, and put his body in its resting-place in his house at Ramah. Then David went down to the waste land of Maon.
2 Ne nitie ngʼat moro e piny Maon mane nigi mwandu Karmel, ne en jamoko ahinya. Ne en gi diek alufu achiel gi rombe alufu adek, mane ongʼado yiegi e Karmel.
Now there was a man in Maon whose business was in Carmel; he was a great man and had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats: and he was cutting the wool of his sheep in Carmel.
3 Ne iluonge ni Nabal to chiege ne iluongo ni Abigael. Ne en dhako mariek kendo ne ojaber, to chwore ne ja-dhood Kaleb, ne en ngʼama koch, jagwondo kendo ma timbene richo.
Now this man was named Nabal, and his wife's name was Abigail: she was a woman of good sense and pleasing looks: but the man was cruel and evil in his ways; he was of the family of Caleb.
4 Kane Daudi ni e thim, nowinjo ni Nabal ngʼado yie rombe.
And David had word in the waste land that Nabal was cutting the wool of his sheep.
5 Omiyo nooro yawuowi apar mowachonegi niya, “Dhiuru Karmel ir Nabal mondo umosnago.
And David sent ten young men, and said to them, Go up to Carmel and go to Nabal, and say kind words to him in my name;
6 Wachneuru ni, ‘Idag amingʼa! Ngimani bende obed maonge tuoche in kaachiel gi odi! Kendo gigi duto obed gi ngima maber!
And say this to my brother, May all be well for you: peace be to you and your house and all you have.
7 “‘Koro asewinjo ni ingʼado yie rombi e kindeni. Kane jokwadhi ni kodwa, to ne ok watimonegi marach, kendo e kinde duto mane gin Karmel onge girgi manolal.
I have had word that you have wool-cutters: now the keepers of your sheep have been with us, and we have done them no evil, and taken nothing of theirs while they were in Carmel.
8 Penj jotiji iwuon kendo gibiro nyisi. Omiyo tim tim ngʼwono ne yawuota ma aorogo kaka wabiro e kinde mag mor. Yie imi wasumbinigi gi wuodi Daudi gimoro amora minyalo miyogi.’”
If your young men are questioned they will say the same thing. So now, let my young men have grace in your eyes, for we are come at a good time; please give anything you may have by you to your servants and to your son David.
9 Kane jo-Daudi ochopo neginyiso Nabal wach ote Daudi, eka negirito.
And when David's young men came, they said all this to Nabal, in David's name, and said nothing more.
10 Nabal nodwoko jotich Daudi niya, “Daudi-ni to en ngʼa? Wuod Jesseni to en ngʼa? Jotich mangʼeny ndaloni ngʼanyo ne ruodhigi.
And Nabal gave them his answer and said, Who is David? who is the son of Jesse? there are a number of servants in these days running away from their masters.
11 Angʼo momiyo dakaw kuona gi piga to gi ringa ma aseyangʼo ne jongʼadna yie rombe mondo ami joma akia kuma oaye?”
Am I to take my bread and my wine and the meat I have got ready for my wool-cutters and give it to men coming from I have no idea where?
12 Jo-Daudi nowichore mi odok. Kane gichopo, neginyiso Daudi weche duto.
So David's young men, turning away, went back and gave him an account of everything he had said.
13 Daudi nowachone joge niya, “Kawuru liganglau!” Omiyo negikawo liganglagi Daudi bende nokawo mare. Ji madirom mia angʼwen nodhi gi Daudi, to mia ariyo nodongʼ karito gigegi.
And David said to his men, Put on your swords, every one of you. And every man put on his sword; and David did the same; and about four hundred men went up with David, and two hundred kept watch over their goods.
14 Achiel kuom jotich nonyiso chi Nabal ma Abigael niya, “Daudi nooro joote koa e thim mondo obi omos jaduongʼwa, to nobayonegi wach.
But one of the young men said to Nabal's wife Abigail, David sent men from the waste land to say kind words to our master, and he gave them a rough answer.
15 Kata kamano jogi noritowa maber ahinya. Ne ok gitimonwa marach, to bende e kinde mane wan oko e pap kodgi onge gimoro mane olal.
But these men have been very good to us; they did us no wrong and nothing of ours was touched while we were with them in the fields:
16 Otieno gi odiechiengʼ ne gibedonwa ka ohinga molworowa kinde duto ka wakwayo rombewa butgi.
But day and night they were like a wall round us while we were with them, looking after the sheep.
17 Koro par ane wach kendo ne gima inyalo timo, nikech chandruok dhi biro ne ruodhwa gi joge duto. Nikech en ngʼat ma achach maonge ngʼama nyalo wuoyo kode.”
So now, give thought to what you are going to do; for evil is in store for our master and all his house: for he is such a good-for-nothing person that it is not possible to say anything to him.
18 Abigael ne ok oketho seche. Nokawo makati mia ariyo, ndede ariyo mar divai, rombe abich moyangʼ gi chamb aloda madirom kilo piero adek gabiriyo, olemb raisin mongʼin maromo mia achiel, gi olemb ngʼowu molos mopamore moromo mia ariyo, eka noketogi e punde.
Then Abigail quickly took two hundred cakes of bread and two skins full of wine and five sheep ready for cooking and five measures of dry grain and a hundred parcels of dry grapes and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them on asses.
19 Eka nowachone jotije niya, “Dhiuru nyime an abiro bangʼu.” To ne ok onyiso chwore ma Nabal.
And she said to her young men, Go on in front of me and I will come after you. But she said nothing to her husband Nabal.
20 Kane oyudo odhi koidho pundane e hoho manie got, to nyime kanyo noneno Daudi gi joge kalor e got biro kochome kendo noromo kodgi.
Now while she was going down under cover of the mountain on her ass, David and his men came down against her, and suddenly she came face to face with them.
21 Daudi noyudo osewacho niya, “Kara ne en gima nono ka athagora gi rito mwandu ngʼatni e thim, maonge kata mana gire mane olal. To osechula mana rach kar ber mane atimone.
Now David had said, What was the use of my taking care of this man's goods in the waste land, so that there was no loss of anything which was his? he has only given me back evil for good.
22 Mad Nyasaye kum Daudi malit ka dipo ni kiny piny orune ngʼato angʼata madichwo e dala maweyo kapod ngima!”
May God's punishment be on David, if when morning comes there is so much as one male of his people still living.
23 Kane Abigael oneno Daudi nolor piyo koa e pundane mane oidho mine mokulore e nyim Daudi nyaka e lowo.
And when Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her ass, falling down on her face before him.
24 Nopodho piny e tiend Daudi mi owacho kama: “Ruodha we rach obed e wiya awuon. Kiyie to we jatichni owuo kodi; winj gima jatichni dwa wacho.
And falling at his feet she said, May the wrong be on me, my lord, on me: let your servant say a word to you, and give ear to the words of your servant.
25 Mad ruodha mondo kik odew ngʼat ma achach ma Nabal. Ochalo mana gi nyinge, nyinge tiende ni ngʼat mofuwo, kendo otimo tim fuwo kuonde duto. An to ne ok aneno joma ne ruodha ooro.
Let my lord give no attention to Nabal, that good-for-nothing: for as his name is, so is he, a man without sense: but I, your servant, did not see the young men whom my lord sent.
26 “Emomiyo koro ruodha, Jehova Nyasaye oseriti mondo kik ichwer remo kendo mondo kik ichul kuor gi lweti to akwongʼora gi nying Jehova Nyasaye mangima kendo gi in iwuon ni mad wasiki kod ji duto machano timoni marach ochal gi Nabal.
So now, my lord, by the living God and by your living soul, seeing that the Lord has kept you from the crime of blood and from taking into your hands the punishment for your wrongs, may all your haters, and those who would do evil to my lord, be like Nabal.
27 Yie mondo michni, ma jatichni osekelo ni ruodha, mondo omi joma luwi.
And let this offering, which your servant gives to my lord, be given to the young men who are with my lord.
28 “Yie iwene jatichni kethone, nimar Jehova Nyasaye nyaka nomi dhood ruodha loch mosiko, nikech okedo lwenje mag Jehova Nyasaye. Kik iyie ketho moro oyud kuomi kapod ingima.
And may the sin of your servant have forgiveness: for the Lord will certainly make your family strong, because my lord is fighting in the Lord's war; and no evil will be seen in you all your days.
29 Kata obedo ni ngʼato lawi mondo otiek ngimani, to ngima mar ruodha notwe motegno gi kanyakla mar joma ngima gi Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachi. To ngima wasiki to nowit mabor mana ka gima odir gorujre.
And though a man has taken up arms against you, putting your life in danger, still the soul of my lord will be kept safe among the band of the living with the Lord your God; and the souls of those who are against you he will send violently away from him, like stones from a bag.
30 Kane Jehova Nyasaye osetimo ni ruodha gik mabeyo duto manosingone mi okete jatend jo-Israel,
And when the Lord has done for my lord all those good things which he has said he will do for you, and has made you a ruler over Israel;
31 to chuny ruodha ok nochandre nine ochwero remo mane ok onego chwer kata chulo kuor ne en wuon. To ka Jehova Nyasaye osemiyo ruodha loch to mondo ipar jatichni.”
Then you will have no cause for grief, and my lord's heart will not be troubled because you have taken life without cause and have yourself given punishment for your wrongs: and when the Lord has been good to you, then give a thought to your servant.
32 Daudi nowachone Abigael niya, “Pak obed ni Jehova Nyasaye, Nyasach Israel, moseori kawuononi mondo irom koda.
And David said to Abigail, May the Lord, the God of Israel, be praised, who sent you to me today:
33 Mad gwedhi kuom ngʼado buchi maber kendo kuom gengʼa mondo kik achwer remo kawuononi mar chulo kuor gi lwetena awuon.
A blessing on your good sense and on you, who have kept me today from the crime of blood and from taking into my hands the punishment for my wrongs.
34 Ka ok kamano, to akwongʼora gi nying Jehova Nyasaye mangima ma Nyasach Israel, mosegengʼa mondo kik ahinyi, ka dine ok ibiro piyo mondo iromna, to dine ok odongʼ dichwo moro amora ka Nabal.”
For truly, by the living Lord, the God of Israel, who has kept me from doing you evil, if you had not been so quick in coming to me and meeting me, by dawn there would not have been in Nabal's house so much as one male living.
35 Eka Daudi noyie mokawo gik mane osekelone mi owacho niya, “Dhi dala gi kwe. Asewinjo wecheni kendo aseyie gi kwayoni.”
Then David took from her hands her offering: and he said to her, Go back to your house in peace; see, I have given ear to your voice, and taken your offering with respect.
36 Ka Abigael nodhi ir Nabal ne en e ot kotimo Sawo maduongʼ ka mar ruoth. Ne omor ahinya bende ne omer. To ok nowachone gimoro nyaka piny noru.
And Abigail went back to Nabal; and he was feasting in his house like a king; and Nabal's heart was full of joy, for he had taken much wine; so she said nothing to him till dawn came.
37 To ka nochopo okinyi ka Nabal kongʼo noserumo e wangʼe, chiege nowachone gik moko duto, mi chunye notho mochalo ka kidi.
And in the morning, when the effect of the wine was gone, Nabal's wife gave him an account of all these things, and all the heart went out of him, and he became like stone.
38 Bangʼ ndalo apar, eka Jehova Nyasaye nogoyo Nabal mi notho.
And about ten days after, the Lord sent disease on Nabal and death came to him.
39 Kane Daudi owinjo ni Nabal osetho, nowacho niya, “Pak obed ne Jehova Nyasaye, mosechulo kuor kuom ajara mane Nabal ojarago. Osegengʼo jatichne mondo kik otim marach mi oseketo timbene maricho e wiye owuon.” Eka Daudi nooro wach ne Abigael, kopenje mondo obed chiege.
And David, hearing that Nabal was dead, said, May the Lord be praised, who has taken up my cause against Nabal for the shame which he put on me, and has kept back his servant from evil, and has sent on Nabal's head the reward of his evil-doing. And David sent word to Abigail, desiring to take her as his wife.
40 Jotichne ne odhi Karmel mowachone Abigael niya, “Daudi oseorowa iri mondo wateri ire idhi ibed chiege.”
And when David's servants came to Carmel, to Abigail, they said to her, David has sent us to you to take you to him as his wife.
41 Nokulore piny ka okulo wiye piny auma mochopo e lowo mine owacho, “Jatichni madhako nika, oikore mar tiyonu kendo luoko tiend jotich ruodha.”
And she got up, and going down on her face to the earth, said, See, I am ready to be a servant-girl, washing the feet of the servants of my lord.
42 Abigael noidho punda piyo piyo ka jotije abich hike kendo rite, negidhi gi joote Daudi mobedo chiege.
Then Abigail got up quickly and went on her ass, with five of her young women, after the men whom David had sent; and she became David's wife.
43 Daudi noyudo osekendo Ahinoam ma nyar Jezreel, to giduto ne gin mond Daudi.
And David had taken Ahinoam of Jezreel, to be his wife; these two were his wives.
44 To Saulo nosekawo nyare ma Mikal, mane chi Daudi mi omiyo Paltiel wuod Laish mane ja-Galim.
Now Saul had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Palti the son of Laish of Gallim.