< 1 Ruodhi 5 >
1 Kane Hiram ruodh Turo owinjo ni Solomon osewir mondo obed ruoth kar Daudi wuon-gi, nooro joote ire nikech nosebedo ka en osiepe kod Daudi.
Now Hiram, king of Tyre, hearing that Solomon had been made king in place of his father, sent his servants to him; for Hiram had ever been a friend to David.
2 Solomon nooro wachne Hiram kowacho niya,
And Solomon sent back word to Hiram, saying,
3 “Ingʼeyo ni nikech lwenje duto mane Daudi wuora kedogo koni gi koni mane miyo ok onyal gero hekalu moluongo Nying Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasache nyaka chop Jehova Nyasaye ket wasike duto e bwo tiende.
You have knowledge that David my father was not able to make a house for the name of the Lord his God, because of the wars which were round him on every side, till the Lord put all those who were against him under his feet.
4 To koro Jehova Nyasaye Nyasacha osemiya yweyo kuom pinje duto molwora bende onge Jawasigu kata masira moro amora.
But now the Lord my God has given me rest on every side; no one is making trouble, and no evil is taking place.
5 Omiyo achano gero hekalu ni Nying Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasacha kaka Jehova Nyasaye nochiko Daudi wuonwa kowacho ni, ‘Wuodi ma anaketi e kom loch kari biro gero hekalu ni Nyinga.’
And so it is my purpose to make a house for the name of the Lord my God, as he said to David my father, Your son, whom I will make king in your place, will be the builder of a house for my name.
6 “Kuom mano gol chik mondo ongʼadna Sida mag Lebanon. Jotichna biro tiyo kaachiel gi jotichni, bende abiro chulo jogi chudo moro amora miketo. Ingʼeyo ni waonge gi ngʼat ma olony e goyo yien piny kaka jo-Sidon.”
So now, will you have cedar-trees from Lebanon cut down for me, and my servants will be with your servants; and I will give you payment for your servants at whatever rate you say; for it is common knowledge that we have no such wood-cutters among us as the men of Zidon.
7 Kane Hiram owinjo ote Solomon ne omor ahinya mine owacho niya, “Pak obed ni Jehova Nyasaye kawuono nikech osemiyo Daudi wuowi mariek mondo olochi kuom oganda maduongʼni.”
And these words of Solomon made Hiram glad, and he said, Now may the Lord be praised who has given to David a wise son to be king over this great people.
8 Omiyo Hiram nodwoko Solomon kawacho niya, “Aseyudo wach mane iorona kendo abiro timo duto midwaro kuom chiwo yiend Sida gi bao.
Then Hiram sent to Solomon, saying; The words you sent have been given to me: I will do all your desire in the question of cedar-wood and cypress-wood.
9 Joga biro ywayogi kagologi Lebanon nyaka e nam, kendo abiro kwangʼogi gi yie e nam nyaka kama iniwachi. Kanyo abiro pogogi kendo inyalo kawogi. To nyaka itim dwarona ka ichiwo chiemo moromo jooda ma joka ruoth duto.”
My men will take them down from Lebanon to the sea, where I will have them corded together to go by sea to whatever place you say, and I will have them cut up there so that you may take them away; as for payment, it will be enough if you give me food for my people.
10 Mano e kaka Hiram nochiwo ni Solomon gi yien duto mag Sida gi bao mane odwaro,
So Hiram gave Solomon all the cedar-wood and cypress-wood he had need of;
11 kendo Solomon nochiwo ni Hiram gunde alufu mia achiel gi piero ariyo gabich mag ngano mondo obed chiemb joode kod mo madirom lita mia angʼwen gi piero aboro. Solomon nomedo dhi nyime katimo maa ne Hiram higa ka higa.
And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand measures of grain, as food for his people, and twenty measures of clear oil; this he did every year.
12 Jehova Nyasaye nomiyo Solomon rieko mana kaka nosesingorene. Ne nitie winjruok mar kwe e kind Hiram kod Solomon kendo gin ji ariyogo negitimo singruok e kindgi.
Now the Lord had given Solomon wisdom, as he had said to him; and there was peace between Hiram and Solomon, and they made an agreement together.
13 Ruoth Solomon nondiko jotich lwedo mar achuna e piny Israel duto maromo joma chwo alufu piero adek.
Then King Solomon got together men for the forced work through all Israel, thirty thousand men in number;
14 Noorogi mondo gi dhi Lebanon dwe ka dwe ka gitiyo e migawo mar ji alufu apar e dwe, omiyo negitieko dwe achiel Lebanon to dweche ariyo gitieko dala. Adoniram ema ne otelo e tich lwedo matek mar achunano.
And sent them to Lebanon in bands of ten thousand every month: for a month they were working in Lebanon and for two months in their country, and Adoniram was in control of them.
15 Solomon ne nigi jotingʼo alufu piero abiriyo kod jopa kidi ewi got ji alufu piero aboro,
Then he had seventy thousand for the work of transport, and eighty thousand stone-cutters in the mountains;
16 kaachiel gi nyipeche alufu adek gi mia adek mane ochungʼ ne tich.
In addition to the chiefs of the responsible men put by Solomon to oversee the work, three thousand and three hundred in authority over the workmen.
17 Kane ruoth oketonegi chik negimuko kite madongo ma nengogi tek mag mise mag kite mopa mag hekalu.
By the king's orders great stones, stones of high price, were cut out, so that the base of the house might be made of squared stone.
18 Kamano jogedo molony mag Solomon gi Hiram kod jo-Gibal nongʼado yien kendo oloso bepe kod kite mag gero hekalu.
Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders did the work of cutting them, and put edges on them, and got the wood and the stone ready for the building of the house.