< 1 Ruodhi 4 >

1 Kamano ruoth Solomon nobedo ruodh Israel duto.
And King Salomon was King ouer all Israel.
2 Magi ema ne jodonge madongo: Azaria wuod Zadok jadolo;
And these were his princes, Azariah the sonne of Zadok the Priest,
3 Elihoref kod Ahija yawuot Shisha jogoro; Jehoshafat wuod Ahilud jachan weche.
Elihoreph and Ahiah the sonnes of Shisha scribes, Iehoshaphat the sonne of Ahilud, the recorder,
4 Benaya wuod Jehoyada jatend jolweny. Zadok kod Abiathar ma jodolo;
And Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada was ouer the hoste, and Zadok and Abiathar Priests,
5 Azaria wuod Nathan ma jatend jodong gwengʼ, Zabud wuod Nathan jadolo kendo jangʼad ni ruoth rieko;
And Azariah the sonne of Nathan was ouer the officers, and Zabud the sonne of Nathan Priest was the Kings friend,
6 Ahishar ma jatend od ruoth; Adoniram wuod Abda ma jatend tij achune.
And Ahishar was ouer the houshold: and Adoniram the sonne of Abda was ouer the tribute.
7 Solomon bende ne nigi jotelo apar gariyo mane orito pinje manie Israel duto kendo ne choko gik moko ne ruoth kod joge. Moro ka moro kuomgi ne kelo chiemo kuom dwe achiel e higa.
And Salomon had twelue officers ouer all Israel, which prouided vitailes for the King and his housholde: eche man had a moneth in the yeere to prouide vitailes.
8 Magi e nying-gi: Ben-Hur norito pinje mag gode mag Efraim:
And these are their names: the sonne of Hur in mount Ephraim:
9 Ben-Deker norito Makaz; Shalbim, Beth Shemesh kod Elon Bethhanan;
The sonne of Dekar in Makaz, and in Shaalbim and Beth-shemesh, and Elon and Beth-hanan:
10 Ben-Hesed norito Aruboth (Soko kod pinje duto mag Hefer).
The sonne of Hesed in Aruboth, to whom perteined Sochoh, and all the land of Hepher:
11 Ben-Abinadab norito Nafoth Dor (kendo nokendo Tafath ma nyar Solomon).
The sonne of Abinadab in all the region of Dor, which had Taphath the daughter of Salomon to wife.
12 Baana wuod Ahilud norito Tanak, gi Megido nyaka Beth Shan duto machiegni gi Zarethan man mwalo mar Jezreel, koa Beth Shan nyaka Abel Mehola man loka mar Jokmeam.
Baana the sonne of Ahilud in Taanach, and Megiddo, and in all Beth-shean, which is by Zartanah beneath Izreel, from Beth-shean to Abelmeholah, eue til beyond ouer against Iokmeam:
13 Ben-Geber norito Ramoth Gilead (kod kuonde dak mag Jair wuod Manase man Gilead kaachiel gi piny mar Argob manie Bashan kod mieche madongo piero auchiel molwor gi ohinga motegno kendo nigi lodi mag rangeye mag mula);
The sonne of Geber in Ramoth Gilead, and his were the townes of Iair, the sonne of Manasseh, which are in Gilead, and vnder him was the region of Argob, which is in Bashan: threescore great cities with walles and barres of brasse.
14 Ahinadab wuod Ido norito Mahanaim;
Ahinadab the sonne of Iddo had to Mahanaim:
15 Ahimaz norito Naftali (kendo nokendo Basemath nyar Solomon);
Ahimaaz in Naphtali, and he tooke Basmath the daughter of Salomon to wife:
16 Baana wuod Hushai norito Asher kod Aloth.
Baanah the sonne of Hushai in Asher and in Aloth:
17 Jehoshafat wuod Parua norito Isakar;
Iehoshaphat the sonne of Paruah in Issachar.
18 Shimei wuod Ela norito Benjamin;
Shimei the sonne of Elah in Beniamin:
19 Geber wuod Uri norito Gilead (enie piny mane Sihon ruoth jo-Amor kod Og ruodh Bashan ne rito chon). En kende ema ne en jaduongʼ motelone gwengʼno.
Geber the sonne of Vri in the countrey of Gilead, the land of Sihon King of the Amorites, and of Og King of Bashan, and was officer alone in the land.
20 Oganda jo-Juda gi jo-Israel ne ngʼeny machalo ka kuoyo manie e dho nam; negichiemo, mi negimetho kendo negimor.
Iudah and Israel were many, as the sand of the sea in number, eating, drinking, and making merry.
21 Kendo Solomon nobedo ruodh pinyno duto chakre Aora maduongʼ mar Yufrate nyaka e piny jo-Filistia mochweyo nyaka giko piny Misri. Pinjegi duto ne kelo osuru ni Solomon bende ne gin e bwo lochne ndalo duto.
And Salomon reigned ouer all kingdomes, from the Riuer vnto the lande of the Philistims, and vnto the border of Egypt, and they brought presents, and serued Salomon all the dayes of his life.
22 Chiemo mane Solomon nwangʼo odiechiengʼ kodiechiengʼ ne romo gunde piero auchiel mag mogo mayom kod gunde mia achiel gi piero ariyo ariyo mag mogo amoga;
And Salomons vitailes for one day were thirtie measures of fine floure, and threescore measures of meale:
23 rwedhi apar machwe mopongʼ, rwedhi piero ariyo machwe kod rombe gi diek mia achiel kaachiel gi mwanda; ogunde, ring ngawo kod awendo machwe.
Ten fat oxen, and twentie oxen of the pastures, and an hundreth sheepe, beside hartes, and buckes, and bugles, and fat foule.
24 Nimar nobedo gi loch kuom pinjeruodhi duto man yo podho chiengʼ mar Aora maduongʼ chakre Tifsa nyaka Gaza kendo ne en gi kwe gi joma olwore duto.
For he ruled in all the region on the other side of the Riuer, from Tiphsah euen vnto Azzah, ouer all the Kings on the other side the Riuer: and he had peace round about him on euery side.
25 E ndalo mag ngima mar Solomon Juda gi Israel chakre Dan nyaka Bersheba nodak gi kwe ka ngʼato ka ngʼato tiyo e puothe mar mzabibu kod ngʼope.
And Iudah and Israel dwelt without feare, euery man vnder his vine, and vnder his fig tree, from Dan, euen to Beer-sheba, all the dayes of Salomon.
26 Solomon ne nigi udi alufu piero angʼwen moger ni Farese kod Farese alufu apar gariyo.
And Salomon had fourtie thousande stalles of horses for his charets, and twelue thousand horsemen.
27 Jodong gwengʼno, moro ka moro e dweye ne chiwo ni ruoth Solomon gi welo duto mane oluongo, maonge gimoro amora morem.
And these officers prouided vitaile for king Salomon, and for all that came to King Salomons table, euery man his moneth, and they suffred to lacke nothing.
28 Bende ngʼato ka ngʼato nokelo Shairi gi lum e kuondegi mag keno ne farese maywa geche kod farese mamoko.
Barley also and strawe for the horses and mules brought they vnto the place where the officers were, euery man according to his charge.
29 Nyasaye nomiyo Solomon rieko gi ngʼeyo matut moloyo kod winjo ma ok nyalo pimore mana ka kwoyo manie dho nam.
And God gaue Salomon wisdome and vnderstanding exceeding much, and a large heart, euen as the sand that is on the sea shore,
30 Rieko Solomon ne duongʼ moloyo jorieko duto manie yo wuok chiengʼ, bende noduongʼ moloyo rieko duto mag Misri.
And Salomons wisdome excelled the wisedome of all the children of the East and all the wisedome of Egypt.
31 Noriek moloyo ngʼato angʼata moriwo kata mana Ethan ja-Ezra kendo riek moloyo Heman gi Kalkol kod Darda yawuot Mahol. Kendo humbe nolandore e pinje molwore duto.
For he was wiser then any man: yea, then were Ethan the Ezrahite, the Heman, then Chalcol, then Darda the sonnes of Mahol: and he was famous throughout all nations round about.
32 Nogoyo ngeche alufu adek kendo wende mane owero noromo alufu achiel gi abich.
And Salomon spake three thousand prouerbs: and his songs were a thousand and fiue.
33 Nowuoyo kuom kit yien kochako gi yiende Sida mag Lebanon nyaka owino magawore e kor udi. Bende nopuonjo ji kuom le kod winy gi le mamol kod rech.
And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon, euen vnto the hyssope that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of foules, and of creeping thinges, and of fishes.
34 Ji moa e pinje duto nobiro mondo owinji rieko Solomon koorgi gi ruodhi mag piny mane osewinjo humb riekone.
And there came of all people to heare the wisedome of Salomon, from all Kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisedome.

< 1 Ruodhi 4 >