< 1 Jo-Korintho 7 >

1 To koro kuom weche mane upenja e barupu, anyalo wacho ni ber mondo ngʼato kik okendi.
But of thilke thingis that ye han write to me, it is good to a man to touche not a womman.
2 To nikech weche mag terruok ngʼeny, ngʼato ka ngʼato nyaka bed gi chiege owuon kendo dhako ka dhako obed gi chwore owuon.
But for fornycacioun eche man haue his owne wijf, and ech womman haue hir owne hosebonde.
3 Dichwo nyaka chop dwach chiege kaka joma okendore, kendo dhako bende nyaka tim kamano ni chwore.
The hosebonde yelde dette to the wijf, and also the wijf to the hosebonde.
4 Nikech dhako mokendi onge gi teko kuom ringre owuon, to en mar chwore. Kamano bende, dichwo mokendo onge gi teko kuom ringre owuon, to en mar chiege bende.
The womman hath not power of hir bodi, but the hosebonde; and the hosebonde hath not power of his bodi, but the womman.
5 Kik utuonru makmana ka uwinjoru e kindu uwegi mar timo mano kuom kinde machwok mondo uchiwru ni lamo. To bangʼ chiwruok ni lamo, to uchak uriwru kendo mondo kik Satan temu, nikech ok unyal ritoru.
Nyle ye defraude eche to othere, but perauenture of consent to a tyme, that ye yyue tent to preier; and eft turne ye ayen to the same thing, lest Sathanas tempte you for youre vncontynence.
6 Awachonu kamano koa e pacha awuon, to ok kaka chik dwaro.
But Y seie this thing as yyuyng leeue, not bi comaundement.
7 Dobedo maberna moloyo ka ji duto obedo kaka an, to kata kamano, ngʼato ka ngʼato nigi michne ma Nyasaye omiye, ngʼat moro nigi michni, to ngʼat machielo bende nigi mich machielo.
For Y wole, that alle men be as my silf. But eche man hath his propre yifte of God; oon thus, and another thus.
8 To joma pok okendi gi joma pok okendo, kod mon ma chwogi otho, to awachonegi kama: En gima ber moloyo ka gisiko ma ok gikendo kata okendgi, mana kaka an.
But Y seie to hem, that ben not weddid, and to widewis, it is good to hem, if thei dwellen so as Y.
9 To ka ok ginyal ritore giwegi, to onego gikendi, kata okendgi nikech kend ber moloyo ka gombo wangʼo ngʼato ka mach.
That if thei conteynen not hem silf, be thei weddid; for it is betere to be weddid, than to be brent.
10 To ne joma osekendo gi joma osekendi achiwonegi chik (chutho ok an, to Ruoth) kama: Dhako kik were gi chwore.
But to hem that ben ioyned in matrymonye, Y comaunde, not Y, but the Lord, that the wijf departe not fro the hosebonde;
11 To kapo ni otimo kamano, to ochune ni nyaka osik maonge dichwo, to ka ok kamano to odog ir chwore, kendo dichwo bende kik riemb chiege.
and that if sche departith, that sche dwelle vnweddid, or be recounselid to hir hosebonde; and the hosebonde forsake not the wijf.
12 To kuom ji mamoko modongʼ (chutho ok Ruoth, to an ema awachonegi) kama: Ka owadwa moro ma ja-Kristo nigi dhako ma ok oyie, kendo dhakono oyie dak kode, to kik oriembe.
But to othere Y seie, not the Lord. If ony brother hath an vnfeithful wijf, and sche consenteth to dwelle with hym, leeue he hir not.
13 Bende ka dhako nigi dichwo ma ok oyie, to dichwono oyie dak kode kaka chiege, to kik oweye.
And if ony womman hath an vnfeithful hosebonde, and this consentith to dwelle with hir, leeue sche not the hosebonde.
14 Nikech dichwo mapok oyie inyalo pwodho nikech chiege, to dhako mapok oyie bende inyalo pwodho nikech chwore moyie. Ka ok kamano, to nyithindu dibed mogak, to koro sani to ginenore ni giler.
For the vnfeithful hosebonde is halewid bi the feithful womman, and the vnfeithful womman is halewid bi the feithful hosebonde. Ellis youre children weren vncleene, but now thei ben hooli.
15 To ka ngʼat ma ok oyie ojok noa, to weye aweya odhi. Dichwo moyie kata dhako moyie ok otwe e weche ma kamago, nikech Nyasaye oseluongowa mondo wadag gi kwe.
That if the vnfeithful departith, departe he. For whi the brother or sistir is not suget to seruage in siche; for God hath clepid vs in pees.
16 Ingʼeyo nadi, in dhako, kata inyalo miyo chwori yudo warruok? Koso, ingʼeyo nade, in dichwo, ni chiegi nyalo yudo warruok nikech in?
And wherof wost thou, womman, if thou schalt make the man saaf; or wherof wost thou, man, if thou schalt make the womman saaf?
17 Kata kamano, ngʼato ka ngʼato onego odag ngimano mane Ruoth oluonge kendo owuoth wuodhno mane Nyasaye oluongee. Ma e chik ma aseketo ne kanisa.
But as the Lord hath departid to ech, and as God hath clepid ech man, so go he, as Y teche in alle chirchis.
18 Dibed ni ngʼato noluongi koseter nyangu? Kik ogomb ni ne ok otere nyangu. Dibed ni ngʼato noluongi kapok oter nyangu? Ngʼat ma kamano kik ter nyangu.
A man circumcidid is clepid, brynge he not to the prepucie. A man is clepid in prepucie, be he not circumcidid.
19 Bedo ni ngʼato oter nyangu kata ok oter nyangu ok en gimoro. Gima duongʼ en rito Chike Nyasaye.
Circumcisioun is nouyt, and prepucie is nouyt, but the kepyng of the maundementis of God.
20 Omiyo ngʼato ka ngʼato mondo obed mana kaka ne en kane Nyasaye oluonge.
Ech man in what clepyng he is clepid, in that dwelle he.
21 Dibed ni ne in misumba kane Nyasaye oluongi? Kik mano chandi, makmana kapo ni inyalo yudo yor bedo thuolo, to tim kamano moloyo.
Thou seruaunt art clepid, be it no charge to thee; but if thou maist be fre, `the rather vse thou.
22 Nikech ngʼat mane Ruoth oluongo ka misumba koro bedo ngʼat man thuolo kuom Ruoth, to bende ngʼat mane ni thuolo kane Ruoth oluongo doko misumba Kristo.
He that is a seruaunt, and is clepid in the Lord, is a freman of the Lord. Also he that is a freman, and is clepid, is the seruaunt of Crist.
23 Nongʼiewu gi nengo matek, omiyo kik ubed wasumbini mag ji.
With prijs ye ben bouyt; nyle ye be maad seruauntis of men.
24 Jowetena, ngʼato ka ngʼato nigi tingʼ e nyim Nyasaye mondo osik mana kaka Nyasaye noluongeno.
Therfor ech man in what thing he is clepid a brothir, dwelle he in this anentis God.
25 Kuom wach nyiri ma ok okendi to awacho kama: Aonge gi chik moa kuom Ruoth, to achiwo pacha kaka ngʼat ma wechene inyalo geno kuom ngʼwono mar Ruoth.
But of virgyns Y haue no comaundement of God; but Y yyue counseil, as he that hath mercy of the Lord, that Y be trewe.
26 Nikech chandruok mantie sani, aparo ni ber mondo usik kaka uchal.
Therfor Y gesse, that this thing is good for the present nede; for it is good to a man to be so.
27 Dibed ni ngʼato osekendi? Ka kamano, to kik idwar mondo iweri gi chwori. Dibed ni pok ikendo? Kichal kamano, to kik imany nyako mondo ikendi.
Thou art boundun to a wijf, nyle thou seke vnbyndyng; thou art vnboundun fro a wijf, nyle thou seke a wijf.
28 To ka ikendo, to ok itimo richo; kata ka nyako okendi bende ok otimo richo. To joma okendo gi mokendi biro neno chandruok mathoth e ngimani, to adwaro ni akonyu mondo kik une chandruokni.
But if thou hast takun a wijf, thou hast not synned; and if a maidun is weddid, sche synnede not; nethelesse siche schulen haue tribulacioun of fleisch.
29 Jowetena, gima awachonu en ni sa odongʼ matin. Chakre sani koro joma nigi mon onego odag ka gima giongego;
But Y spare you. Therfor, britheren, Y seie this thing, The tyme is schort. Another is this, that thei that han wyues, be as thouy thei hadden noon;
30 joma ywak onego bedi ka joma ok ywagi; joma mor onego odag ka joma ok nigi mor; joma ngʼiewo gimoro onego odag ka gima gik ma gingʼiewogo ok mag-gi,
and thei that wepen, as thei wepten not; and thei that ioien, as thei ioieden not; and thei that bien, as thei hadden not;
31 joma konyore gi gige piny bende kik yie chunygi gedi e gigo, nikech piny ma waneno sani-ni biro kadho.
and thei that vsen this world, as thei that vsen not. For whi the figure of this world passith.
32 Adwaro ni mondo ubed maonge gi kit parruok moro amora. Dichwo ma ok okendo, weche Ruoth ema omako, kaka onyalo siko kotimo gik mamoro Ruoth,
But Y wole, that ye be without bisynesse, for he that is without wijf, is bisi what thingis ben of the Lord, hou he schal plese God.
33 to ngʼama osekendo, to pache omoko e weche pinyni, kaka onyalo timo gik mamiyo chiege mor.
But he that is with a wijf, is bysy what thingis ben of the world, hou he schal plese the wijf, and he is departid.
34 Kendo dwarone bende opogore nyadiriyo. Dhako ma ok okendi, kata nyako ngili, paro kuom weche Ruoth. Thorogi maduongʼ en mondo gibed maler e ringregi gi chunygi. To dhako mokendi, to pache ni kuom gige piny, kaka onyalo miyo chwore mor.
And a womman vnweddid and maidun thenkith what thingis ben of the Lord, that sche be hooli in bodi and spirit. But sche that is weddid, thenkith what thingis ben of the world, hou sche schal plese the hosebonde.
35 Awacho wechegi mondo uyud konyruok kuomgi, to ok mondo aketnu chik manyaka uluw. Adwaro ni udagi e yo maber, ka chiwruoku ni Ruoth ok opogore.
And Y seie these thingis to youre profit, not that Y caste to you a snare, but to that that is onest, and that yyueth esynesse, with outen lettyng to make preieris to the Lord.
36 Ka ngʼato paro ni ok otim maber ne osiepne ma nyako mangili modwaro nyuomo, kendo ka nyakono hike koro medore, to dichwono oneno ni onego okende, to ber mondo okend nyakono. Oonge gi ketho kotimo kamano kendo onego gikendre.
And if ony man gessith hym silf to be seyn foule on his virgyn, that sche is ful woxun, and so it bihoueth to be doon, do sche that that sche wole; sche synneth not, if sche be weddid.
37 To dichwo mosengʼado wach e pache owuon, kendo manyalo chiko dwache maonge ngʼama ochune, koseneno e chunye ni ok odwar nyuomo nyakono, en bende otimo maber.
For he that ordeynede stabli in his herte, not hauynge nede, but hauynge power of his wille, and hath demed in his herte this thing, to kepe his virgyn, doith wel.
38 Kuom mano, ngʼat monyuomo nyako mangilino otimo maber, to ngʼat ma ok onywome otimo maber moloyo.
Therfore he that ioyneth his virgyn in matrymonye, doith wel; and he that ioyneth not, doith betere.
39 Chik otweyo dhako gi chwore ndalo duto ma chwore ngima. To ka chwore otho, to en thuolo mondo onywome gi dichwo moro amora mohero, makmana ni nyaka nyuome gi ngʼat kuom Ruoth.
The womman is boundun to the lawe, as longe tyme as hir hosebonde lyueth; and if hir hosebonde is deed, sche is delyuered fro the lawe of the hosebonde, be sche weddid to whom sche wole, oneli in the Lord.
40 An to pacha neno ni dhako ma chwore otho nyalo neno maber moloyo ka ok ochak onywome, kendo awacho mano ka aparo ni an-gi Roho mar Nyasaye.
But sche schal be more blessid, if sche dwellith thus, aftir my counsel; and Y wene, that Y haue the Spirit of God.

< 1 Jo-Korintho 7 >