< 1 Jo-Korintho 11 >

1 Luwuru timna, mana kaka an bende aluwo tim Kristo.
Be imitators of me, as I am of the Meshiha.
2 Agoyonu erokamano nikech usiko upara e yore duto, kendo nikech umako puonj duto mane amiyou.
But I commend you, my brethren, that in every thing you remember me; and that as I have delivered to you precepts, you hold them.
3 To adwaro mondo ungʼe ni Kristo ewi dichwo ka dichwo, kendo ni dichwo ewi dhako, to Nyasaye ewi Kristo.
But I would that you know that the Meshiha is the head of every man; and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of the Meshiha is Aloha.
4 Kuom mano, dichwo malemo kata makoro e chokruok koumo wiye ochayo Kristo.
Every man who prayeth or prophesieth having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.
5 Kamano bende dhako malemo kata makoro e chokruok, ka ok otweyo kitamba okuodo wi chwore, nikech onge pogruok e kinde gi dhako moliel yie wiye.
And every woman who prayeth or prophesieth having her head uncovered, dishonoureth her head, for she is similar to one whose head is shaven.
6 Ka dhako ok dwar tweyo kitamba, to ber kata mondo oliel yie wiye. To kaka en wichkuot ka dhako olielo yie wiye mapoth, to ber otwe kitamba.
For if a woman be not covered, let her be shorn; but if it be shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
7 Dichwo to ok owinjore oum wiye nikech en ranyisi mar Nyasaye gi duongʼne; dhako to en ranyisi mar duongʼ mar dichwo.
For a man is not obligated to cover his head, because he is the likeness and the glory of Aloha; but woman is the glory of man.
8 Dichwo ne ok oa kuom dhako, to dhako ema ne oa kuom dichwo.
For the man is not from woman, but the woman is from man.
9 To bende, dichwo ne ok ochwe ne dhako, to dhako ema ne ochwe ni dichwo.
Neither was the man created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man.
10 Nikech wachni kendo nikech malaike, dhako mondo oum wiye kaka ranyisi ni en e bwo loch.
Because of this the woman is a debtor, that the power shall be upon her head, on account of the angels.
11 Kata kamano, kuom Ruoth, dhako ok nyal dak maonge dichwo mana kaka dichwo bende ok nyal dak maonge dhako.
Nevertheless man is not without woman, neither is woman without man, in our Lord.
12 Nimar, mana kaka dhako nochwe koa kuom dichwo, e kaka dichwo bende inywolo gi dhako, to gik moko duto oa kuom Nyasaye.
For as a woman is from man, so is man by woman; but every thing is from Aloha.
13 Penjreuru un uwegi ni: Bende en gima kare mondo dhako olam Nyasaye ka ok otweyo kitamba e wiye?
Judge among yourselves, Is it comely for a woman with her head revealed to pray to Aloha?
14 Donge en gima ongʼere ne ji duto ni wich maboyo en wichkuot ni dichwo?
Does not nature itself teach you, that when a man's hair standeth, it is a disgrace to him?
15 To ka dhako yie wiye boyo, to en duongʼ mare, nikech yie wich maboyo omiye kaka raum.
But when a woman increaseth her hair, it is a glory to her; because her hair for a covering was given to her.
16 Ka ngʼato kuomu dwaro kwedo ma, to ongʼe ni waonge gi tim mopogore gi mwapuonjoni, kendo kata kanise duto mag Nyasaye ongego.
But if any man contendeth about these things, we have no such usage as this, neither the church of Aloha.
17 Puonj makoro amiyou sani to ok anyal pakoue, nikech kinde duto ma uchokoru kaachiel to chokruoku kelo mana rach kar kelo ber.
But this I prescribe not as praising you, because you go not forward, but to the less you descend.
18 Mokwongo awinjo ni ka uchokoru kaachiel kaka kanisa, to nitie pogruok e kindu, kendo anyalo yie ni wachno en adier.
For, first, when you are assembled in the church, there are divisions, (as) I hear, among you, and in some measure I believe.
19 Mano emomiyo nitiere pogruok e kindu mondo joma Nyasaye oyiego ongʼere maler.
For it is to be that contentions be among you, that they who are approved with you may be known.
20 Ka uchokoru kanyakla, to nenore ni ok ucham Sap Ruoth;
When then you are assembled, not as befitteth the day of the Lord you eat and drink,
21 nikech ka uchiemo to ngʼato ka ngʼato rikni gichamo chiembe owuon, ma ok orito jowetene; omiyo jomoko kuomu denyo, to jomoko kuomu to mer.
but each man his own supper before eateth, and one is hungry, and one drunken.
22 Donge un gi miechu munyalo chiemoe kendo methoe? Koso uchayo kanisa Nyasaye, momiyo ukuodo wi joma ochando? Angʼo ma dawachnu? Uparo ni dapaku kuom wachni? Ok kamano ngangʼ!
What? have you not houses (in) which to eat and drink? Or do you despise the church of Aloha, and shame those who have nothing to eat? What do I say to you? Do I praise you in this? I praise you not.
23 Puonj mane ayudo kuom Ruoth mi amiyou chal kama: Ruoth Yesu nokawo makati e otienono mane ondhogee,
FOR I received from our Lord that which I have delivered unto you: that our Lord Jeshu in that night when he was betrayed took bread;
24 kendo bangʼ kosegoyo erokamano nongʼingo, kowacho niya, “Ma en ringra mochiw nikech un, timuru ma ka uparago.”
and he blessed and brake, and said, Take, eat, this (is) my body which for you is broken: so do to my remembrance.
25 Kamano bende bangʼ chiemo nokawo kikombe, mi owacho niya, “Kikombeni en singruok manyien motim gi remba; timuru ma, kinde duto mumadhee, mondo uparago.”
Likewise after they had supped he gave also the cup, and said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood; so do, whensoever you shall drink (it) to my remembrance.
26 Nikech ka usiko uchamo makatini kendo umadho kikombeni, to unyiso tho mar Ruoth nyaka chop oduogi.
For whensoever you eat this bread, and drink this cup, the death of our Lord you commemorate until his advent.
27 Emomiyo ngʼama ochamo makatini kata ometho e kikombeni e yo ma ok owinjore, bura biro loyo kodoko jaketho kuom ringre Ruoth gi rembe.
Whoever then eateth of the bread of the Lord, and drinketh of his cup, and is not worthy of it, is guilty of the blood of the Lord and of his body.
28 Ngʼato ka ngʼato nyaka nonre mokwongo, kapok ochamo makati kata ometho e kikombe.
On this account a man should prove himself, and then eat of this bread, and drink of this cup.
29 Nikech ngʼato angʼata mochiemo kendo ometho, ma ok odewo ni gin ringre Ruoth, kelo bura kuome owuon.
For whoever eateth and drinketh of it while not worthy, condemnation to himself he eateth and drinketh, because he hath not distinguished the body of the Lord.
30 Mano emomiyo ji mathoth kuomu ool kendo tuo; kendo moko kuomu osetho.
On this account many among you are sick and infirm, and many who sleep.
31 To ka dine wanonre wawegi mokwongo, to bura ok doloyowa.
For if we judge ourselves, we shall not be judged.
32 To ka Ruoth ngʼadonwa bura to orieyowa mondo kik bura lowa kaachiel gi jopinyni.
But when we are judged of our Lord, we are chastised, that not with the world we might be condemned.
33 Kuom mano, jowetena, ka uchokoru kaachiel mondo uchiem, to ngʼato ka ngʼato mondo orit nyawadgi.
Wherefore, my brethren, when you assemble to eat, wait for one another.
34 To ka ngʼato odenyo, to ber mondo ochiem dala, mondo kik chokruok ma ubedogo kelnu kum. Weche modongʼ anawachnu ka abiro.
But whoever hungereth, in his (own) house let him feed; that you may not assemble unto condemnation. Concerning the rest, when I come I will direct you.

< 1 Jo-Korintho 11 >