< 1 Weche Mag Ndalo 21 >

1 Satan ne dwaro hinyo jo-Israel omiyo nosundo Daudi mondo okwan jo-Israel.
Now Satan rose up against Israel, and he incited David so that he would number Israel.
2 Daudi nowachone Joab kaachiel gi jotend jolweny niya, “Dhiuru kendo ukwan jo-Israel kochakore Bersheba nyaka chop Dan, bangʼe to inyisa kar rombgi mondo mi angʼe ni gin ji adi.”
And David said to Joab and to the leaders of the people: “Go, and number Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan. And bring me the number, so that I may know it.”
3 To Joab nodwoke niya, “Mad Jehova Nyasaye med jolweny madirom nyadi mia achiel. Ruodha kendo jatenda, to donge gin duto gin jo-ruoth? To en angʼo momiyo ruoth ma en ruodha didwar timo richo machal kama ni Israel?”
And Joab responded: “May the Lord increase his people a hundred times more than they are. But, my lord the king, are they not all your servants? Why would my lord seek this thing, which may be imputed as a sin to Israel?”
4 Kata kamano ruoth notamo Joab omiyo Joab nowuok modhi e piny jo-Israel duto, bangʼe noduogo Jerusalem.
But the word of the king prevailed instead. And Joab went away, and he traveled around, through all of Israel. And he returned to Jerusalem.
5 Joab nokelo ne Daudi kar kwan jolweny kama: Kuom jo-Israel ne nitie ji tara achiel gi alufu mia achiel mane nyalo tingʼo ligangla koriwore gi jo-Juda alufu mia angʼwen gi piero abiriyo.
And he gave to David the number of those whom he had surveyed. And the entire number of Israel was found to be one million and one hundred thousand men who could draw the sword; but from Judah, there were four hundred and seventy thousand men of war.
6 To Joab ne ok okwano jo-Lawi kod jo-Benjamin nikech nosin gi chik ruoth.
But Levi and Benjamin he did not number. For Joab executed the orders of the king unwillingly.
7 Chikni ne rach ahinya e nyim wangʼ Nyasaye omiyo nokumo jo-Israel.
Then God was displeased with what had been ordered, and so he struck Israel.
8 Eka Daudi nowacho ni Nyasaye niya, “Asetimo richo maduongʼ kuom gima asetimoni. To koro akwayi mondo igol richoni kuom jatichni. Asetimo gima ofuwo ahinya.”
And David said to God: “I have sinned exceedingly in doing this. I beg you take away the iniquity of your servant. For I have acted unwisely.”
9 Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Gad ma jokor wach mar Daudi niya,
And the Lord spoke to Gad, the seer of David, saying:
10 “Dhiyo iwach ni Daudi ni, ‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: Aketo weche adek e nyimi. Yier achiel kuomgi monego atimni.’”
“Go, and speak to David, and tell him: Thus says the Lord: I give to you the option of three things. Choose the one that you will want, and I will do it to you.”
11 Omiyo Gad nodhi ir Daudi mowachone niya, “Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye owacho: ‘Kaw achiel kuomgi:
And when Gad had gone to David, he said to him: “Thus says the Lord: Choose what you will want:
12 higni adek mag kech, dweche adek ma wasiku biro lawoue gi ligangla ka negou kata ndalo adek mar ligangla mar Jehova Nyasaye (ma en ndalo mag dera marach e piny), ka malaika Jehova Nyasaye neko kamoro amora e piny Israel.’ Koro par ane mondo imiya dwoko matero ni ngʼama ne oora.”
Either three years of famine, or three months for you to flee from your enemies, unable to escape from their sword, or three days for the sword of the Lord and a pestilence to turn within the land, with the Angel of the Lord killing in every part of Israel. Now therefore, see what I should respond to him who sent me.”
13 Daudi nodwoko Gad niya, “An-gi chuny lit ahinya. Ber mondo alwar e lwet Jehova Nyasaye nikech ngʼwonone duongʼ, to kik iweya mondo alwar e lwet ji.”
And David said to Gad: “There are difficulties pressing upon me from every side. But it is better for me to fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercies are many, than into the hands of men.”
14 Omiyo Jehova Nyasaye nokelo masira kuom jo-Israel kendo nonego jo-Israel alufu piero abiriyo.
Therefore, the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel. And there fell from Israel seventy thousand men.
15 Kendo Nyasaye nooro malaika mondo oketh Jerusalem. To kane malaikano timo kamano Jehova Nyasaye noneno mano mi okuyo nikech tim malichno mi nonyiso malaika mane nego ji niya, “Oromo! Koro dwok lweti.” Malaika mar Jehova Nyasaye noyudo ochungʼ e kar dino cham mar Arauna ja-Jebus.
Also, he sent an Angel to Jerusalem, so that he might strike it. And while he was striking, the Lord saw and took pity over the magnitude of the harm. And he commanded the Angel who was striking: “It is enough. Now let your hand cease.” And the Angel of the Lord was standing beside the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
16 Daudi nongʼiyo malo ma oneno malaika mar Jehova Nyasaye kochungo e kind polo gi piny ka otingʼo ligangla mager e lwete mane orieyo kuom Jerusalem. Bangʼe Daudi gi jodongo nopodho piny auma ka girwakore gi pien gugru.
And David, lifting up his eyes, saw the Angel of the Lord, standing between heaven and earth with a drawn sword in his hand, turned toward Jerusalem. And both he and those greater by birth, being clothed in haircloth, fell prone upon the ground.
17 Daudi nowacho ni Jehova Nyasaye niya, “Donge an ema nagolo chik mondo okwan joma nyalo dhi e lweny? An ma an jakwath ema asetimo richo kendo aseketho. Magi to gin mana rombe, angʼo magiseketho? Yaye Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasacha, akwayi ni an ema ikuma kaachiel gi joga to kik iwe masira odongʼ kuom jogi.”
And David said to God: “Am I not the one who ordered that the people be numbered? It is I who sinned; it is I who did evil. This flock, what does it deserve? O Lord my God, I beg you to let your hand be turned against me and against the house of my father. But let not your people be struck down.”
18 Bangʼe malaika mar Jehova Nyasaye nochiko Gad mondo onyis Daudi odhi malo kar dino cham ma Arauna ja-Jebus mondo oger kendo mar misango ni Jehova Nyasaye.
Then the Angel of the Lord instructed Gad to tell David that he should ascend and build an altar to the Lord God on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
19 Omiyo Daudi nodhi malo kaluwore gi wach mane Gad osewachone kuom nying Jehova Nyasaye.
Therefore, David ascended, in accord with the word of Gad, which he had spoken to him in the name of the Lord.
20 Kane Arauna dino ngano, notingʼo wangʼe ma oneno malaika, yawuote mane ni kode nopondo.
Now when Ornan had looked up and seen the Angel, he and his four sons hid themselves. For at that time, he was threshing wheat upon the floor.
21 Bangʼe Daudi nodhi ire, kane Arauna ogoyo wangʼe monene, nowuok kar dino mokulore auma nyaka e lowo e nyim Daudi.
Then, as David was approaching Ornan, Ornan saw him, and he went out from the threshing floor to meet him. And he reverenced him prone on the ground.
22 Daudi nonyise niya, “Yie imiya laru mar dino cham mondo angʼiew mondo agerie kendo mar misango ni Jehova Nyasaye eka tho manego ji orum. Yie iusnago e kar romb nengone duto.”
And David said to him: “Give this place of your threshing floor to me, so that I may build an altar to the Lord upon it. And you shall accept from me as much money as it is worth, so that the plague may cease from the people.”
23 Arauna nowacho ne Daudi niya, “Kawe! Mad ruodha ma jatenda okawe kendo otim kode gima chunye dwaro. Ne, anamiyi rwedhi mondo ichiw kaka misango miwangʼo pep, kod gige dino kaka yien kaachiel gi ngano kaka cham michiwo; abiro chiwogi duto.”
But Ornan said to David: “Take it, and may my lord the king do whatever pleases him. Moreover, I give the oxen also as a holocaust, and the plow for wood, and the wheat for a sacrifice. I will offer all freely.”
24 To Ruoth Daudi nodwoko Arauna niya, “Ooyo, nyaka achuli nengone duto mowinjore kode.” Ok anayie ngangʼ kawo ne Jehova Nyasaye giri nono kata timo misango miwangʼo pep ma ok achuloe gimoro.
And king David said to him: “By no means shall it be so. Instead, I will give money to you, as much as it is worth. For I must not take it from you, and thereby offer to the Lord holocausts that cost nothing.”
25 Omiyo Daudi nochulo Arauna pesa mag dhahabu ma dirom kilo abiriyo mane nengo kar dinono.
Therefore, David gave Ornan, for the place, the very just weight of six hundred shekels of gold.
26 Daudi nogero kendo mar misango ni Jehova Nyasaye kanyo kendo nochiwo misango miwangʼo pep kod chiwo mar lalruok. Noluongo Jehova Nyasaye, kendo Jehova Nyasaye nodwoke gi mach moa e polo kalwar e kendo mar misango miwangʼo pep.
And he built an altar to the Lord there. And he offered holocausts and peace offerings, and he called upon the Lord. And he heeded him by sending fire from heaven upon the altar of the holocaust.
27 Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowuoyo gi malaika mine odwoko liganglane e olalo mare.
And the Lord instructed the Angel, and he turned his sword back into its sheath.
28 E sechego Daudi notimo misengini kanyo kane oneno ni Jehova Nyasaye osedwoke e laru mar dino mar Arauna ja-Jebus.
Then, seeing that the Lord had heeded him at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, David immediately immolated victims there.
29 Hekalu mar Jehova Nyasaye mane Musa oloso e thim, kaachiel gi kendo mar misango miwangʼo pep e kindego ne pod nitiere e kar lemo man Gibeon.
But the tabernacle of the Lord, which Moses had made in the desert, and the altar of holocausts, were at that time on the high place of Gibeon.
30 Kata kamano, Daudi ne ok nyal dhiyo bute mondo openj Nyasaye nikech ne oluoro ligangla mar malaika mar Jehova Nyasaye.
And David was unable to go to the altar, so that he might pray to God there. For he had been struck with an exceedingly great fear, seeing the sword of the Angel of the Lord.

< 1 Weche Mag Ndalo 21 >