< Aabenbaringen 12 >
1 Og et stort Tegn blev set i Himmelen: en Kvinde, iklædt Solen og med Månen under sine Fødder og en Krans af tolv Stjerner på sit Hoved.
Then something very unusual appeared in the sky. It was a woman, whose [appearance and] clothing were [MET] as bright as the sun. The moon was under her feet. On her head was a crown [that was made] of twelve stars.
2 Og hun var frugtsommelig og skreg i Barnsnød, under Fødselsveer.
She was pregnant. Then, as she was about to give birth, she cried out because she was suffering pain.
3 Og et andet Tegn blev set i Himmelen, og se, der var en stor, ildrød Drage, som havde syv Hoveder og ti Horn og på sine Hoveder syv Kroner.
Something else very unusual appeared in the sky. It was a huge red dragon. It had seven heads and ten horns. On each of its heads was a royal crown.
4 Og dens Hale drog Tredjedelen af Himmelens Stjerner med sig og kastede dem på Jorden. Og Dragen stod foran Kvinden, som skulde føde, for at sluge hendes Barn, når hun havde født det.
The dragon’s tail dragged a third of the stars from the sky and threw them to the earth. The dragon set himself in front of the woman who was about to give birth, in order that he might eat her child as soon as it was born.
5 Og hun fødte et Drengebarn, som skal vogte alle Folkeslagene med en Jernstav; og hendes Barn blev bortrykket til Gud og til hans Trone.
The woman gave birth to a son, who [is destined] to rule all the nations with [complete authority as if he was using] [MET] an iron rod [MET]. [God] snatched away her child and took him to [rule from] his throne.
6 Og Kvinden flyede ud i Ørkenen, hvor hun har et Sted beredt fra Gud, for at man skal ernære hende der eet Tusinde, to Hundrede og tresindstyve Dage.
The woman fled to a desert. She has a place there that God has prepared for her, in order that [the angels] may take care of her for 1,260 days.
7 Og der blev en Kamp i Himmelen: Mikael og hans Engle gave sig til at kæmpe imod Dragen, og Dragen kæmpede og dens Engle.
[In the vision I saw that] there was a battle in heaven. Michael and the angels that he [commanded] fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back [against Michael and his angels].
8 Men de magtede det ikke, og deres Sted fandtes ikke mere i Himmelen.
But the dragon did not win the battle, so [God] did not allow the dragon and his angels to stay in heaven any longer.
9 Og den store Drage blev nedstyrtet; den gamle Slange, som kaldes Djævelen og Satan, som forfører den hele Verden, blev nedstyrtet på Jorden, og hans Engle bleve nedstyrtede med ham.
The huge dragon was thrown {[Michael and his angels] threw the huge dragon} out [of heaven]. The dragon is the ancient serpent, [the one] who is called the Devil and Satan. He is the one who deceives [people all over] the earth. He was thrown down to the earth, along with all his angels.
10 Og jeg hørte en høj Røst i Himmelen sige: Nu er Frelsen og Kraften og Riget blevet vor Guds, og Magten hans Salvedes; thi nedstyrtet er vore Brødres Anklager, som anklagede dem for vor Gud Dag og Nat.
Then I heard [someone] in heaven shout loudly, saying, Now our God has saved his people by his power, and he rules everyone! Now the Messiah, the one who is the supreme ruler whom God appointed, has authority to rule all people, because our God has thrown out of heaven the one who accuses our fellow believers! The dragon is the one who accuses them day and night before our God, saying that they have sinned and that God ought to punish them.
11 Og de have overvundet ham i Kraft af Lammets Blod og i Kraft af deres Vidnesbyrds Ord; og de elskede ikke deres Liv, lige til Døden.
Our fellow believers overcame the dragon because they never stopped trusting (OR, never stopped telling people about) Jesus, and because they trusted in what Jesus, the one who is like a lamb, accomplished when his blood flowed when he died. Even though those believers wanted to live, they were willing to let people kill them for speaking the truth about him.
12 Derfor, fryder eder, I Himle, og I, som bo i dem! Ve Jorden og Havet! thi Djævelen er nedstegen til eder og har stor Vrede, fordi han ved, at han kun har liden Tid.
So, all you angels living [MTY] in heaven, rejoice! But terrible things will happen to you ungodly people who [MTY] live on the earth and on the ocean, because the devil has come down to you! He is very angry because he knows that he has only a short time during which he can harm people.
13 Og da Dragen så, at den var styrtet til Jorden, forfulgte den Kvinden, som havde født Drengebarnet.
When the dragon realized that he had been thrown {that [the angels] had thrown him} down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to a son.
14 Og den store Ørns tvende Vinger bleve givne Kvinden, for at hun skulde flyve til Ørkenen, til sit Sted, der hvor hun næres en Tid og Tider og en halv Tid, borte fra Slangen.
But the woman was given two wings like the wings of a very large eagle, in order that she might fly to a desolate place. That is a place [that God] has prepared for her. There she was taken care of {[God’s angels] took care of her} for three and a half years. The serpent, [that is, the dragon], was not able to reach her there.
15 Og Slangen spyede Vand som en Flod ud af sin Mund efter Kvinden for at bortskylle hende med Floden.
The serpent spewed water like a river from his mouth in the direction of the woman, in order that the water might sweep her away.
16 Og Jorden kom Kvinden til Hjælp; og Jorden åbnede sin Mund og opslugte Floden, som Dragen havde udspyet af sin Mund.
But the ground helped the woman [by] opening up and swallowing the river that the dragon spewed out from his mouth!
17 Og Dragen vrededes på Kvinden og gik bort for at føre Krig imod de øvrige af hendes Sæd, dem, som holde Guds Bud og have Jesu Vidnesbyrd.
Then the dragon was very angry with the woman, so he went away to fight against [the people who are like] the rest of her descendants. They are the people who obey God’s commandments and who tell other people about Jesus (OR, hold fast to what Jesus taught them).