< Salme 65 >
1 (Til sangmesteren. En salme af David. En sang.) Lovsang tilkommer dig på Zion, o Gud, dig indfrier man Løfter, du, som hører Bønner;
For the end, a Psalm [and] Song of David. Praise becomes thee, O God, in Sion; and to thee shall the vow be performed.
2 alt Kød kommer til dig, når Brøden tynger.
Hear my prayer; to thee all flesh shall come.
3 Vore Overtrædelser blev os for svare, du tilgiver dem.
The words of transgressors have overpowered us; but do thou pardon our sins.
4 Salig den, du udvælger, lader bo i dine Forgårde! Vi mættes af dit Huses Rigdom, dit Tempels Hellighed.
Blessed [is he] whom thou hast chosen and adopted; he shall dwell in thy courts; we shall be filled with the good things of thy house; thy temple is holy.
5 Du svarer os underfuldt i Retfærd, vor Frelses Gud, du Tilflugt for den vide Jord, for fjerne Strande,
[Thou art] wonderful in righteousness. Hearken to us, O God our Saviour; the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them [that are] on the sea afar off:
6 du, som grundfæster Bjerge med Vælde, omgjorde med Kraft,
who dost establish the mountains in thy strength, being girded about with power;
7 du, som dæmper Havenes Brusen, deres Bølgers Brusen og Folkefærds Larm,
who troublest the depth of the sea, the sounds of its waves.
8 så Folk ved Verdens Ende gruer for dine Tegn; hvor Morgen og Aften oprinder, bringer du Jubel.
The nations shall be troubled, and they that inhabit the ends [of the earth] shall be afraid of thy signs; thou wilt cause the outgoings of morning and evening to rejoice.
9 Du så til Landet, vanded det, gjorde det såre rigt, Guds Bæk er fuld af Vand, du bereder dets Korn,
Thou hast visited the earth, and saturated it; thou hast abundantly enriched it. The river of God is filled with water; thou hast prepared their food, for thus is the preparation [of it].
10 du vander dets Furer, jævner knoldene, bløder det med Regn, velsigner dets Sæd.
Saturate her furrows, multiply her fruits; [the crop] springing up shall rejoice in its drops.
11 Med din Herlighed kroner du Året, dine Vognspor flyder af Fedme;
Thou wilt bless the crown of the year [because] of thy goodness; and thy plains shall be filled with fatness.
12 de øde Græsgange flyder, med Jubel omgjordes Højene;
The mountains of the wilderness shall be enriched; and the hills shall gird themselves with joy.
13 Engene klædes med Får, Dalene hylles i Korn, i Jubel bryder de ud og synger!
The rams of the flock are clothed [with wool], and the valleys shall abound in corn; they shall cry aloud, yea they shall sing hymns.