< Salme 57 >

1 (Til sangmesteren. Al-tasjhet. Af David. En miktam, da han flygtede ind i hulen for Saul.) Vær mig nådig, Gud, vær mig nådig, thi hos dig har min Sjæl søgt Ly; i dine Vingers Skygge søger jeg Ly, til Ulykken er drevet over.
For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David concerning the time he fled from Saul and hid in the cave. Please be kind to me, God! Be kind to me because I come to you for protection. I will shelter under the shadow of your wings until the danger is past.
2 Gud, den Højeste, påkalder jeg, den Gud, der gør vel imod mig;
I cry out for help to God Most High, to God who vindicates me.
3 han sender mig Hjælp fra Himlen og frelser min Sjæl fra dem, som vil mig til Livs. Gud sender sin Nåde og Trofasthed.
From heaven he sends his help, and he saves me. He defeats those who persecute me. (Selah) God sends me his unfailing love, showing he is completely trustworthy.
4 Jeg må ligge midt iblandt Løver, bo mellem Folk, der spyr Ild, hvis Tænder er Spyd og Pile, hvis Tunge er hvas som et Sværd.
I am surrounded by man-eating lions—I am forced to live with them! Their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongues are swords.
5 Løft dig, o Gud, over Himlen, din Herlighed være over al Jorden!
God, your greatness is above the highest heavens; and your glory covers the whole earth!
6 Et Net har de udspændt for mine Skridt, deres egen Fod skal hildes deri; en Grav har de gravet foran mig, selv skal de falde deri. (Sela)
They set a trap to catch me. I was so depressed. They dug a pit on my path but they were the ones who fell into it. (Selah)
7 Mit Hjerte er trøstigt, Gud, mit Hjerte er trøstigt; jeg vil synge og lovprise dig,
I have confidence in you, God, I have confidence in you. I will sing songs of praise to you.
8 vågn op, min Ære! Harpe og Citer vågn op, jeg vil vække Morgenrøden.
I say to myself, “Wake up!” Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn!
9 Jeg vil takke dig, Herre, blandt Folkeslag, prise dig blandt Folkefærd;
I will thank you among the peoples, Lord; I will sing your praises among the nations.
10 thi din Miskundhed når til Himlen, din Sandhed til Skyerne.
Your faithful love reaches to the heavens; your trustworthiness to the clouds.
11 Løft dig, o Gud, over Himlen, din Herlighed være over al Jorden!
God, your greatness is above the highest heavens; and your glory covers the whole earth!

< Salme 57 >