< Salme 49 >

1 (Til sangmesteren. Af Koras sønner. En salme.) Hør det, alle Folkeslag, lyt til, al Verdens Folk,
For the music director. A psalm of the sons of Korah. Listen to this, everyone! Pay attention, people of the world—
2 både høj og lav, både rig og fattig!
whether you are highborn or lowborn, rich or poor!
3 Min Mund skal tale Visdom, mit Hjerte udgransker Indsigt;
For what I say is wise, and my thinking is perceptive.
4 jeg bøjer mit Øre til Tankesprog, råder min Gåde til Strengeleg.
I pay attention to wise sayings; I answer hard questions to a tune on the harp.
5 Hvorfor skulle jeg frygte i de onde dage, når mine lumske Fjender omringer mig med Brøde,
Why should I be afraid when trouble comes, when evil enemies surround me?
6 de, som stoler på deres gods og bryster sig af deres store rigdom?
They trust in their wealth; they boast about their riches,
7 Visselig, ingen kan købe sin sjæl fri og give Gud en løsesum
but no one can pay to rescue another from death; no one can pay a ransom to God.
8 - Prisen for hans sjæl blev for høj, for evigt måtte han opgive det - så han kunde blive i Live
Redemption is beyond price; no one could ever pay enough
9 og aldrig få Graven at se;
that they could live forever and not face the grave.
10 nej, han skal se den; Vismænd dør, både Dåre og Tåbe går bort. Deres Gods må de afstå til andre,
Everyone knows that the wise die, those who are foolish and stupid too, leaving what they have to the next generation.
11 deres Grav er deres Hjem for evigt, deres Bolig Slægt efter Slægt, om Godser end fik deres Navn.
They think their homes will last forever, that where they live will continue for all generations.
12 Trods Herlighed bliver Mennesket ikke, han er som Dyrene, der forgår.
But human beings, for all their fame, don't understand. They die, just like the animals.
13 Så går det dem, der tror sig trygge, så ender det for dem, deres Tale behager. (Sela)
This is the way of foolish people, yet those who come after them think they were clever! (Selah)
14 I Dødsriget drives de ned som Får, deres Hyrde skal Døden være; de oprigtige træder på dem ved Gry, deres Skikkelse går Opløsning i Møde, Dødsriget er deres Bolig. (Sheol h7585)
Like sheep they are destined for the grave. Death will be their shepherd. Those who live right will rule over them in the morning. Their bodies will decay in the grave, far from their homes. (Sheol h7585)
15 Men Gud udløser min Sjæl af Dødsrigets Hånd, thi han tager mig til sig. (Sela) (Sheol h7585)
But surely God will rescue me from the power of the grave; he will grab me back. (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
16 Frygt ej, når en Mand bliver rig, når hans Huses Herlighed øges;
Don't be disturbed when people become rich, filling their houses with possessions.
17 thi intet tager han med i Døden, hans Herlighed følger ham ikke.
For they won't take anything with them when they die; their wealth will not go down into the grave with them.
18 Priser han end i Live sig selv: "De lover dig for din Lykke!"
They congratulate themselves for all they possess—people always praise you when you do well—
19 han vandrer til sine Fædres Slægt, der aldrig får Lyset at skue.
but their destiny is the same as their forefathers: they will never again see the light of day.
20 Den, som lever i Herlighed, men uden Forstand, han er som Dyrene, der forgår.
Human beings, for all their fame, don't understand, and they die, just like the animals.

< Salme 49 >