< Salme 28 >
1 (Af David.) Jeg råber til dig, o Herre, min Klippe, vær ikke tavs imod mig, at jeg ej, når du tier, skal blive som de, der synker i Graven.
Of David. Unto you, O Lord, do I cry; my rock, be not deaf to me: lest, through holding your peace, I become like those who go down to the pit.
2 Hør min tryglende Røst, når jeg råber til dig, løfter Hænderne op mod dit hellige Tempel.
Hear my loud entreaty, as I cry for help to you, lifting my hands, O Lord, towards your holy chancel.
3 Riv mig ej bort med gudløse, Udådsmænd, som har ondt i Sinde mod Næsten trods venlige Ord.
Take me not off with the wicked, nor with the workers of wrong, whose speech to their neighbors is friendly, while evil is in their heart.
4 Løn dem for deres Idræt og onde Gerninger; løn dem for deres Hænders Værk, gengæld dem efter Fortjeneste!
Give them as they have done, as their wicked deeds deserve. As their hands have wrought, so give to them: requite to them their deserts.
5 Thi HERRENs Gerning ænser de ikke, ej heller hans Hænders Værk. Han nedbryde dem og opbygge dem ej!
They are blind to all that the Lord does, to all that his hands have wrought; and so he will tear them down, to build them up no more.
6 Lovet være HERREN, thi han har hørt min tryglende Røst;
Blest be the Lord, who has heard my voice as I plead for mercy.
7 min Styrke, mit Skjold er HERREN, mit Hjerte stoler på ham. Jeg fik Hjælp, mit Hjerte jubler, jeg takker ham med min Sang.
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him. I was helped: so my heart is exultant, and in my song I will praise him.
8 HERREN er Værn for sit Folk, sin Salvedes Tilflugt og Frelse.
The Lord is the strength of his people, the fortress who saves his anointed.
9 Frels dit Folk og velsign din Arv, røgt dem og bær dem til evig Tid!
O save your people, and bless your inheritance. Be their shepherd and carry them forever.