< Salme 2 >
1 Hvorfor fnyser Hedninger, hvi pønser Folkefærd på hvad fåfængt er?
Why this turmoil of nations, this futile plotting of peoples,
2 Jordens Konger rejser sig, Fyrster samles til Råd mod HERREN og mod hans Salvede:
with kings of the earth conspiring, and rulers consulting together, against the Lord and against his anointed,
3 "Lad os sprænge deres Bånd og kaste Rebene af os!"
to snap their bonds and fling their cords away?
4 Han, som troner i Himlen, ler, Herren, han spotter dem.
He whose throne is in heaven laughs, the Lord mocks them.
5 Så taler han til dem i Vrede, forfærder dem i sin Harme:
Then he speaks to them in his wrath, and in his hot anger confounds them.
6 "Jeg har dog indsat min Konge på Zion, mit hellige Bjerg!"
‘This my king is installed by me, on Zion my holy mountain.’
7 Jeg kundgør HERRENs Tilsagn. Han sagde til mig: "Du er min Søn, jeg har født dig i Dag!
I will tell of the Lord’s decree. He said to me: ‘You are my son, this day I became your father.
8 Bed mig, og jeg giver dig Hedningefolk til Arv og den vide Jord i Eje;
Only ask, and I make you the heir of the nations, and lord of the world to its utmost bounds.
9 med Jernspir skal du knuse dem og sønderslå dem som en Pottemagers Kar!"
You will break them with sceptre of iron, shatter them like pottery.’
10 Og nu, I Konger, vær kloge, lad eder råde, I Jordens Dommere,
So now, you kings, be wise: be warned, you rulers of earth.
11 tjener HERREN i Frygt, fryd jer med Bæven!
Serve the Lord in awe, kiss his feet with trembling,
12 Kysser Sønnen, at ikke han vredes og I forgår! Snart blusset hans Vrede op. Salig hver den, der lider på ham!
lest, angry, he hurl you to ruin; for soon will his fury blaze. Happy all who take refuge in him.