< Salme 147 >
1 Halleluja! Ja, det er godt at lovsynge vor Gud, ja, det er lifligt, lovsang sømmer sig.
Praise Yahweh - for [is] good to sing praises to God our for [is] pleasant [is] fitting praise.
2 Herren bygger Jerusalem, han samler de spredte af Israel,
[is] [the] builder of Jerusalem Yahweh [the] banished [ones] of Israel he gathers.
3 han læger dem, hvis Hjerte er sønderknust, og forbinder deres Sår;
Who [is] healing [the people] broken of heart and [he is] binding up wounds their.
4 han fastsætter Stjemernes Tal og giver dem alle Navn.
[he is] counting [the] number Of the stars to all of them names he calls.
5 Vor Herre er stor og vældig, hans Indsigt er uden Mål;
[is] great Lord our and great of power to understanding his there not [is] a number.
6 HERREN holder de ydmyge oppe, til Jorden bøjer han gudløse.
[is] relieving Humble [people] Yahweh [is] bringing low wicked [people] to [the] ground.
7 Syng for HERREN med Tak, leg for vor Gud på Citer!
Sing to Yahweh with thanksgiving make music to God our with a harp.
8 Han dækker Himlen med Skyer, sørger for Regn til Jorden, lader Græs spire frem på Bjergene og Urter til Menneskers Brug;
Who covers [the] heavens - with clouds who prepares for the earth rain who causes to sprout mountains grass.
9 Føde giver han Kvæget og Ravneunger, som skriger;
[who] gives To animal[s] food its to [the] young ones of a raven which they call out.
10 hans Hu står ikke til stærke Heste, han har ikke Behag i rapfodet Mand;
Not in [the] strength of horse he delights not in [the] legs of man he takes pleasure.
11 HERREN har Behag i dem, der frygter ham, dem, der bier på hans Miskundhed.
[is] taking pleasure in Yahweh [those] fearing him those [who] hope for covenant loyalty his.
12 Lovpris HERREN, Jerusalem, pris, o Zion, din Gud!
Extol O Jerusalem Yahweh praise God your O Zion.
13 Thi han gør dine Portstænger stærke, velsigner dine Børn i din Midte;
For he has strengthened [the] bars of gates your he has blessed children your in midst your.
14 dine Landemærker giver han Fred, mætter dig med Hvedens Fedme;
The [one who] makes territory your peace [the] best of wheat he satisfies you.
15 han sender sit Bud til Jorden, hastigt løber hans Ord,
The [one who] sends word his [the] earth to quickly it runs word his.
16 han lader Sne falde ned som Uld, som Aske spreder han Rim,
The [one who] gives snow like wool frost like ash[es] he scatters.
17 som Brødsmuler sender han Hagl, Vandene stivner af Kulde fra ham;
[the one who] throws Ice his like crumbs before coldness his who? will he stand.
18 han sender sit Ord og smelter dem, de strømmer, når han rejser sit Vejr.
He sends word his and he melts them he makes blow wind his they flow waters.
19 Han kundgør sit Ord for Jakob, sine Vedtægter og Lovbud for Israel.
[the one who] declares (Words his *Q(K)*) to Jacob decrees his and judgments his to Israel.
20 Så gjorde han ikke mod andre Folk, dem kundgør han ingen Lovbud. Halleluja!
Not he has done thus - for any nation and judgments not they have known them praise Yahweh.