< Salme 141 >
1 (En Salme af David.) HERRE, jeg råber til dig, il mig til hjælp, hør min Røst, når jeg råber til dig;
A Psalm. Of David. Lord, I have made my cry to you; come to me quickly; give ear to my voice, when it goes up to you.
2 som Røgoffer, gælde for dig min Bøn, mine løftede Hænder som Aftenoffer!
Let my prayer be ordered before you like a sweet smell; and let the lifting up of my hands be like the evening offering.
3 HERRE, sæt Vagt ved min Mund, vogt mine Læbers Dør!
O Lord, keep a watch over my mouth; keep the door of my lips.
4 Bøj ikke mit Hjerte til ondt, til at gøre gudløs Gerning sammen med Udådsmænd; deres lækre Mad vil jeg ikke smage.
Keep my heart from desiring any evil thing, or from taking part in the sins of the evil-doers with men who do wrong: and let me have no part in their good things.
5 Slår en retfærdig mig, så er det Kærlighed; revser han mig, er det Olie for Hovedet, ej skal mit Hoved vise det fra sig, end sætter jeg min Bøn imod deres Ondskab.
Let the upright give me punishment; and let the god-fearing man put me in the right way; but I will not let the oil of sinners come on my head: when they do evil I will give myself to prayer.
6 Ned ad Klippens Skrænter skal Dommerne hos dem styrtes, og de skal høre, at mine Ord er liflige.
When destruction comes to their judges by the side of the rock, they will give ear to my words, for they are sweet.
7 Som når man pløjer Jorden i Furer, spredes vore Ben ved Dødsrigets Gab. (Sheol )
Our bones are broken up at the mouth of the underworld, as the earth is broken by the plough. (Sheol )
8 Dog, mine Øjne er rettet på dig, o HERRE, Herre, på dig forlader jeg mig, giv ikke mit Liv til Pris!
But my eyes are turned to you, O Lord God: my hope is in you; let not my soul be given up to death.
9 Vogt mig for Fælden, de stiller for mig, og Udådsmændenes Snarer;
Keep me from the net which they have put down for me, and from the designs of the workers of evil.
10 lad de gudløse falde i egne Gram, medens jeg går uskadt videre.
Let the sinners be taken in the nets which they themselves have put down, while I go free.