< Salme 122 >
1 (Sang til Festrejserne. Af David.) Jeg frydede mig, da de sagde til mig: "Vi drager til HERRENs Hus!"
A song for pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. A psalm of David. I was so happy when they said to me, “Let's go the house of the Lord.”
2 Så står vore Fødder da i dine Porte, Jerusalem,
Now we're standing inside your gates, Jerusalem!
3 Jerusalem bygget som Staden, hvor Folket samles;
Jerusalem is built as a city where people can be together.
4 thi did op drager Stammerne, HERRENs Stammer en Vedtægt for Israel om at prise HERRENs Navn.
All the tribes—the tribes of the Lord—go up there, following the command given to Israel to give thanks to the Lord.
5 Thi der står Dommersæder, Sæder for Davids Hus.
This is where the thrones are placed, where judgment is given, the thrones of the house of David.
6 Bed om Jerusalems Fred! Ro finde de, der elsker dig!
Pray that Jerusalem may be at peace. May everyone who loves Jerusalem be kept safe.
7 Der råde Fred på din Mur, Tryghed i dine Borge!
May there be peace within your walls, and safety within your fortresses.
8 For Brødres og Frænders Skyld vil jeg ønske dig Fred,
On behalf of my family and friends, I will now say, “May you be at peace.”
9 for Herren vor Guds hus's skyld vil jeg søge dit bedste.
On behalf of the house of the Lord our God, I pray that everything goes well for you.