< Salme 107 >

1 Halleluja! Lov Herren, thi han er god, thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig!
to give thanks to/for LORD for be pleasing for to/for forever: enduring kindness his
2 Så skal HERRENs genløste sige, de, han løste af Fjendens Hånd
to say to redeem: redeem LORD which to redeem: redeem them from hand enemy
3 og samlede ind fra Landene, fra Øst og Vest, fra Nord og fra Havet.
and from land: country/planet to gather them from east and from west from north and from sea
4 I den øde Ørk for de vild, fandt ikke Vej til beboet By,
to go astray in/on/with wilderness in/on/with wilderness way: journey city seat not to find
5 de led både Sult og Tørst, deres Sjæl var ved at vansmægte;
hungry also thirsty soul their in/on/with them to enfeeble
6 men de råbte til HERREN i Nøden, han frelste dem at deres Trængsler
and to cry to(wards) LORD in/on/with distress to/for them from distress their to rescue them
7 og førte dem ad rette Vej, så de kom til beboet By.
and to tread them in/on/with way: road upright to/for to go: went to(wards) city seat
8 Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn.
to give thanks to/for LORD kindness his and to wonder his to/for son: child man
9 Thi han mættede den vansmægtende Sjæl og fyldte den sultne med godt.
for to satisfy soul to rush and soul hungry to fill good
10 De sad i Mulm og Mørke, bundne i pine og Jern,
to dwell darkness and shadow prisoner affliction and iron
11 fordi de havde stået Guds Ord imod og ringeagtet den Højestes Råd.
for to rebel word God and counsel Most High to spurn
12 Deres Hjerte var knuget af Kummer, de faldt, der var ingen, som hjalp;
and be humble in/on/with trouble heart their to stumble and nothing to help
13 men de råbte til HERREN i Nøden, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler,
and to cry out to(wards) LORD in/on/with distress to/for them from distress their to save them
14 førte dem ud af Mørket og Mulmet og sønderrev deres Bånd.
to come out: send them from darkness and shadow and bond their to tear
15 Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn.
to give thanks to/for LORD kindness his and to wonder his to/for son: child man
16 Thi han sprængte Døre af Kobber og sønderslog Slåer af Jern.
for to break door bronze and bar iron to cut down/off
17 De sygnede hen for Synd og led for Brødes Skyld,
fool(ish) from way: journey transgression their and from iniquity: crime their to afflict
18 de væmmedes ved al Slags Mad, de kom Dødens Porte nær
all food to abhor soul: myself their and to touch till gate death
19 men de råbte til Herren i Nøden, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler,
and to cry out to(wards) LORD in/on/with distress to/for them from distress their to save them
20 sendte sit Ord og lægede dem og frelste deres Liv fra Graven.
to send: depart word his and to heal them and to escape (from pit their *LAH(b)*)
21 Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn
to give thanks to/for LORD kindness his and to wonder his to/for son: child (man *LAH(b)*)
22 og ofre Lovprisningsofre og med Jubel forkynnde hans Gerninger.
and to sacrifice sacrifice thanksgiving and to recount deed: work his (in/on/with cry *L(abh)*)
23 De for ud på Havet i Skibe, drev Handel på vældige Vande,
to go down [the] sea in/on/with fleet to make: do work in/on/with water (many *L(abh)*)
24 blev Vidne til HERRENs Gerninger, hans Underværker i Dybet;
they(masc.) to see: see deed: work LORD and to wonder his (in/on/with depth *L(abh)*)
25 han bød, og et Stormvejr rejste sig, Bølgerne tårnedes op;
and to say and to stand: rise spirit: breath tempest and to exalt (heap: wave his *L(abh)*)
26 mod Himlen steg de, i Dybet sank de, i Ulykken svandt deres Mod;
to ascend: copulate heaven to go down abyss soul: myself their in/on/with distress: harm (to melt *LB(ah)*)
27 de tumled og raved som drukne, borte var al deres Visdom;
to celebrate and to shake like/as drunken and all wisdom their (to swallow up *LB(ah)*)
28 men de råbte til HERREN i Nøden, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler,
and to cry to(wards) LORD in/on/with distress to/for them and from distress their to come out: send them
29 skiftede Stormen til Stille, så Havets Bølger tav;
to arise: establish tempest to/for silence and be silent heap: wave their
30 og glade blev de, fordi det stilned; han førte dem til Havnen, de søgte.
and to rejoice for be quiet and to lead them to(wards) haven pleasure their
31 Lad dem takke HERREN for hans Miskundhed, for hans Underværker mod Menneskens Børn,
to give thanks to/for LORD kindness his and to wonder his to/for son: child man
32 ophøje ham i Folkets Forsamling og prise ham i de Ældstes Kreds!
and to exalt him in/on/with assembly people and in/on/with seat old: elder to boast: praise him
33 Floder gør han til Ørken og Kilder til øde Land,
to set: make river to/for wilderness and exit water to/for parched
34 til Saltsteppe frugtbart Land for Ondskabens Skyld hos dem, som - bor der.
land: country/planet fruit to/for saltiness from distress: evil to dwell in/on/with her
35 Ørken gør han til Vanddrag, det tørre Land til Kilder;
to set: put wilderness to/for pool water and land: country/planet dryness to/for exit water
36 der lader han sultne bo, så de grunder en By at bo i,
and to dwell there hungry and to establish: make city seat
37 tilsår Marker og planter Vin og høster Afgrødens Frugt.
and to sow land: country and to plant vineyard and to make: do fruit produce
38 Han velsigner dem, de bliver mange, han lader det ikke skorte på Kvæg.
and to bless them and to multiply much and animal their not to diminish
39 De bliver få og segner under Modgangs og Kummers Tryk,
and to diminish and to bow from coercion distress: evil (and sorrow *L(abh)*)
40 han udøser Hån over Fyrster og lader dem rave i vejløst Øde.
to pour: pour contempt upon noble and to go astray them in/on/with formlessness not way: road
41 Men han løfter den fattige op af hans Nød og gør deres Slægter som Hjorde;
and to exalt needy from affliction and to set: make like/as flock family
42 de oprigtige ser det og glædes, men al Ondskab lukker sin Mund.
to see: see upright and to rejoice and all injustice to gather lip her
43 Hvo som er viis, han mærke sig det og lægge sig HERRENs Nåde på Sinde!
who? wise and to keep: careful these and to understand kindness LORD

< Salme 107 >