< Ordsprogene 29 >

1 Hvo Nakken gør stiv, skønt revset tit, han knuses brat uden Lægedom.
A person of rebukes [one who] hardens a neck suddenly he will be broken and there not [will be] healing.
2 Er der mange retfærdige, glædes Folket, men råder de gudløse, sukker Folket.
When increase righteous [people] it rejoices the people and when rules a wicked [person] it sighs a people.
3 Hvo Visdom elsker, glæder sin Fader, hvo Skøger omgås, bortødsler Gods.
A person [who] loves wisdom he makes glad father his and [one who] associates with prostitutes he destroys wealth.
4 Kongen grundfæster Landet med Ret, en Udsuger lægger det øde.
A king by justice he establishes a land and a person of contributions he breaks down it.
5 Mand, der smigrer sin Næste, breder et Net for hans Fod.
A man [who] flatters to neighbor his a net [is] spreading on footsteps his.
6 I sin Brøde hildes den onde, den retfærdige jubler af Glæde.
[is] in [the] transgression of A person evil a snare and a righteous [person] he cries aloud and he rejoices.
7 Den retfærdige kender de ringes Retssag; den gudløse skønner intet.
[is] knowing A righteous [person] [the] case of poor [people] a wicked [person] not he understands knowledge.
8 Spottere ophidser Byen, men Vismænd, de stiller Vrede.
People of mockery they inflame a town and wise [people] they turn away anger.
9 Går Vismand i Rette med Dåre, vredes og ler han, alt preller af.
A person wise [who] enters into judgment with a person a fool and he rages and he laughs and there not [is] rest.
10 De blodtørstige hader lydefri Mand, de retsindige tager sig af ham.
People of blood they hate a blameless [person] and upright [people] they seek life his.
11 En Tåbe slipper al sin Voldsomhed løs, Vismand stiller den omsider.
All spirit his he sends forth a fool and a wise [person] in backwards he calms it.
12 En Fyrste, som lytter til Løgnetale, får lufter gudløse Tjenere.
A ruler [who] pays attention on a word of falsehood all servants his [will be] wicked.
13 Fattigmand og Blodsuger mødes, HERREN giver begges Øjne Glans.
A poor [person] and a person of oppression they meet together [is] giving light to [the] eyes of both of them Yahweh.
14 En Konge, der dømmer de ringe med Ret, hans Trone står fast evindelig.
A king [who] judges in truth poor [people] throne his for ever it will be established.
15 Ris og Revselse, det giver Visdom, uvorn Dreng gør sin Moder Skam.
A rod and rebuke it gives wisdom and a youth let loose [is] putting to shame mother his.
16 Bliver mange gudløse tiltager Synd; retfærdige ser med Fryd deres Fald.
When increase wicked [people] it increases transgression and righteous [people] on overthrow their they will look.
17 Tugt din Søn, så kvæger han dig og bringer din Sjæl, hvad der smager.
Discipline son your so he may give rest you and he may give delights to self your.
18 Uden Syner forvildes et Folk; salig den, der vogter på Loven.
When there not [is] vision it is let loose a people and [one who] keeps [the] law how blessed [is] he.
19 Med Ord lader Træl sig ikke tugte, han fatter dem vel, men adlyder ikke.
By words not he will let himself be instructed a slave for he will understand and there not [will be one who] answers.
20 Ser du en Mand, der er hastig til Tale, for en Tåbe er der snarere Håb end for ham.
Do you see? anyone hasty in words his hope [belongs] to a fool more than him.
21 Forvænner man sin Træl fra ung, vil han til sidst være Herre.
[one who] pampers From youth slave his and end his it will be trouble.
22 Hidsig Mand vækker Strid, vredladen Mand gør megen Synd.
A person of anger he stirs up strife and a master of rage [is] great of transgression.
23 Et Menneskes Hovmod ydmyger ham, den ydmyge opnår Ære.
[the] pride of A person it will bring low him and a [person] lowly of spirit he will attain honor.
24 Hæleren hader sit Liv, han hører Forbandelsen, men melder intet.
[one who] has shares With a thief [is] hating own self his an oath he hears and not he tells.
25 Frygt for Mennesker leder i Snare, men den, der stoler på HERREN, er bjærget.
Fear of a person it makes a snare and [one who] trusts in Yahweh he will be set on high.
26 Mange søger en Fyrstes Gunst; Mands Ret er dog fra HERREN.
Many [people] [are] seeking [the] face of a ruler and [is] from Yahweh justice of a person.
27 Urettens Mand er retfærdiges Gru, hvo redeligt vandrer, gudløses Gru.
[is] an abomination of Righteous [people] a person of injustice and [is] an abomination of [the] wicked a [person] upright of way.

< Ordsprogene 29 >