< Ordsprogene 21 >
1 En Konges hjerte er Bække i HERRENs hånd, han leder det hen, hvor han vil.
[is] streams of Water [the] heart of a king in [the] hand of Yahweh to all that he desires he turns it.
2 En Mand holder al sin Færd for ret, men HERREN vejer Hjerter.
Every way of a person [is] upright in own eyes his and [is] weighing hearts Yahweh.
3 At øve Ret og Skel er mere værd for HERREN end Offer.
To do righteousness and justice [is] chosen by Yahweh more than sacrifice.
4 Hovmodige Øjne, et opblæst Hjerte, selv gudløses Nyjord er Synd.
Haughtiness of eyes and a [person] arrogant of heart [the] lamp of wicked [people] [is] sin.
5 Kun Overflod bringer den flittiges Råd, hver, som har Hastværk, får kun Tab.
[the] plans of A diligent [person] only to advantage and every hasty [person] only to poverty.
6 At skabe sig Rigdom ved Løgnetunge er Jag efter Vind i Dødens Snarer.
[the] acquisition of Treasures by a tongue of falsehood [is] a breath driven about seekers of death.
7 Gudløses Voldsfærd bortriver dem selv, thi de vægrer sig ved at øve Ret.
[the] violence of Wicked [people] it will drag away them for they refuse to do justice.
8 Skyldtynget Mand går Krogveje, den renes Gerning er ligetil.
[is] crooked [the] way of A person guilty and a pure [person] [is] upright work his.
9 Hellere bo i en Krog på Taget end fælles Hus med frættekær Kvinde.
[is] good To dwell on a corner of a roof more than a woman of contentions and a house of association.
10 Den gudløses Sjæl har Lyst til ondt, hans Øjne ynker ikke hans Næste.
[the] appetite of A wicked [person] it craves evil not he is shown favor in view his neighbor his.
11 Må Spotter bøde, bliver tankeløs klog, har Vismand Fremgang, da vinder han kundskab.
When punish a mocker he becomes wise a naive person and when instruct a wise [person] he receives knowledge.
12 Den Retfærdige har Øje med den gudløses Hus, han styrter gudløse Folk i Ulykke.
[is] giving attention [the] righteous [one] To [the] house of a wicked [person] [he is] subverting wicked [people] to calamity.
13 Hvo Øret lukker for Småmands Skrig, skal råbe selv og ikke få Svar.
[one who] shuts Ear his from [the] cry of [the] poor also he he will call out and not he will be answered.
14 Lønlig Gave mildner Vrede, Stikpenge i Brystfolden voldsom Harme.
A gift in secrecy it subdues anger and a bribe in the bosom rage strong.
15 Rettens Gænge er den retfærdiges Glæde, men Udådsmændenes Rædsel.
[is] a joy To the righteous [person] to do justice and terror to [those who] do wickedness.
16 Den, der farer vild fra Kløgtens Vej, skal havne i Skyggers Forsamling.
A person [who] wanders from [the] way of insight in [the] assembly of [the] shades he will rest.
17 Lyst til Morskab fører i Trang, Lyst til Olie og Vin gør ej rig.
[will be] a person of Poverty [one who] loves pleasure [one who] loves wine and oil not he will gain riches.
18 Den gudløse bliver Løsepenge for den retfærdige, den troløse kommer i retsindiges Sted.
[is] a ransom For the righteous [person] a wicked [person] and in place of upright [people] [one who] acts treacherously.
19 Hellere bo i et Ørkenland end hos en trættekær, arrig Kvinde.
[is] good To dwell in a land of wilderness more than a woman of (contentions *Q(K)*) and anger.
20 I den vises Bolig er kostelig Skat og Olie, en Tåbe af et Menneske øder det.
Treasure - desirable and oil [are] in [the] habitation of a wise [person] and a fool a person he swallows up it.
21 Den, der higer efter Retfærd og Godhed vinder sig Liv og Ære.
[one who] pursues Righteousness and loyalty he finds life righteousness and honor.
22 Vismand stormer Heltes By og styrter Værnet, den stolede på.
A city of warriors he goes up a wise [person] and he brought down [the] strength of trust its.
23 Den, der vogter sin Mund og sin Tunge, vogter sit Liv for Trængsler. -
[one who] guards Mouth his and tongue his [is] keeping from troubles self his.
24 Den opblæste stolte kaldes en Spotter, han handler frækt i Hovmod.
Proud arrogant [is] mocker name his [one who] acts in [the] overflowing of pride.
25 Den lades Attrå bliver hans Død, thi hans Hænder vil intet bestille.
[the] desire of A sluggard it kills him for they refuse hands his to work.
26 Ugerningsmand er stadig i Trang, den retfærdige giver uden at spare.
All the day he craves a craving and a righteous [person] he gives and not he keeps back.
27 Vederstyggeligt er de gudløses Offer, især når det ofres for Skændselsdåd.
[the] sacrifice of Wicked [people] [is] an abomination indeed? if in wickedness he brings it.
28 Løgnagtigt Vidne går under, Mand, som vil høre, kan tale fremdeles.
A witness of lies he will perish and a person [who] listens to perpetuity he will speak.
29 Den gudløse optræder frækt, den retsindige overtænker sin Vej.
He makes strong a person wicked with face his and an upright [person] he - (he considers way his. *Q(K)*)
30 Visdom er intet, Indsigt er intet, Råd er intet over for HERREN.
There not [is] wisdom and there not [is] understanding and there not [is] counsel to before Yahweh.
31 Hest holdes rede til Stridens Dag, men Sejren er HERRENs Sag.
A horse [is] prepared for a day of battle and [belongs] to Yahweh the victory.