< Ordsprogene 16 >

1 Hjertets Råd er Menneskets sag. Tungens Svar er fra HERREN.
[belong] to A person [the] plans of [the] heart and [is] from Yahweh [the] answer of [the] tongue.
2 En Mand holder al sin Færd for ren, men HERREN vejer Ånder.
All [the] ways of a person [are] pure in own eyes his and [is] weighing spirits Yahweh.
3 Vælt dine Gerninger på HERREN, så skal dine Planer lykkes.
Roll to Yahweh works your so they may be established plans your.
4 Alt skabte HERREN, hvert til sit, den gudløse også for Ulykkens Dag.
Everything he makes Yahweh for purpose its and also [the] wicked for a day of trouble.
5 Hver hovmodig er HERREN en Gru, visselig slipper han ikke for Straf.
[is] [the] abomination of Yahweh every [person] haughty of heart hand to hand not he will go unpunished.
6 Ved Mildhed og Troskab sones Brøde, ved HERRENs Frygt undviger man ondt.
By loyalty and faithfulness it is atoned for iniquity and [is] by [the] fear of Yahweh turning aside from evil.
7 Når HERREN har Behag i et Menneskes Veje, gør han endog hans Fjender til Venner.
When is pleased with Yahweh [the] ways of a person also enemies his he causes to be at peace with him.
8 Bedre er lidet med Retfærd end megen Vinding med Uret.
[is] good A little with righteousness more than greatness of gains with not justice.
9 Menneskets Hjerte udtænker hans Vej, men HERREN styrer hans Fjed.
[the] heart of A person it plans way his and Yahweh he directs step[s] his.
10 Der er Gudsdom på Kongens Læber, ej fejler hans Mund, når han dømmer.
Divination - [is] on [the] lips of a king in judgment not it will act unfaithfully mouth his.
11 Ret Bismer og Vægtskål er HERRENs, hans Værk er alle Posens Lodder.
A balance - and scales of justice [belong] to Yahweh [are] work his all [the] weights of [the] bag.
12 Gudløs Færd er Konger en Gru, thi ved Retfærd grundfæstes Tronen.
[is] an abomination of Kings to do wickedness for by righteousness it is established a throne.
13 Retfærdige Læber har Kongens Yndest, han elsker den, der taler oprigtigt.
[are the] delight of Kings lips of righteousness and [one who] speaks upright [things] he loves.
14 Kongens Vrede er Dødens Bud, Vismand evner at mildne den.
[the] rage of A king [is] messengers of death and a person wise he covers it.
15 I Kongens Åsyns Lys er der Liv, som Vårregnens Sky er hans Yndest.
[is] in [the] light of [the] face of A king life and favor his [is] like a cloud of spring rain.
16 At vinde Visdom er bedre end Guld, at vinde Indsigt mere end Sølv.
To acquire wisdom how! [is] good more than gold and to acquire understanding [is to be] chosen more than silver.
17 De retsindiges Vej er at vige fra ondt; den vogter sit Liv, som agter på sin Vej.
[the] highway of Upright [people] [is] to turn aside from evil [is] protecting life his [one who] guards way his.
18 Hovmod går forud for Fald, Overmod forud for Snublen.
[is] Before breaking pride and [is] before stumbling haughtiness of spirit.
19 Hellere sagtmodig med ydmyge end dele Bytte med stolte.
[is] good To be lowly spirit with (humble [people] *Q(K)*) more than dividing plunder with proud [people].
20 Vel går det den, der mærker sig Ordet; lykkelig den, der stoler på HERREN.
[one who] gives attention On a word he finds good and [one who] trusts in Yahweh how blessed [is] he.
21 Den vise kaldes forstandig, Læbernes Sødme øger Viden.
To [the] wise of heart it is called discerning and sweetness of lips it increases teaching.
22 Kløgt er sin Mand en Livsens Kilde, Dårskab er Dårers Tugt.
[is] a fountain of Life [the] prudence of owners its and [the] discipline of fools [is] foolishness.
23 Den vises Hjerte giver Munden Kløgt, på Læberne lægger det øget Viden.
[the] heart of A wise [person] it gives insight to mouth his and to lips his it adds teaching.
24 Hulde Ord er som flydende Honning, søde for Sjælen og sunde for Legemet.
[are] a honeycomb of Honey words of kindness a sweet [thing] to the soul and healing to the bone[s].
25 Mangen Vej synes Manden ret, og så er dens Ende dog Dødens Veje.
There [is] a way right before a person and end its [is] [the] ways of death.
26 En Arbejders Hunger arbejder for ham, thi Mundens Krav driver på ham.
[the] appetite of A laborer it labors for him for it presses on him mouth his.
27 En Nidding graver Ulykkesgrave, det er, som brændte der Ild på hans Læber.
A person of worthlessness [is] digging up evil and [is] on (lip his *Q(K)*) like a fire scorching.
28 Rænkefuld Mand sætter Splid; den, der bagtaler, skiller Venner.
A person of perversities he sends out strife and a slanderer [is] separating a close friend.
29 Voldsmand lokker sin Næste og fører ham en Vej, der ikke er god.
A person of violence he deceives neighbor his and he leads him in a way not good.
30 Den, der stirrer, har Rænker for; knibes Læberne sammen, har man fuldbyrdet ondt.
[one who] shuts Eyes his to devise perverse things [one who] purses lips his he accomplishes evil.
31 Grå Hår er en dejlig Krone, den vindes på Retfærds Vej.
[is] a crown of Splendor gray hair in [the] way of righteousness it is found.
32 Større end Helt er sindig Mand, større at styre sit Sind end at tage en Stad.
[is] good A [person] long of anger more than a warrior and [one who] rules over spirit his more than [one who] captures a city.
33 I Brystfolden rystes Loddet, det falder, som HERREN vil.
In the bosom it is thrown the lot and [is] from Yahweh every decision its.

< Ordsprogene 16 >