< 4 Mosebog 36 >

1 Overhovederne for Fædrenehsene i Gileaditernes Slægt Gilead var en Søn af Manasses Søn Makir af Josefs Sønners Slægter trådte frem og talte for Moses og Øversterne, Overhovederne for Israelitternes Fædrenehuse,
And they drew near [the] leaders of the fathers of [the] clan of [the] descendants of Gilead [the] son of Makir [the] son of Manasseh from [the] clans of [the] descendants of Joseph and they spoke before Moses and before the leaders heads of fathers of [the] people of Israel.
2 og sagde: "HERREN har pålagt min Herre at udskifte Landet mellem Israelitterne ved Lodkastning, og min Herre har i HERRENs Navn påbudt at give vor Frænde Zelofhads Arvelod til hans Døtre.
And they said lord my he commanded Yahweh to give the land an inheritance by lot to [the] people of Israel and lord my he was commanded by Yahweh to give [the] inheritance of Zelophehad brother our to daughters his.
3 Men hvis de nu indgår Ægteskab med Mænd, der hører til en anden af Israels Stammer, så unddrages deres Arvelod jo vore Fædres Arvelod, og således øges den Stammes Arvelod, som de kommer til at tilhøre, medens den Arvelod, der er tilfaldet os ved Lodkastning, formindskes;
And they will belong to one of [the] sons of [the] tribes of [the] people of Israel to wives and it will be withdrawn inheritance their from [the] inheritance of ancestors our and it will be added to [the] inheritance of the tribe which they will belong to them and from [the] lot of inheritance our it will be withdrawn.
4 og når Israelitterne får Jubelår, lægges deres Arvelod til den Stammes Arvelod, som de kommer til at tilhøre, og således unddrages deres Arvelod vor fædrene Stammes Arvelod."
And if it will come the jubilee of [the] people of Israel and it will be added inheritance their to [the] inheritance of the tribe which they will belong to them and from [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of ancestors our it will be withdrawn inheritance their.
5 Da udstedte Moses efter HERRENs Ord følgende Bud til Israelitterne: "Josefs Sønners Stamme har talt ret!
And he commanded Moses [the] people of Israel on [the] mouth of Yahweh saying right [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Joseph [is] speaking.
6 Således er HERRENs Bud angående Zelofhads Døtre: De må indgå Ægteskab med hvem de ønsker, men det må kun være Mænd af deres Faders Stammes Slægt, de indgår Ægteskab med.
This [is] the word which he has commanded Yahweh of [the] daughters of Zelophehad saying to the good in view their they will belong to wives only to [the] clan of [the] tribe of ancestor their they will belong to wives.
7 Thi ingen Arvelod, der tilhører Israel, må gå over fra en Stamme til en anden, men Israelitterne skal holde fast hver ved sin fædrene Stammes Arvelod.
And not it will go about an inheritance of [the] people of Israel from tribe to tribe for everyone on [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of ancestors his they will hold [the] people of Israel.
8 Enhver Datter, som får en Arvelod i en af Israelitternes Stammer, skal indgå Ægteskab med en Mand af sin fædrene Stammes Slægt, for at Israelitterne kan beholde hver sine Fædres Arvelod som Ejendom;
And every daughter [who] possesses an inheritance from [the] tribes of [the] people of Israel to one of [the] clan of [the] tribe of father her she will belong to a wife so that they may possess [the] people of Israel everyone [the] inheritance of ancestors his.
9 og ingen Arvelod må gå over fra den ene Stamme til den anden, men Israelitternes Stammer skal holde fast hver ved sin Arvelod!"
And not it will go about an inheritance from tribe to tribe another for everyone on own inheritance its they will hold [the] tribes of [the] people of Israel.
10 Zelofhads Døtre gjorde da, som HERREN pålagde Moses,
Just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses so they did [the] daughters of Zelophehad.
11 idet Mala, Tirza, Hogla, Milka og Noa, Zelofhads Døtre, indgik Ægteskab med deres Farbrødres Sønner;
And they belonged Mahlah Tirzah and Hoglah and Milcah and Noah [the] daughters of Zelophehad to [the] sons of uncles their to wives.
12 de indgik Ægteskab med Mænd, som hørte til Josefs Søn Manasses Sønners Slægter, så at deres Arvelod vedblev at tilhøre deres fædrene Slægts Stamme.
From [the] clans of [the] descendants of Manasseh [the] son of Joseph they became wives and it was inheritance their with [the] tribe of [the] clan of father their.
13 Det er de Bud og Lovbud, HERREN gav Israelitterne ved Moses på Moabs Sletter ved Jordan over for Jeriko.
These [are] the commandments and the judgments which he commanded Yahweh by [the] hand of Moses to [the] people of Israel in [the] plains of Moab at [the] Jordan of Jericho.

< 4 Mosebog 36 >