< 4 Mosebog 24 >
1 Men da Bileam så, at HERRENS Hu stod til at velsigne Israel, gik han ikke som de forrige Gange hen for at søge Varsler, men vendte sig mod Ørkenen
Balaam now realized that Yahweh wanted to bless the Israeli people, [not curse them]. So he did not use magic/divination [like a shaman would do] to find out what Yahweh wanted, as he often did. Instead, he turned toward the desert.
2 og Bileam så op og fik Øje på Israel; som lå lejret Stamme for Stamme. Da kom Guds Ånd over ham,
He saw the Israeli people camped there [in their tents], with each tribe gathered in its own group. Then the Spirit of God took control of him,
3 og han fremsatte sit Sprog: Så siger Bileam, Beors Søn, så siger Manden, hvis Øje er lukket,
and enabled him to give this prophetic message to Balak: “I, Balaam, the son of Beor, am giving this prophecy; I am speaking as a man who sees [what will happen in the future] clearly speaks.
4 så siger han, der hører Guds Ord og kender den Højestes Viden, som skuer den Almægtiges Syner, hensunken, med opladt Øje:
I hear this message from God; I see a vision from him who is all-powerful. My eyes are open as I prostrate myself in front of him.
5 Hvor herlige er dine Telte, JIakob, og dine Boliger, Israel!
You descendants of Jacob, your tents are very beautiful; they are truly lovely!
6 Som Dale, der strækker sig vidt, som Haver langs med en Flod, som Aloetræer, HERREN har plantet, som Cedre ved Vandets Bred.
Your tents are spread out [in front of me like groves of palm trees in] valleys, like gardens alongside a river. They are like strong aloe trees/plants that Yahweh has planted, like [strong] cedar trees [that grow] along the rivers.
7 Dets Spande flyder over med Vand, dets Korn fåt rigelig Væde. Mægtigere end Agagerdets Konge, og ophøjet er dets kongedømme.
Your water buckets will always be full; the seeds [that you plant] will always have plenty of water [to make them grow]. The Israelis’ king will be greater than [King] Agag; the kingdom that he rules will be honored.
8 Gud førte det ud af Ægypten, det har en Vildokses Horn; det opæder de Folkeslag der står det imod, søndrer deres Ben og knuser deres Lænder
God brought the Israelis out of Egypt, [leading them along] with his great power [MTY] like a wild ox has. He devastates all the nations that oppose him; he breaks all those people’s bones into pieces, and shoots them with his arrows.
9 Det lægger sig, hviler som en Løve, ja, som en Løvinde, hvo tør vække det! Velsignet, hvo dig velsigner, forbandet, hvo dig forbander!
The Israelis are like lions that crouch and lie down, [ready to pounce on their prey] [SIM]. They are like lionesses [that are resting, but ready to attack]; no one [RHQ] would dare to arouse them! [God] will bless everyone who blesses you Israelis, and he will curse everyone who curses you.”
10 Da blussede Balaks Vrede op mod Bileam, og han slog Hænderne sammen; og Balak sagde til Bileam: "For at forbande mine Fjender bad jeg dig komme, og se, nu har du velsignet dem tre Gange!
Then King Balak was extremely angry with Balaam. He showed with his hands that he was very angry, and he [shouted at Balaam], “I summoned you here to curse my enemies! Instead, you have (blessed/asked God to bless) them three times!
11 Skynd dig derhen, hvor du kom fra! Jeg lovede dig rigelig Løn, men mon har HERREN unddraget dig den!"
So now, get out of here! Go back home! I said that I would pay you a lot of money [if you cursed them], but Yahweh has prevented you from getting any pay!”
12 Men Bileam sagde til Balak: "Sagde jeg ikke allerede til Sendebudene, du sendte mig:
Balaam said to Balak, “[Do you not remember what] [RHQ] I told the messengers that you sent to me? I said,
13 Om Balak så giver mig alt det Sølv og Guld, han har i sit Hus, kan jeg ikke være ulydig mod HERREN og gøre noget som helst af egen Vilje; hvad HERREN siger, vil jeg sige!
‘Even if Balak would give me a palace filled with silver and gold, I would not disobey Yahweh. I cannot do anything bad or anything that is good [that he does not approve of].’ And I told you that I could say only what Yahweh says to me.
14 Vel, jeg drager til mit Folk, men kom, jeg vil lade dig vide, hvad dette Folk skal gøre ved dit Folk i de sidste Dage."
So yes, I will return to my people, but first, allow me to tell you what will happen to you Moab people in the future.”
15 Derpå fremsatte han sit Sprog: Så siger Bileam, Beors Søn, så siger Manden, hvis Øje er lukket,
So Balaam said this [to Balak]: “I, Balaam, son of Beor, am again giving a prophecy, speaking as a man who sees [what will happen in the future] clearly speaks.
16 så siger han, der hører Guds Ord og kender den Højestes Viden, som skuer den Almægtiges Syner, hensunken, med opladt Øje:
I hear a message from God; I know things that God, who lives in heaven, has [revealed to me]. I see a vision from him who is all-powerful. My eyes are open as I prostrate myself in front of him.
17 Jeg ser ham, dog ikke nu, jeg skuer ham, dog ikke nær! En Sterne opgår af Jakob, et Herskerspir løfter sig fra Israel! Han knuser Moabs Tindinger og alle Setsønnernes Isse.
The things that I see [in the vision] are not [going to happen] now; I see things [that God will cause to happen] in the future. A man who is [a descendant of] Jacob will appear like a star [MET]; a king who holds a scepter will be one of the Israeli people. He will crush the heads of you people of Moab; he will wipe out the descendants of Seth.
18 Edom bliver et Lydland, og Seirs undslupne går til Grunde, Israel udfolder sin Magt,
The Israelis will occupy Edom, and they will conquer their enemies [who live near] Seir [Mountain]. The Israeli people will be victorious/strong.
19 og Jakob kuer sine Fjender.
A ruler who is a descendant of Jacob will come; he will get rid of the people who still live in the city [where Balaam first met Balak].”
20 Men da han så Amalekiterne, fremsatte han sit Sprog: Det første af Folkene er Amalek, men til sidst vies det til Undergang!
Then Balaam looked out over where the Amalek people-group [lived], and he prophesied this: “The Amalek people-group were the greatest nation, but they will be wiped out.”
21 Og da han så Keniterne, fremsatte han sit Sprog: Urokkelig er din Bolig, din Rede bygget på Klippen.
Then he looked out over the area where the Ken people-group [lived], and he prophesied this: “You [think that] the place where you live is secure/safe like a nest that is made in the cliffs [MET],
22 Kain er dog hjemfalden til Undergang! Hvor længe? Assur skal føre dig bort!
but you will be wiped out when the army of Assyria conquers you.”
23 Derpå fremsatte han sit Sprog: Ve! Hvo bliver i Live, når Gud lader det ske!
Balaam ended his prophecies by saying, “Also, (who can (survive/escape) when God does all these things?/no one will be able to (survive/escape) when God does all these things!) [RHQ]
24 Der kommer Skibe fra Kittæernes Kyst; de kuer Assur, de kuer Eber men også han er viet til Undergang!
Ships will come from Cyprus [Island], and [the men in those ships] will defeat [the armies of] Assyria and Eber. But God will get rid of those men, too.”
25 Så drog Bileam tilbage til sin Hjemstavn; og Balak gik også bort.
Then Balaam and Balak returned to their homes.