< Nehemias 11 >

1 Og Folkets Øverster bosatte sig i Jerusalem, medens det øvrige Folk kastede Lod således, at hver tiende Mand skulde bosætte sig i Jerusalem, den hellige By, medens de ni Tiendedele skulde bo i Byerne.
And they dwelt [the] leaders of the people in Jerusalem and [the] rest of the people they cast lots to bring - one of the ten to dwell in Jerusalem [the] city of holiness and nine the hands [were] in the cities.
2 Og Folket velsignede alle de Mænd, som frivilligt bosatte sig i Jerusalem.
And they blessed the people all the men who volunteered to dwell in Jerusalem.
3 Følgende er de Overhoveder i vor Landsdel, som boede i Jerusalem og i Judas Byer; de boede hver på sin Ejendom i deres Byer, Israel, Præsterne, Leviterne, Tempeltrællene og Efterkommerne af Salomos Trælle.
And these [are] [the] leaders of the province who they dwelt in Jerusalem and in [the] cities of Judah they dwelt each one on own property his in own cities their Israel the priests and the Levites and the temple servants and [the] descendants of [the] servants of Solomon.
4 I Jerusalem boede af Judæere og Benjaminiter: Af Judæerne: Ataja, en Søn af Uzzija, en Søn af Zekarja, en Søn af Amarja, en Søn af Sjefatja, en Søn af Mahalal'el af Perez's Efterkommere,
And in Jerusalem they dwelt some of [the] descendants of Judah and some of [the] descendants of Benjamin of [the] descendants of Judah Athaiah [the] son of Uzziah [the] son of Zechariah [the] son of Amariah [the] son of Shephatiah [the] son of Mahalalel of [the] descendants of Perez.
5 og Ma'aseja, en Søn af Baruk, en Søn af Kol-Hoze, en Søn af Hazaja, en Søn af Adaja, en Søn af Jojarib, en Søn af Sjelaniten Zekarja.
And Maaseiah [the] son of Baruch [the] son of Col-Hozeh [the] son of Hazaiah [the] son of Adaiah [the] son of Joiarib [the] son of Zechariah [the] son of the Shilonite.
6 Alle Perez's Efterkommere, der boede i Jerusalem, udgjorde 468 dygtige Mænd.
All [the] descendants of Perez who were dwelling in Jerusalem four hundred sixty and eight men of strength.
7 Følgende Benjaminiter: Sallu, en Søn af Mesjullam, en Søn af Joed, en Søn af Pedaja, en Søn af Kolaja, en Søn af Ma'aseja, en Søn af Itiel, en Søn af Jesja'ja,
And these [are] [the] descendants of Benjamin Sallu [the] son of Meshullam [the] son of Joed [the] son of Pedaiah [the] son of Kolaiah [the] son of Maaseiah [the] son of Ithiel [the] son of Jeshaiah.
8 og hans Brødre, dygtige Krigere. 928.
And after him Gabbai Sallai nine hundred twenty and eight.
9 Joel, Zikris Søn, var deres Befalingsmand, og Juda, Hassenuas Søn, var den næstøverste Befalingsmand i Byen.
And Joel [the] son of Zikri [was] overseer over them and Judah [the] son of Senaah over the city [was] second in command.
10 Af Præsterne: Jedaja, Jojarib Jakin,
Of the priests Jedaiah [the] son of Joiarib Jakin.
11 Seraja, en Søn af Hilkija, en Søn af Mesjullam, en Søn af Zadok, en Søn af Merajot, en Søn af Ahitub, Øversten over Guds Hus,
Seraiah [the] son of Hilkiah [the] son of Meshullam [the] son of Zadok [the] son of Meraioth [the] son of Ahitub [the] supervisor of [the] house of God.
12 og deres Brødre, der udførte Tjenesten i Templet, 822; og Adaja, en Søn af Jeroham, en Søn af Pelalja, en Søn af Amzi, en Søn af Zekarja, en Søn af Pasjhur, en Søn af Malkija,
And brothers their [who] did the work of the house eight hundred twenty and two and Adaiah [the] son of Jeroham [the] son of Pelaliah [the] son of Amzi [the] son of Zechariah [the] son of Pashhur [the] son of Malkijah.
13 og hans Brødre, Overhovederne for Fædrenehusene, 242; og Amasjsaj, en Søn af Azar'el, en Søn af Azaj, en Søn af Mesjillemot, en Søn af Immer,
And brothers his leaders of fathers two hundred forty and two and Amashsai [the] son of Azarel [the] son of Ahzai [the] son of Meshillemoth [the] son of Immer.
14 og hans Brødre, dygtige Mænd 128. Deres Befalingsmand var Zabdiel, Gedolims Søn.
And brothers their mighty [men] of strength one hundred twenty and eight and [was] overseer over them Zabdiel [the] son of (Haggedolim. *L(F)*)
15 Af Leviterne: Sjemaja, en Søn af Hassjub, en Søn af Azrikam, en Søn af Hasjabja, en Søn af Bunni,
And of the Levites Shemaiah [the] son of Hasshub [the] son of Azrikam [the] son of Hashabiah [the] son of Bunni.
16 og Sjabbetaj og Iozabad, som forestod de ydre Arbejder ved Guds Hus og hørte til Leviternes Overhoveder,
And Shabbethai and Jozabad over the work external of [the] house of God [were] of [the] leaders of the Levites.
17 og Mattanja, en Søn af Mika, en Søn af Zabdi, en Søn af Asaf, Lederen af Lovsangen, der ved Bønnen istemte Ordene lov HERREN! og Bakbukja, den næstøverste af hans Brødre, og Abda, en Søn af Sjammua, en Søn af Galal, en Søn af Jedutun.
And Mattaniah [the] son of Micah [the] son of Zabdi [the] son of Asaph [the] leader of the beginning he gave thanks to the prayer and Bakbukiah [the] second from brothers his and Abda [the] son of Shammua [the] son of Galal [the] son of (Jeduthun. *Q(K)*)
18 Alle Leviterne i den hellige By udgjorde 284.
All the Levites in [the] city of holiness two hundred eighty and four.
19 Af Dørvogterne: Akkub, Talmon og deres Brødre, der holdt Vagt ved Portene, 172.
And the gatekeepers Akkub Talmon and brothers their who kept watch at the gates one hundred seventy and two.
20 Resten af Israeliterne, Præsterne og Leviterne boede i alle de andre Byer i Juda, hver på sin Ejendom.
And [the] rest of Israel the priests the Levites [were] in all [the] cities of Judah each one on own inheritance his.
21 Tempeltrællene boede på Ofel; Ziha og Gisjpa var sat over Tempeltrællene.
And the temple servants [were] dwelling on Ophel and Ziha and Gishpa [were] over the temple servants.
22 Leviternes foresatte i Jerusalem ved Tjenesten i Guds Hus var Uzzi, en Søn af Bani, en Søn af Hasjabja, en Søn af Mattanja, en Søn af Mika af Asafs Efterkommere, det er Sangerne.
And [the] overseer of the Levites in Jerusalem [was] Uzzi [the] son of Bani [the] son of Hashabiah [the] son of Mattaniah [the] son of Mica one of [the] descendants of Asaph the singers to before [the] work of [the] house of God.
23 Der var nemlig udstedt en kongelig Befaling om dem, og der var tilsikret Sangerne dagligt Underhold.
For [the] commandment of the king [was] on them and a firm ordinance [was] on the singers [the] matter of a day in day its.
24 Petaja, Mesjezab'els Søn, af Judas Søn Zeras Efterkommere, forhandlede med Kongen i alle Folkets Sager.
And Pethahiah [the] son of Meshezabel one of [the] descendants of Zerah [the] son of Judah [was] to [the] side of the king to every matter of the people.
25 Hvad de åbne Byer med deres Marker angår, boede der Judæere i Kirjat-Arba med Småbyer, Dibon med Småbyer, Jekabze'el med Småbyer,
And to the villages with fields their some of [the] people of Judah they dwelt in Kiriath Arba and daughters its and in Dibon and daughters its and in Jekabzeel and villages its.
26 Jesua, Molada, Bet-Pelet,
And in Jeshua and in Moladah and in Beth Pelet.
27 Hazar-Sjual, Be'ersjeba med Småbyer,
And in Hazar Shual and in Beer Sheba and daughters its.
28 Ziklag, Mekona med Småbyer,
And in Ziklag and in Meconah and in daughters its.
29 En-Rimmon, Zor'a, Jarmut,
And in En Rimmon and in Zorah and in Jarmuth.
30 Zanoa, Adullam med Landsbyer, Lakisj med Marker og Azeka med Småbyer. De bosatte sig fra Be'ersjeba til Hinnoms Dal.
Zanoah Adullam and villages their Lachish and fields its Azekah and daughters its and they encamped from Beer Sheba to [the] valley of [Ben] Hinnom.
31 Benjaminiterne boede i Geba, Mikmas, Ajja, Betel med Småbyer,
And [the] descendants of Benjamin [were] from Geba Micmash and Aija and Beth-el and daughters its.
32 Anatot, Nob, Ananja,
Anathoth Nob Ananiah.
33 Hazor, Rama, Gittajim,
Hazor - Ramah Gittaim.
34 Hadid, Zebo'im, Neballat,
Hadid Zeboim Neballat.
35 Lod, Ono og Håndværkerdalen.
Lod and Ono valley of the craftsmen.
36 Af Leviterne boede nogle Afdelinger i Juda og Benjamin.
And some of the Levites [the] divisions of Judah [belonged] to Benjamin.

< Nehemias 11 >