< Markus 5 >
1 Og de kom over til hin Side af Søen til Gerasenernes Land.
And they came to the other side of the Sea — the country of the Gerasenes;
2 Og da han trådte ud af Skibet, kom der ham straks i Møde ud fra Gravene en Mand med en uren Ånd.
and, as soon as Jesus had got out of the boat, he met a man coming out of the tombs, who was under the power of a foul spirit,
3 Han havde sin Bolig i Gravene, og ingen kunde længer binde ham, end ikke med Lænker.
and who made his home in the tombs. No one had ever been able to secure him, even with a chain;
4 Thi han havde ofte været bunden med Bøjer og Lænker, og Lænkerne vare sprængte af ham og Bøjerne sønderslidte, og ingen kunde tæmme ham.
for, though he had many times been left secured with fetters and chains, he had snapped the chains and broken the fetters to pieces, and no one could master him.
5 Og han var altid Nat og Dag i Gravene og på Bjergene, skreg og slog sig selv med Sten.
Night and day alike, he was continually shrieking in the tombs and among the hills, and cutting himself with stones.
6 Men da han så Jesus. Langt borte, løb han hen og kastede sig ned for ham
Catching sight of Jesus from a distance, he ran and bowed to the ground before him,
7 og råbte med høj Røst og sagde: "Hvad har jeg med dig at gøre, Jesus, den højeste Guds Søn? Jeg besvæger dig ved Gud, at du ikke piner mig."
shrieking out in a loud voice: “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? For God’s sake do not torment me!”
8 Thi han sagde til ham: "Far ud af Manden, du urene Ånd!"
For Jesus had said: “Come out from the man, you foul spirit.”
9 Og han spurgte ham: "Hvad er dit Navn?" Og han siger til ham: "Legion er mit Navn; thi vi ere mange."
And he asked him: “What is your name?” “My name,” he said, “is Legion, for there are many of us;”
10 Og han bad ham meget om ikke at drive dem ud af Landet.
and he begged Jesus again and again not to send them away out of that country.
11 Men der var der ved Bjerget en stor Hjord Svin, som græssede;
There was a large drove of pigs close by, feeding on the hillside.
12 og de bade ham og sagde: "Send os i Svinene, så vi må fare i dem."
And the spirits begged Jesus: “Send us into the pigs, that we may take possession of them.”
13 Og han tilstedte dem det. Og de urene Ånder fore ud og fore i Svinene; og Hjorden styrtede sig ned over Brinken ud i Søen, omtrent to Tusinde, og de druknede i Søen
Jesus gave them leave. They came out, and entered into the pigs; and the drove — about two thousand in number — rushed down the steep slope into the Sea and were drowned in the Sea.
14 Og deres Hyrder flyede og forkyndte det i Byen og på Landet; og de kom for at se, hvad det var, som var sket.
On this the men who tended them ran away, and carried the news to the town, and to the country round; and the people went to see what had happened.
15 Og de komme til Jesus og se den besatte, ham, som havde haft Legionen, sidde påklædt og ved Samling, og de frygtede.
When they came to Jesus, they found the possessed man sitting there, clothed and in his right mind — the very man who had had the ‘Legion’ in him — and they were awe-struck.
16 Men de, som havde set det, fortalte dem, hvorledes det var gået den besatte, og om Svinene.
Then those who had seen it related to them all that had happened to the possessed man, as well as about the pigs;
17 Og de begyndte at bede ham om, at han vilde gå bort fra deres Egn.
upon which they began to beg Jesus to leave their neighbourhood.
18 Og da han gik om Bord i Skibet, bad den, som havde været besat, ham om, at han måtte være hos ham.
As Jesus was getting into the boat, the possessed man begged him to let him stay with him.
19 Og han tilstedte ham det ikke, men siger til ham: "Gå til dit Hus, til dine egne, og forkynd dem, hvor store Ting Herren har gjort imod dig, og at han har forbarmet sig over dig."
But Jesus refused. “Go back to your home, to your own people,” he said, “and tell them of all that the Lord has done for you, and how he took pity on you.”
20 Og han gik bort og begyndte at kundgøre i Bekapolis, hvor store Ting Jesus havde gjort imod ham; og alle undrede sig.
So the man went, and began to proclaim in the district of the Ten Towns all that Jesus had done for him; and every one was amazed.
21 Og da Jesus igen i Skibet var faren over til hin Side, samledes der en stor Skare om ham, og han var ved Søen.
By the time Jesus had re-crossed in the boat to the opposite shore, a great number of people had gathered to meet him, and were standing by the Sea.
22 Og der kommer en af Synagogeforstanderne ved Navn Jairus, og da han ser ham, falder han ned for hans Fødder.
And one of the Presidents of the Synagogue, whose name was Jaeirus, came and, as soon as he saw Jesus, threw himself at his feet with repeated entreaties.
23 Og han beder ham meget og siger: "Min lille Datter er på sit yderste; o! at du vilde komme og lægge Hænderne på hende, for at hun må frelses og leve!"
“My little daughter,” he said, “is at the point of death; I beg you to come and place your hands on her, that her life may be spared.”
24 Og han gik bort med ham, og en stor Skare fulgte ham, og de trængte ham.
So Jesus went with him. A great number of People followed Jesus, and kept pressing round him.
25 Og der var en Kvinde, som havde haft Blodflod i tolv År,
Meanwhile a woman who for twelve years had suffered from haemorrhage,
26 og hun havde døjet meget af mange Læger og havde tilsat alt, hvad hun ejede, og hun var ikke bleven hjulpen, men tværtimod, det var blevet værre med hende.
and undergone much at the hands of many doctors, (spending all she had without obtaining any relief, but, on the contrary, growing worse),
27 Da hun havde hørt om Jesus, kom hun bagfra i Skaren og rørte ved hans Klædebon.
heard about Jesus, came behind in the crowd, and touched his cloak.
28 Thi hun sagde: "Dersom jeg rører blot ved hans Klæder, bliver jeg frelst."
“If I can only touch his clothes,” she said, “I shall get well!”
29 Og straks tørredes hendes Blods Kilde, og hun mærkede i sit Legeme, at hun var bleven helbredt fra sin Plage.
At once the mischief was stopped, and she felt in herself that she was cured of her complaint.
30 Og straks da Jesus mærkede på sig selv, at den Kraft var udgået fra ham, vendte han sig om i Skaren og sagde: "Hvem rørte ved mine Klæder?"
Jesus at once became aware of the power that had gone out from him, and, turning round in the crowd, he said: “Who touched my clothes?”
31 Og hans Disciple sagde til ham: "Du ser, at Skaren trænger dig, og du siger: Hvem rørte ved mig?"
“You see the people pressing round you,” exclaimed his disciples, “and yet you say ‘Who touched me?’”
32 Og han så sig om for at se hende, som havde gjort dette.
But Jesus looked about to see who had done it.
33 Men da Kvinden vidste, hvad der var sket hende, kom hun frygtende og bævende og faldt ned for ham og sagde ham hele Sandheden.
Then the woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and threw herself down before him, and told him the whole truth.
34 Men han sagde til hende: "Datter! din Tro har frelst dig; gå bort med Fred, og vær helbredt fra din Plage!"
“Daughter,” he said, “your faith has delivered you. Go, and peace be with you; be free from your complaint.”
35 Endnu medens han talte, komme nogle fra Synagogeforstanderens Hus og sige: "Din Datter er død, hvorfor umager du Mesteren længere?"
Before he had finished speaking, some people from the house of the President of the Synagogue came and said: “Your daughter is dead! Why should you trouble the Teacher further?”
36 Men Jesus hørte det Ord, som blev sagt, og han siger til Synagogeforstanderen: "Frygt ikke, tro blot!"
But Jesus, overhearing what they were saying, said to the President of the Synagogue: “Do not be afraid; only have faith.”
37 Og han tilstedte ingen at følge med sig uden Peter og Jakob og Johannes, Jakobs Broder.
And he allowed no one to accompany him, except Peter, James, and John, the brother of James.
38 Og de komme ind i Synagogeforstanderens Hus, og han ser en larmende Hob, der græd og hylede meget.
Presently they reached the President’s house, where Jesus saw a scene of confusion — people weeping and wailing incessantly.
39 Og han går ind og siger til dem: "Hvorfor larme og græde I? Barnet er ikke død, men det sover."
“Why this confusion and weeping?” he said on entering. “The little child is not dead; she is asleep.”
40 Og de lo ad ham; men han drev dem alle ud, og han tager Barnets Fader og Moder og sine Ledsagere med sig og går ind, hvor Barnet var.
They began to laugh at him; but he sent them all out, and then, with the child’s father and mother and his companions, went into the room where she was lying.
41 Og han tager Barnet ved Hånden og siger til hende: "Talitha kumi!" hvilket er udlagt: "Pige, jeg siger dig, stå op!"
Taking her hand, Jesus said to her: “Taleitha, koum!” — which means ‘little girl, I am speaking to you — Rise!’
42 Og straks stod Pigen op og gik omkring; thi hun var tolv År gammel. Og de bleve straks overmåde forfærdede
The little girl stood up at once, and began to walk about; for she was twelve years old. And, as soon as they saw it, they were overwhelmed with amazement;
43 Og han bød dem meget, at ingen måtte få dette at vide; og han sagde, at de skulde give hende noget at spise.
but Jesus repeatedly cautioned them not to let any one know of it, and told them to give her something to eat.