< 3 Mosebog 7 >

1 Dette er Loven om Skyldofferet. Det er højhelligt
And this [is] the law of the ram for the trespass-offering; it is most holy.
2 Der, hvor Brændofferet slagtes, skal Skyldofferet slagtes. Dets Blod skal sprænges rundt om på Alteret,
In the place where they kill the whole burnt offering, they shall kill the ram of the trespass-offering before the Lord, and he shall pour out the blood at the bottom of the altar round about.
3 og alt dets Fedt skal frembæres. Fedthalen, Fedtet, der dækker Indvoldene, og alt Fedtet på Indvoldene,
And he shall offer all the fat from it; and the loins, and all the fat that covers the inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards,
4 begge Nyrerne med det Fedt, som sidder på dem ved Lændemusklerne, og Leverlappen, som skal skilles fra ved Nyrerne.
and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, that which is upon the thighs, and the caul upon the liver with the kidney, he shall take them away.
5 Og Præsten skal bringe det som Røgoffer på Alteret, et Ildoffer for HERREN. Det er et Skyldoffer.
And the priest shall offer them on the altar a burnt offering to the Lord; it is for trespass.
6 Alle af Mandkøn blandt Præsterne må spise det; på et helligt Sted skal det spises; det er højhelligt.
Every male of the priest shall eat them, in the holy place they shall eat them: they are most holy.
7 Det er med Skyldofferet som med Syndofferet, en og samme Lov gælder for dem: Det tilfalder den Præst, der skaffer Soning ved det.
As the sin-offering, so also [is] the trespass-offering. There is one law of them; the priest who shall make atonement with it, his it shall be.
8 Den Præst, som frembærer nogens Brændoffer, ham skal Huden af det Brændoffer, han frembærer, tilfalde.
And [as for] the priest who offers a man's whole burnt offering, the skin of the whole burnt offering which he offers, shall be his.
9 Ethvert Afgrødeoffer, der bages i Ovnen, eller som er tilberedt i Pande eller på Plade, tilfalder den Præst, der frembærer det;
And every sacrifice which shall be prepared in the oven, and every one which shall be prepared on the hearth, or on a frying-pan, it is the property of the priest that offers it; it shall be his.
10 men ethvert Afgrødeoffer, der er rørt i Olie eller tørt, tilfalder alle Arons Sønner, den ene lige så vel som den anden.
And every sacrifice made up with oil, or not made up [with oil], shall belong to the sons of Aaron, an equal portion to each.
11 Dette er Loven om Takofferet, som bringes HERREN.
This [is] the law of the sacrifice of peace-offering, which they shall bring to the Lord.
12 Hvis det bringes som Lovprisningsoffer, skal han sammen med Slagtofferet, der hører til hans Lovprisningsoffer, frembære usyrede Kager, rørte i Olie, usyrede Fladbrød, smurte med Olie, og fint Hvedemel, æltet til Kager, rørte i Olie;
If a man should offer it for praise, then shall he bring, for the sacrifice of praise, loaves of fine flour made up with oil, and unleavened cakes anointed with oil, and fine flour kneaded with oil.
13 sammen med syrede Brødkager skal han frembære sin Offergave som sit Lovprisningstakoffer.
With leavened bread he shall offer his gifts, with the peace-offering of praise.
14 Han skal deraf frembære een Kage af hver Offergave som en Offerydelse til HERREN; den tilfalder den Præst, der sprænger Blodet af Takofferet på Alteret.
And he shall bring one of all his gifts, a separate offering to the Lord: it shall belong to the priest who pours forth the blood of the peace-offering.
15 Kødet af hans Lovprisningstakoffer skal spises på selve Offerdagen, intet de1af må gemmes til næste Morgen.
And the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace-offering of praise shall be his, and it shall be eaten in the day in which it is offered: they shall not leave of it till the morning.
16 Er hans Offergaver derimod et Løfteoffer eller et Frivilligoffer, skal det vel spises på selve Offerdagen, men hvad der levnes, må spises Dagen efter;
And if it be a vow, or he offer his gift of his own will, on whatever day he shall offer his sacrifice, it shall be eaten, and on the morrow.
17 men hvad der så er tilbage af Offerkødet, skal opbrændes på den tredje Dag;
And that which is left of the flesh of the sacrifice till the third day, shall be consumed with fire.
18 og hvis der spises noget af hans Takoffers Kød på den tredje Dag, så vil den, som bringer Offeret, ikke kunne finde Guds Velbehag, det skal ikke tilregnes ham, men regnes for urent Kød, og den, der spiser deraf, skal undgælde for sin Brøde.
And if he do at all eat of the flesh on the third day, it shall not be accepted for him that offers: it shall not be reckoned to him, it is pollution; and whatever soul shall eat of it, shall bear his iniquity.
19 Det Kød, der kommer i Berøring med noget som helst urent, må ikke spises, det skal opbrændes. I øvrigt må enhver, der er ren, spise Kødet;
And whatever flesh shall have touched any unclean thing, it shall not be eaten, it shall be consumed with fire; every one that is clean shall eat the flesh.
20 men enhver, som i uren Tilstand spiser Kød af HERRENs Takoffer, skal udryddes af sin Slægt;
And whatever soul shall eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace-offering which is the Lord's, and his uncleanness be upon him, that soul shall perish from his people.
21 og når nogen rører ved noget urent, enten menneskelig Urenhed eller urent Kvæg eller nogen Slags urent Kryb, og så spiser Kød af HERRENs Takoffer, skal han udryddes af sin Slægt.
And whatever soul shall touch any unclean thing, either of the uncleanness of a man, or of unclean quadrupeds, or any unclean abominable thing, and shall eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace-offering, which is the Lord's, that soul shall perish from his people.
22 HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
23 Tal til Israeliterne og sig: I må ikke spise noget som helst Fedt af Okser, Får eller Geder.
Speak to the children of Israel, saying, You shall eat no fat of oxen or sheep or goats.
24 Fedt af selvdøde og sønderrevne Dyr må bruges til alt, men I må under ingen Omstændigheder spise det.
And the fat of such animals as have died of themselves, or have been seized of beasts, may be employed for any work; but it shall not be eaten for food.
25 Thi enhver, der spiser Fedtet af det Kvæg, hvoraf der bringes HERREN Ildofre, den, der spiser noget deraf, skal udryddes af sit Folk.
Every one that eats fat off the beasts, from which he will bring a burnt offering to the Lord—that soul shall perish from his people.
26 Og I må heller ikke nyde noget som helst Blod af Fugle eller Kvæg, hvor I end opholder eder;
You shall eat no blood in all your habitations, either of beasts or of birds.
27 enhver, der nyder noget som helst Blod, skal udryddes af sin Slægt.
Every soul that shall eat blood, that soul shall perish from his people.
28 HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
29 Tal til Israeliterne og sig: Den, der bringer HERREN sit Takoffer, skal af sit Takoffer frembære for HERREN den ham tilkommende Offergave;
You shall also speak to the children of Israel, saying, He that offers a sacrifice of peace-offering, shall bring his gift to the Lord also from the sacrifice of peace-offering.
30 med egne Hænder skal han frembære HERRENs Ildofre. Han skal frembære Fedtet tillige med Brystet; Brystet, for at Svingningen kan udføres dermed for HERRENs Åsyn;
His hands shall bring the burnt offerings to the Lord; the fat which is on the breast and the lobe of the liver, he shall bring them, so as to set them for a gift before the Lord.
31 og Præsten skal bringe Fedtet som Røgoffer på Alteret, men Brystet skal tilfalde Aron og hans Sønner.
And the priest shall offer the fat upon the altar, and the breast shall be Aaron's and his sons,
32 Desuden skal I give Præsten højre Kølle som Offerydelse af eders Takofre.
and you shall give the right shoulder for a choice piece to the priest of your sacrifices of peace-offering.
33 Den af Arons Sønner, der frembærer Takofferets Blod og Fedtet, ham tilfalder højre Kølle som hans Del.
He that offers the blood of the peace-offering, and the fat, of the sons of Aaron, his shall be the right shoulder for a portion.
34 Thi Svingningsbrystet og Offerydelseskøllen tager jeg fra Israeliterne af deres Takofre og giver dem til Præsten Aron og hans Sønner, en evig gyldig Rettighed, som de har Krav på hos Israeliterne.
For I have taken the wave-breast and shoulder of separation from the children of Israel from the sacrifices of your peace-offerings, and I have given them to Aaron the priest and his sons, a perpetual ordinance [due] from the children of Israel.
35 Det er Arons og hans Sønners Del af HERRENs Ildofre, den, som blev givet dem, den dag han lod dem træde frem for at gøre Præstetjeneste for HERREN,
This is the anointing of Aaron, and the anointing of his sons, [their portion] of the burnt offerings of the Lord, in the day in which he brought them forward to minister as priests to the Lord;
36 den, som HERREN, den Dag han salvede dem, bød Israeliterne at give dem, en evig gyldig Rettighed, som de har Krav på fra Slægt til Slægt.
as the Lord commanded to give to them in the day in which he anointed them of the sons of Israel, a perpetual statute through their generations.
37 Det er Loven om Brændofferet, Afgrødeofferet, Syndofferet, Skyldofferet, Indsættelsesofferet og Takofferet,
This [is] the law of the whole burnt offerings, and of sacrifice, and of sin-offering, and of offering for transgression, and of the sacrifice of consecration, and of the sacrifice of peace-offering;
38 som HERREN pålagde Moses på Sinaj Bjerg, den Dag han bød Israeliterne at bringe HERREN deres Offergaver i Sinaj Ørken.
as the Lord commanded Moses in the mount Sina, in the day in which he commanded the children of Israel to offer their gifts before the Lord in the wilderness of Sina.

< 3 Mosebog 7 >