< Klagesangene 5 >

1 HERRE, kom vor skæbne i Hu, sku ned og se vor skændsel!
Keep in mind, O Lord, what has come to us: take note and see our shame.
2 Vor Arvelod tilfaldt fremmede, Udlændinge fik vore Huse.
Our heritage is given up to men of strange lands, our houses to those who are not our countrymen.
3 Forældreløse, faderløse er vi, som Enker er vore Mødre.
We are children without fathers, our mothers are like widows.
4 Vort Drikkevand må vi købe, betale må vi vort Brænde.
We give money for a drink of water, we get our wood for a price.
5 Åget trykker vor Nakke, vi trættes og finder ej Hvile.
Our attackers are on our necks: overcome with weariness, we have no rest.
6 Ægypten rakte vi Hånd, Assur, for at mættes med Brød.
We have given our hands to the Egyptians and to the Assyrians so that we might have enough bread.
7 Vore Fædre, som synded, er borte, og vi må bære deres Skyld.
Our fathers were sinners and are dead; and the weight of their evil-doing is on us.
8 Over os råder Trælle, ingen frier os fra dem.
Servants are ruling over us, and there is no one to make us free from their hands.
9 Med Livsfare henter vi vort Brød, udsatte for Ørkenens Sværd.
We put our lives in danger to get our bread, because of the sword of the waste land.
10 Vor Hud er sværtet som en Ovn af Hungerens svidende Lue.
Our skin is heated like an oven because of our burning heat from need of food.
11 De skændede kvinder i Zion, Jomfruer i Judas Byer.
They took by force the women in Zion, the virgins in the towns of Judah.
12 Fyrster greb de og hængte, tog intet Hensyn til gamle.
Their hands put princes to death by hanging: the faces of old men were not honoured.
13 Ynglinge sattes til Kværnen, under Brændeknippet segnede Drenge.
The young men were crushing the grain, and the boys were falling under the wood.
14 De gamle forsvandt fra Porten, de unge fra Strengenes Leg.
The old men are no longer seated in the doorway, and the music of the young men has come to an end.
15 Vort Hjertes Glæde er borte, vor Dans er vendt til Sorg.
The joy of our hearts is ended; our dancing is changed into sorrow.
16 Kronen faldt af vort Hoved, ve os, at vi har syndet!
The crown has been taken from our head: sorrow is ours, for we are sinners.
17 Vort Hjerte blev derfor sygt, derfor vort Øje mørkt:
Because of this our hearts are feeble; for these things our eyes are dark;
18 For Zions Bjerg, som er øde, Ræve tumler sig der.
Because of the mountain of Zion which is a waste; jackals go over it.
19 Du, HERRE, troner for evigt, fra Slægt til Slægt står din trone.
You, O Lord, are seated as King for ever; the seat of your power is eternal.
20 Hvi glemmer du os bestandig og svigter os alle dage?
Why have we gone from your memory for ever? why have you been turned away from us for so long?
21 Omvend os, HERRE, til dig, så vender vi om, giv os nye Dage, som fordum!
Make us come back to you, O Lord, and let us be turned; make our days new again as in the past.
22 Eller har du helt stødt os bort, er din Vrede mod os uden Ende?
But you have quite given us up; you are full of wrath against us.

< Klagesangene 5 >