< Josua 8 >

1 Derefter sagde HERREN til Josua: "Frygt ikke og vær ikke bange! Tag alt Krigsfolket med dig, bryd op og drag mod Aj! Se, jeg giver Kongen af Aj og hans Folk, hans By og hans Land i din Hånd!
Yahweh said to Joshua, “Do not fear; do not be discouraged. Take with you all the people of war. Go up to Ai. See, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, his people, his city, and his land.
2 Og du skal gøre det samme ved Aj og dets Konge, som du gjorde ved Jeriko og dets Konge; men Godset, I røver der, må I selv beholde som Bytte, ligeledes Kvæget der. Læg Baghold vesten for Byen!"
You will do to Ai and her king as you have done to Jericho and her king, except that you will take the plunder and the cattle for yourselves. Set an ambush behind the city.”
3 Derpå brød Josua op og drog med alt Krigsfolket op mod Aj; og Josua udvalgte sig 30000 tapre Mænd og sendte dem bort om Natten,
So Joshua got up and took all the men of war up to Ai. Then Joshua chose thirty thousand men—strong, courageous men—and he sent them out at night.
4 idet han bød dem: "Se, I skal lægge eder i Baghold vesten for Byen, ikke for langt fra den, og hold eder alle rede.
He commanded them, “Look, you will lie in ambush against the city, behind it. Do not go very far from the city, but all of you be ready.
5 Jeg og alle de Folk, som er med mig, vil nærme os Byen, og når de gør Udfald imod os ligesom forrige Gang, flygter vi for dem.
I and all the men with me will approach the city, and when they come out to attack us, we will run away from them just as before.
6 Når de så følger efter os så langt, at vi får dem lokket bort fra Byen, idet de tænker, at vi flygter for dem ligesom forrige Gang,
They will come out after us until we have drawn them away from the city. They will say, 'They are running away from us as they did the last time.' So we will run away from them.
7 skal I bryde frem fra Bagholdet og tage Byen, thi HERREN eders Gud vil give den i eders Hånd.
Then you come up out of your place of hiding, and you will capture the city. Yahweh your God will give it into your hand.
8 Og når I har indtaget byen, skal I stikke den i Brand. Således skal I gøre, det er mit Bud til eder!"
When you capture the city, you will set it on fire. You will do this when you obey the command given in the word of Yahweh. See, I have commanded you.”
9 Derpå sendte Josua dem bort, og de gik hen og lagde sig i Baghold mellem Betel og Aj, vesten for Aj; men Josua blev den Nat iblandt Krigsfolket.
Joshua sent them out, and they went to the place of ambush, and they hid between Bethel and Ai to the west of Ai. But Joshua slept that night among the people.
10 Tidligt næste Morgen mønstrede Josua Folket, og sammen med Israels Ældste drog han op til Aj i Spidsen for Folket.
Joshua got up early in the morning and got his soldiers ready, Joshua and the elders of Israel, and they attacked the people of Ai.
11 Hele den Styrke, som var med ham, rykkede nærmere, til de havde Byen foran sig; og de lejrede sig norden for Aj med Dalen mellem sig og Aj.
All the fighting men who were with him went up and approached the city. They came near the city and camped on the north side of Ai. Now there was a valley between them and Ai.
12 Derpå tog han henved 5000 Mand og lagde dem i Baghold mellem Betel og Aj, vesten for Byen;
He took about five thousand men and set them in ambush on the west side of the city between Bethel and Ai.
13 og Krigerne blev bragt i Stilling, hele Hæren, som var norden for Byen, og den Del, som lå i Baghold vesten for Byen; men Josua begav sig om Natten ned i Dalen.
They positioned all the soldiers, the main army on the north side of the city, and the rear guard on the west side of the city. Joshua spent that night in the valley.
14 Da nu Kongen af Aj så det, skyndte Byens Mænd sig og rykkede tidligt om Morgenen ud til Kamp mod Israel, Kongen med hele sin Styrke, til Skråningen, hvor Lavningen begynder, uden at vide af, at der var lagt Baghold imod ham vesten for Byen;
It came about when the king of Ai saw it, he and his army got up early and rushed out to attack Israel at a certain place that was overlooking the Jordan River valley. He did not know that an ambush was waiting to attack from behind the city.
15 og da Josua og hele Israel lod sig slå på Flugt af dem og flygtede ad Ørkenen til,
Joshua and all Israel let themselves be defeated before them, and they fled toward the wilderness.
16 blev alt Folket i Byen stævnet sammen til at forfølge dem, og de forfulgte Josua og lod sig lokke bort fra Byen;
All the people who were in the city were called together to go after them, and they went after Joshua and they were drawn away from the city.
17 ikke een Mand blev tilbage i Aj, men alle drog de ud for at forfølge Israel, og de lod Byen stå åben, medens de forfulgte Israel.
There was not a man left in Ai and Bethel who had not gone out to pursue Israel. They abandoned the city and left it open as they pursued Israel.
18 Da sagde HERREN til Josua: "Ræk Spydet i din Hånd ud mod Aj; thi jeg giver det i din Hånd!" Og Josua rakte Spydet i sin Hånd ud mod Byen.
Yahweh said to Joshua, “Point that spear in your hand toward Ai, for I will give Ai into your hand.” Joshua held out the spear that was in his hand toward the city.
19 Og Bagholdet brød hurtigt op fra sin Plads og løb hen til Byen, da han rakte Hånden ud, indtog den og skyndte sig at stikke den i Brand.
The soldiers hiding in ambush quickly rushed out of their place as he reached out with his hand. They ran and entered the city and captured it. They quickly set the city on fire.
20 Da Mændene fra Aj vendte sig om og så Røgen fra Byen stige op mod Himmelen, var de ude af Stand til at flygte til nogen af Siderne, idet Folket, som var flygtet ad Ørkenen til, vendte sig om mod deres Forfølgere.
The men of Ai turned and looked back. They saw the smoke from the city rising into the sky, and they could not escape this way or that. For the Israelite soldiers who had fled into the wilderness now turned back to face those who were pursuing them.
21 Og da Josua og hele Israel så, at Bagholdet havde indtaget Byen, og at Røgen fra byen steg til Vejrs, vendte de om og slog Mændene fra Aj;
When Joshua and all Israel saw the ambush had captured the city with the smoke rising, they turned around and killed the men of Ai.
22 og da hine rykkede ud fra Byen imod dem, kom de midt ind imellem Israeliternes to Afdelinger, som huggede dem ned uden at lade en eneste af dem undkomme eller slippe bort.
The other soldiers of Israel, those who had gone in the city, came out to attack them. So the men of Ai were caught between the armies of Israel, some on this side and some on that side. Israel attacked the men of Ai; none of them survived or escaped.
23 Men Kongen af Aj fangede de levende og bragte ham til Josua.
They kept the king of Ai, whom they captured alive, and they brought him to Joshua.
24 Da Israel nu havde hugget alle Ajs Indbyggere ned på åben Mark, på Skråningen, hvor de forfulgte dem, og de alle til sidste Mand var faldet for Sværdet, vendte hele Israel tilbage til Aj og slog det med Sværdet.
It came about when Israel had finished killing all the inhabitants of Ai in the field near the wilderness where they pursued them, and when all of them, to the very last one, had fallen by the edge of the sword, all Israel returned to Ai. They attacked it with the edge of the sword.
25 Alle de, der faldt på den Dag, Mænd og Kvinder, udgjorde 12000, alle Indbyggerne i Aj.
All those who fell that day, both men and women, were twelve thousand, all the people of Ai.
26 Og Josua trak ikke sin Hånd med det udrakte Spyd tilbage, før han havde lagt Band på alle Ajs Indbyggere.
Joshua did not draw back his hand with which he had reached out while holding his spear, until he had completely destroyed all the people of Ai.
27 Kun Kvæget og Godset, de røvede i denne By, beholdt Israeliterne som Bytte efter den Befaling, HERREN havde givet Josua.
Israel took only the livestock and the plunder from the city for themselves, just as Yahweh had commanded Joshua.
28 Og Josua stak Aj i Brand og gjorde den til en Ruinhob for bestandig, til den Ødemark, den er den Dag i Dag.
Joshua burned Ai and turned it into a heap of ruins forever. It is an abandoned place to this day.
29 Men Kongen af Aj hængte han på en Pæl og lod ham hænge til Aften; og da Solen gik ned, tog man på Josuas Befaling hans Lig ned af Pælen og kastede det hen ved Indgangen til Byens Port. Og man opkastede over ham en stor Stendysse, som står der den Dag i Dag.
He hanged the king of Ai on a tree until evening. When the sun was going down, Joshua gave the command and they took the king's body down from the tree and threw it in front of the city gates. There they set up a great heap of stones on top of it. That heap remains there to this day.
30 Da byggede Josua HERREN, Israels Gud, et Alter på Ebals Bjerg,
Then Joshua built an altar to Yahweh, the God of Israel, on Mount Ebal,
31 som HERRENs Tjener Moses havde pålagt Israeliterne, i Overensstemmelse med, hvad der står skrevet i Moses's Lovbog, et Alter af utilhugne Sten, hvor over der ikke var svunget Jern; og de bragte HERREN Brændofre og ofrede Takofre der.
just as Moses the servant of Yahweh had commanded the people of Israel, as it was written in the Book of the Law of Moses: “An altar from uncut stones, on which no one has wielded an iron tool.” He offered on the altar burnt offerings to Yahweh, and they sacrificed peace offerings.
32 Og han skrev der på Stenene i Israeliternes Påsyn en Afskrift af Mose Lov, som denne havde skrevet,
There, in the presence of the people of Israel, he wrote on the stones a copy of the law of Moses.
33 idet hele Israel og dets Ældste, Tilsynsmænd og Dommere stod på begge Sider af Arken lige over for Levitpræsterne, som bar HERRENs Pagts Ark, de fremmede såvel som de indfødte, den ene Halvdel hen imod Garizims Bjerg, den anden Halvdel hen imod Ebals Bjerg, således som HERRENs Tjener Moses forhen havde påbudt at velsigne Israels Folk.
All Israel, their elders, officers, and their judges stood on both sides of the ark before the priests and Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of Yahweh—the foreigner as well as the native born—half of them stood in front of Mount Gerizim and the other half stood in front of Mount Ebal. They blessed the people of Israel, just as Moses the servant of Yahweh had commanded them at first.
34 Så oplæste han alle Lovens Ord, Velsignelsen og Forbandelsen, alt som det var skrevet i Lovbogen;
Afterward, Joshua read all the words of the law, the blessings and the curses, just as they had been written in the book of the law.
35 ikke et Ord af alt, hvad Moses havde påbudt, undlod Josua at op læse for hele Israels Menighed, Mændene, Kvinderne og Børnene og de fremmede, som var draget med iblandt dem.
There was not one word from all that Moses commanded that Joshua did not read in front of the assembly of Israel, including the women, the little children, and the foreigners who lived among them.

< Josua 8 >