< Josua 7 >

1 Men Israeliterne forgreb sig på det bandlyste, idet Akan, en Søn af Karmi en Søn af Zabdi, en Søn af Zera, af Judas Stamme, tilvendte sig noget af det bandlyste. Da blussede HERRENs Vrede op mod Israeliterne.
But the children of Israel committed a great trespass, and purloined [part] of the accursed thing; and Achar the son of Charmi, the son of Zambri, the son of Zara, of the tribe of Juda, took of the accursed thing; and the Lord was very angry with the children of Israel.
2 Derpå sendte Josua nogle Mænd fra Jeriko til Aj, som ligger ved Bet Aven, østen for Betel, og sagde til dem: "Drag op og udspejd Egnen!" Og Mændene drog op og udspejdede Aj.
And Joshua sent men to Gai, which is by Baethel, saying, Spy out Gai: and the men went up and spied Gai.
3 Da de kom tilbage til Josua, sagde de til ham: "Lad ikke hele Folket drage derop; lad en to-tre Tusind Mand drage op og indtage Aj; du behøver ikke at umage hele Folket med at drage derop, thi de er få!"
And they returned to Joshua, and said to him, Let not all the people go up, but let about two or three thousand men go up and take the city by siege: carry not up there the whole people, for [the enemy] are few.
4 Så drog henved 3000 Mand af Folket derop; men de blev slået på Flugt af Ajjiterne,
And there went up about three thousand men, and they fled from before the men of Gai.
5 og Ajjiterne dræbte seks og tredive Mand eller så af dem; de forfulgte dem uden for Porten indtil Stenbruddene og huggede dem ned på Skråningen. Da sank Folkets Mod og blev til Vand.
And the men of Gai killed of them to the number of thirty-six men, and they pursued them from the gate, and destroyed them from the steep hill; and the heart of the people was alarmed and became as water.
6 Men Josua og Israels Ældste sønderrev deres Klæder og faldt på deres Ansigt på Jorden foran HERRENs Ark og blev liggende til Aften og kastede Støv på deres Hoveder.
And Joshua tore his garments; and Joshua fell on the earth on his face before the Lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they cast dust on their heads.
7 Og Josua sagde: "Ak, Herre, HERRE! Hvorfor lod du dette Folk gå over Jordan, når du vilde give os i Amoriternes Hånd og lade os gå til Grunde? Havde vi dog blot besluttet os til at blive hinsides Jordan!
And Joshua said, I pray, Lord, therefore has your servant brought this people over Jordan to deliver them to the Amorite to destroy us? would we had remained and settled ourselves beyond Jordan.
8 Ak, Herre! Hvad skal jeg sige, nu Israel har måttet tage Flugten for sine Fjender?
And what shall I say since Israel has turned his back before his enemy?
9 Når Kana'anæerne og alle Landets Indbyggere hører det, falder de over os fra alle Sider og udsletter vort Navn af Jorden; hvad vil du da gøre for dit store Navns Skyld?"
And when the Chananite and all the inhabitants of the land hear it, they shall compass us round and destroy us from off the land: and what will you do [for] your great name?
10 Da sagde HERREN til Josua: "Stå op! Hvorfor ligger du på dit Ansigt?
And the Lord said to Joshua, Rise up; why have you fallen upon your face?
11 Israel har syndet, thi de har forbrudt sig imod min Pagt, som jeg pålagde dem; de har tilvendt sig noget af det bandlyste, de har stjålet; de har skjult det, de har gemt det i deres Oppakning.
The people has sinned, and transgressed the covenant which I made with them; they have stolen from the cursed thing, and put it into their store.
12 Derfor kan Israeliterne ikke holde Stand over for deres Fjender, men må flygte for dem; thi de er hjemfaldne til Band! Jeg vil ikke mere være med eder, hvis I ikke bortrydder Bandet af eders Midte.
And the children of Israel will not be able to stand before their enemies; they will turn their back before their enemies, for they have become an accursed thing: I will not any longer be with you, unless you remove the cursed thing from yourselves.
13 Stå derfor op, lad Folket hellige sig og sig: Helliger eder til i Morgen, thi så siger HERREN, Israels Gud: Der er Band i din Midte, Israel; og du kan ikke holde Stand over for dine Fjender, før I skaffer Bandet bort fra eder!
Rise, sanctify the people and tell them to sanctify themselves for the morrow: thus says the Lord God of Israel, The accursed thing is among you; you shall not be able to stand before your enemies, until you shall have removed the cursed thing from among you.
14 I Morgen skal I træde frem Stamme for Stamme, og den Stamme, HERREN rammer, skal træde frem Slægt for Slægt, og den Slægt, HERREN rammer, skal træde frem Familie for Familie, og den Familie, HERREN rammer, skal træde frem Mand for Mand.
And you shall all be gathered together by your tribes in the morning, and it shall come to pass that the tribe which the Lord shall show, you shall bring by families; and the family which the Lord shall show, you shall bring by households; and the household which the Lord shall show, you shall bring man by man.
15 Den, som da rammes, fordi han har det bandlyste Gods, skal brændes tillige med alt, hvad der tilhører ham; thi han har brudt HERRENs Pagt og begået en Skændselsdåd i Israel!"
And the man who shall be pointed out, shall be burnt with fire, and all that he has; because he has transgressed the covenant of the Lord, and has wrought wickedness in Israel.
16 Tidligt næste Morgen lod Josua Israel træde frem Stamme for Stamme, og da blev Judas Stamme ramt.
And Joshua rose up early, and brought the people by their tribes; and the tribe of Juda was pointed out.
17 Derpå lod han Judas Slægter træde frem, og Zeraiternes Slægt blev ramt. Derpå lod han Zeraiternes Slægt træde frem Familie for Familie, og Zabdi blev ramt.
And it was brought by their families, and family of the Zaraites was pointed out.
18 Derpå lod han dennes Familie træde frem Mand for Mand, og da blev Akan ramt, en Søn af Harmi, en Søn af Zabdi, en Søn af Zera, af Judas Stamme.
And it was brought man by man, and Achar the son of Zambri the son of Zara was pointed out.
19 Da sagde Josua til Akan: "Min Søn, giv HERREN, Israels Gud, Ære og Pris, og fortæl mig, hvad du har gjort, skjul ikke noget for mig!"
And Joshua said to Achar, Give glory this day to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession; and tell me what you have done, and hide it not from me.
20 Akan svarede Josua: "Ja, det er mig, som har syndet mod HERREN, Israels Gud. Således gjorde jeg:
And Achar answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel: thus and thus have I done:
21 Jeg så imellem Byttet en prægtig babylonisk Kappe, 200 Sekel Sølv og en Guldtunge på halvtredsindstyve Sekel; det fik jeg Lyst til, og jeg tog det; se, det ligger nedgravet i Jorden midt i mit Telt, Sølvet nederst."
I saw in the spoil an embroidered mantle, and two hundred didrachmas of silver, and one golden wedge of fifty didrachmas, and I desired them and took them; and, behold, they are hid in my tent, and the silver is hid under them.
22 Da sendte Josua nogle Folk hen, og de skyndte sig til Teltet, og se, det var gemt i hans Telt, Sølvet nederst;
And Joshua sent messengers, and they ran to the tent into the camp; and these things were hidden in his tent, and the silver under them.
23 og de tog det ud af Teltet og bragte det til Josua og alle Israeliterne og lagde det hen foran HERREN.
And they brought them out of the tent, and brought them to Joshua and the elders of Israel, and they laid them before the Lord.
24 Men Josua tog sammen med hele Israel Akan, Zeras Søn, og Sølvet, Kappen og Guldtungen og hans Sønner og Døtre, hans Hornkvæg, Æsler og Småkvæg, hans Telt og alt, hvad der tilhørte ham, og førte dem op i Akors dal.
And Joshua took Achar the son of Zara, and brought him to the valley of Achor, and his sons, and his daughters, and his calves, and his asses, and all his sheep, and his tent, and all his property, and all the people [were] with him; and he brought them to Emec Achor.
25 Og Josua sagde: "Hvorfor har du styrtet os i Ulykke? HERREN skal styrte dig i Ulykke på denne Dag!" Derpå stenede hele Israel ham, og de brændte eller stenede dem.
And Joshua said to Achar, Why have you destroyed us? the Lord destroy you as at this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones.
26 Og de opkastede en stor Stendysse over ham, som står der den Dag i Dag. Da lagde HERRENs heftige Vrede sig. Derfor fik Stedet Navnet Akors Dal, som det hedder den Dag i Dag.
And they set up over him a great heap of stones; and the Lord ceased from his fierce anger. Therefore he called the place Emecachor until this day.

< Josua 7 >