< Johannes 11 >
1 Men der lå en Mand syg, Lazarus fra Bethania, den Landsby, hvor Maria og hendes Søster Martha boede.
to be then one be weak: ill Lazarus away from Bethany out from the/this/who village Mary and Martha the/this/who sister it/s/he
2 Men Maria var den, som salvede Herren med Salve og tørrede hans Fødder med sit Hår; hendes Broder Lazarus var syg.
to be then Mary the/this/who to anoint the/this/who lord: God ointment and to wipe off the/this/who foot it/s/he the/this/who hair it/s/he which the/this/who brother Lazarus be weak: ill
3 Da sendte Søstrene Bud til ham og lod sige: "Herre! se, den, du elsker, er syg."
to send therefore/then the/this/who sister to/with it/s/he to say lord: God look! which to love be weak: ill
4 Men da Jesus hørte dette, sagde han: "Denne Sygdom er ikke til Døden, men for Guds Herligheds Skyld, for at Guds Søn skal herliggøres ved den."
to hear then the/this/who Jesus to say this/he/she/it the/this/who weakness: ill no to be to/with death but above/for the/this/who glory the/this/who God in order that/to to glorify the/this/who son the/this/who God through/because of it/s/he
5 Men Jesus elskede Martha og hendes Søster og Lazarus.
to love then the/this/who Jesus the/this/who Martha and the/this/who sister it/s/he and the/this/who Lazarus
6 Da han nu hørte, at han var syg, blev han dog to Dage på det Sted, hvor han var.
as/when therefore/then to hear that/since: that be weak: ill then on the other hand to stay in/on/among which to be place two day
7 Derefter siger han så til Disciplene:"Lader os gå til Judæa igen!
then with/after this/he/she/it to say the/this/who disciple to bring toward the/this/who Judea again
8 Disciplene sige til ham: "Rabbi! nylig søgte Jøderne at stene dig, og du drager atter derhen?"
to say it/s/he the/this/who disciple Rabbi now to seek you to stone the/this/who Jew and again to go there
9 Jesus svarede: "Har Dagen ikke tolv Timer? Vandrer nogen om Dagen, da støder han ikke an; thi han ser denne Verdens Lys.
to answer (the/this/who *k*) Jesus not! twelve hour to be the/this/who day if one to walk in/on/among the/this/who day no to strike that/since: since the/this/who light the/this/who world this/he/she/it to see
10 Men vandrer nogen om Natten, da støder han an; thi Lyset er ikke i ham."
if then one to walk in/on/among the/this/who night to strike that/since: since the/this/who light no to be in/on/among it/s/he
11 Dette sagde han, og derefter siger han til dem: "Lazarus, vor Ven, er sovet ind; men jeg går hen for at vække ham af Søvne."
this/he/she/it to say and with/after this/he/she/it to say it/s/he Lazarus the/this/who friendly/friend me to sleep but to travel in order that/to to awake it/s/he
12 Da sagde Disciplene til ham: "Herre! sover han, da bliver han helbredt."
to say therefore/then the/this/who disciple (it/s/he *N(K)O*) lord: God if to sleep to save
13 Men Jesus havde talt om hans Død; de derimod mente, at han talte om Søvnens Hvile.
to say then the/this/who Jesus about the/this/who death it/s/he that then to think that/since: that about the/this/who sleep the/this/who sleep to say
14 Derfor sagde da Jesus dem rent ud: "Lazarus er død!
then therefore/then to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus boldness Lazarus to die
15 Og for eders Skyld er jeg glad over, at jeg ikke var der, for at I skulle tro; men lader os gå til ham!"
and to rejoice through/because of you in order that/to to trust (in) that/since: that no to be there but to bring to/with it/s/he
16 Da sagde Thomas (hvilket betyder Tvilling), til sine Meddisciple: "Lader os også gå, for at vi kunne dø med ham!"
to say therefore/then Thomas the/this/who to say: call Twin the/this/who fellow disciple to bring and me in order that/to to die with/after it/s/he
17 Da Jesus nu kom, fandt han, at han havde ligget i Graven allerede fire Dage.
to come/go therefore/then the/this/who Jesus to find/meet it/s/he four already day to have/be in/on/among the/this/who grave
18 Men Bethania var nær ved Jerusalem, omtrent femten Stadier derfra.
to be then the/this/who Bethany near the/this/who Jerusalem as/when away from stadium fifteen
19 Og mange af Jøderne vare komne til Martha og Maria for at trøste dem over deres Broder.
(and *k*) much (then *no*) out from the/this/who Jew to come/go to/with (the/this/who *N(k)O*) (about *k*) Martha and Mary in order that/to to encourage it/s/he about the/this/who brother (it/s/he *k*)
20 Da Martha nu hørte, at Jesus kom, gik hun ham i Møde; men Maria blev siddende i Huset.
the/this/who therefore/then Martha as/when to hear that/since: that (the/this/who *k*) Jesus to come/go to go meet it/s/he Mary then in/on/among the/this/who house: home to sit down
21 Da sagde Martha til Jesus: "Herre! havde du været her, da var min Broder ikke død.
to say therefore/then the/this/who Martha to/with the/this/who Jesus lord: God if to be here no if (to die *N(k)O*) the/this/who brother me
22 Men også nu ved jeg, at hvad som helst du beder Gud om, vil Gud give dig."
but and now to know that/since: that just as/how much if to ask the/this/who God to give you the/this/who God
23 Jesus siger til hende: "Din Broder skal opstå."
to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus to arise the/this/who brother you
24 Martha siger til ham: "Jeg ved at han skal opstå i Opstandelsen på den yderste Dag."
to say it/s/he (the/this/who *no*) Martha to know that/since: that to arise in/on/among the/this/who resurrection in/on/among the/this/who last/least day
25 Jesus sagde til hende: "Jeg er Opstandelsen og Livet; den, som tror på mig, skal leve, om han end dør.
to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus I/we to be the/this/who resurrection and the/this/who life the/this/who to trust (in) toward I/we and if to die to live
26 Og hver den, som lever og tror på mig, skal i al Evighed ikke dø. Tror du dette?" (aiōn )
and all the/this/who to live and to trust (in) toward I/we no not to die toward the/this/who an age: eternity to trust (in) this/he/she/it (aiōn )
27 Hun siger til ham: "Ja, Herre! jeg tror, at du er Kristus, Guds Søn, den, som kommer til Verden."
to say it/s/he yes lord: God I/we to trust (in) that/since: that you to be the/this/who Christ the/this/who son the/this/who God the/this/who toward the/this/who world to come/go
28 Og da hun havde sagt dette, gik hun bort og kaldte hemmeligt sin Søster Maria og sagde: "Mesteren er her og kalder ad dig."
and (this/he/she/it *N(k)O*) to say to go away and to call Mary the/this/who sister it/s/he quietly to say the/this/who teacher be present and to call you
29 Da hun hørte det, rejste hun sig hastigt og gik til ham.
that (then *no*) as/when to hear (to arise *N(k)O*) quickly and (to come/go *N(k)O*) to/with it/s/he
30 Men Jesus var endnu ikke kommen til Landsbyen, men var på det Sted, hvor Martha havde mødt ham.
not yet then to come/go the/this/who Jesus toward the/this/who village but to be (still *no*) in/on/among the/this/who place where(-ever) to go meet it/s/he the/this/who Martha
31 Da nu Jøderne, som vare hos hende i Huset og trøstede hende, så, at Maria stod hastigt op og gik ud, fulgte de hende, idet de mente, at hun gik ud til Graven for at græde der.
the/this/who therefore/then Jew the/this/who to be with/after it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who home and to encourage it/s/he to perceive: see the/this/who Mary that/since: that soon to arise and to go out to follow it/s/he (to think *N(K)O*) that/since: that to go toward the/this/who grave in order that/to to weep there
32 Da Maria nu kom derhen, hvor Jesus var, og så ham, faldt hun ned for hans Fødder og sagde til ham: "Herre! havde du været her da var min Broder ikke død."
the/this/who therefore/then Mary as/when to come/go where(-ever) to be (the/this/who *k*) Jesus to perceive: see it/s/he to collapse it/s/he (to/with *N(k)O*) the/this/who foot to say it/s/he lord: God if to be here no if me to die the/this/who brother
33 Da nu Jesus så hende græde og så Jøderne, som vare komne med hende, græde, harmedes han i Ånden og blev heftig bevæget i sit Indre; og han sagde:
Jesus therefore/then as/when to perceive: see it/s/he to weep and the/this/who to assemble it/s/he Jew to weep be agitated the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit and to trouble themself
34 "Hvor have I lagt ham?" De sige til ham: "Herre! kom og se!"
and to say where? to place it/s/he to say it/s/he lord: God to come/go and to perceive: see
to weep the/this/who Jesus
36 Da sagde Jøderne: "Se, hvor han elskede ham!"
to say therefore/then the/this/who Jew look! how! to love it/s/he
37 Men nogle af dem sagde: "Kunde ikke han, som åbnede den blindes Øjne, have gjort, at også denne ikke var død?"
one then out from it/s/he to say no be able this/he/she/it the/this/who to open the/this/who eye the/this/who blind to do/make: do in order that/to and this/he/she/it not to die
38 Da harmes Jesus atter i sit Indre og går hen til Graven. Men det var en Hule, og en Sten lå for den.
Jesus therefore/then again be agitated in/on/among themself to come/go toward the/this/who grave to be then cave and stone to lay on upon/to/against it/s/he
39 Jesus siger: "Tager Stenen bort!" Martha, den dødes Søster, siger til ham: "Herre! han stinker allerede; thi han har ligget der fire Dage:"
to say the/this/who Jesus to take up the/this/who stone to say it/s/he the/this/who sister the/this/who (to decease *N(k)O*) Martha lord: God already to stink fourth for to be
40 Jesus siger til hende: " Sagde jeg ikke, at dersom du tror, skal du se Guds Herlighed?"
to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus no to say you that/since: that if to trust (in) to see: see the/this/who glory the/this/who God
41 Da toge de Stenen bort. Men Jesus opløftede sine Øjne og sagde: "Fader! jeg takker dig, fordi du har hørt mig.
to take up therefore/then the/this/who stone (whither to be the/this/who to die/be dead to lay/be appointed *K*) the/this/who then Jesus to take up the/this/who eye above and to say father to thank you that/since: that to hear me
42 Jeg vidste vel, at du altid hører mig; men for Skarens Skyld, som står omkring, sagde jeg det, for at de skulle tro, at du har udsendt mig."
I/we then to perceive: know that/since: that always me to hear but through/because of the/this/who crowd the/this/who to stand around to say in order that/to to trust (in) that/since: that you me to send
43 Og da han havde sagt dette, råbte han med høj Røst: "Lazarus, kom herud!"
and this/he/she/it to say voice/sound: voice great to shout Lazarus come out/outside(r)
44 Og den døde kom ud, bunden med Jordeklæder om Fødder og Hænder, og et Tørklæde var bundet om hans Ansigt, Jesus siger til dem: "Løser ham, og lader ham gå!"
(and *k*) to go out the/this/who to die/be dead to bind the/this/who foot and the/this/who hand graveclothes and the/this/who face it/s/he handkerchief to wrap around to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus to loose it/s/he and to release: permit it/s/he to go
45 Mange af de Jøder, som vare komne til Maria og havde set, hvad han havde gjort, troede nu på ham;
much therefore/then out from the/this/who Jew the/this/who to come/go to/with the/this/who Mary and to look at (which *NK(o)*) to do/make: do (the/this/who Jesus *k*) to trust (in) toward it/s/he
46 men nogle af dem gik hen til Farisæerne og sagde dem, hvad Jesus, havde gjort.
one then out from it/s/he to go away to/with the/this/who Pharisee and to say it/s/he which to do/make: do (the/this/who *ko*) Jesus
47 Ypperstepræsterne og Farisæerne sammenkaldte da et Møde af Rådet og sagde: "Hvad gøre vi? thi dette Menneske gør mange Tegn.
to assemble therefore/then the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who Pharisee council and to say which? to do/make: do that/since: since this/he/she/it the/this/who a human much to do/make: do sign
48 Dersom vi lade ham således blive ved, ville alle tro på ham, og Romerne ville komme og tage både vort Land og Folk."
if to release: leave it/s/he thus(-ly) all to trust (in) toward it/s/he and to come/go the/this/who Roman and to take up me and the/this/who place and the/this/who Gentiles
49 Men en af dem, Kajfas, som var Ypperstepræst i det År, sagde til dem:
one then one out from it/s/he Caiaphas high-priest to be the/this/who year that to say it/s/he you no to know none
50 "I vide intet; ej heller betænke I, at det er os gavnligt, at eet Menneske dør for Folket, og at ikke det hele Folk skal gå til Grunde."
nor (to count *N(k)O*) that/since: that be profitable (you *N(K)O*) in order that/to one a human to die above/for the/this/who a people and not all the/this/who Gentiles to destroy
51 Men dette sagde han ikke af sig selv; men da han var Ypperstepræst i det År, profeterede han at Jesus skulde dø for Folket;
this/he/she/it then away from themself no to say but high-priest to be the/this/who year that to prophesy that/since: that to ensue (the/this/who *k*) Jesus to die above/for the/this/who Gentiles
52 og ikke for Folket alene, men for at han også kunde samle Guds adspredte Børn sammen til eet.
and no above/for the/this/who Gentiles alone but in order that/to and the/this/who child the/this/who God the/this/who to scatter to assemble toward one
53 Fra den Dag af rådsloge de derfor om at ihjelslå ham.
away from that therefore/then the/this/who day (to plan *N(k)O*) in order that/to to kill it/s/he
54 Derfor vandrede Jesus ikke mere frit om iblandt jøderne, men gik bort derfra ud på Landet, nær ved Ørkenen, til en By, som kaldes Efraim; og han blev der med sine Disciple.
(the/this/who *no*) therefore/then Jesus no still boldness to walk in/on/among the/this/who Jew but to go away from there toward the/this/who country near the/this/who deserted toward Ephraim to say: call city and there (to stay *N(k)O*) with/after the/this/who disciple (it/s/he *k*)
55 Men Jødernes Påske var nær; og mange fra Landet gik op til Jerusalem før Påsken for at rense sig.
to be then near the/this/who Passover lamb the/this/who Jew and to ascend much toward Jerusalem out from the/this/who country before the/this/who Passover lamb in order that/to to purify themself
56 Da ledte de efter Jesus og sagde mellem hverandre, da de stode i Helligdommen: "Hvad mene I? Mon han ikke kommer til Højtiden?"
to seek therefore/then the/this/who Jesus and to say with/after one another in/on/among the/this/who temple to stand which? to think you that/since: that no not to come/go toward the/this/who festival
57 Men Ypperstepræsterne og Farisæerne havde givet Befaling om at dersom nogen vidste, hvor han var, skulde han give det til Kende for at de kunde gribe ham.
to give then (and *k*) the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who Pharisee (commandment *N(K)O*) in order that/to if one to know where? to be to disclose that to arrest/catch it/s/he