< Job 8 >

1 Så tog Sjuhiten Bildad til Orde og sagde:
Then Bildad, from [the] Shuah [area], spoke to Job. He said,
2 "Hvor længe taler du så, hvor længe skal Mundens Uvejr rase?
“Job, how much longer will you talk like this? What you say is [only] hot air.
3 Mon Gud vel bøjer Retten, bøjer den Almægtige Retfærd?
Almighty God certainly never does [RHQ] what is unfair/unjust. He always does [LIT] what is right/fair.
4 Har dine Sønner syndet imod ham, og gav han dem deres Brøde i Vold,
So, it is evident that your children have sinned against him, therefore he has caused them to be punished for evil things that they have done.
5 så søg du nu hen til Gud og bed hans Almagt om Nåde!
But, if you will [now] earnestly request [DOU] Almighty [God] to help you,
6 Såfremt du er ren og oprigtig, ja, da vil han våge over dig, genrejse din Retfærds Bolig;
and if you are pure and honest/righteous, he will surely do something good for you and reward you by giving your family back to you and enabling you to prosper.
7 din fordums Lykke vil synes ringe, såre stor skal din Fremtid blive.
And even though you [think that you] were not very prosperous/wealthy before, during the last part of your life you will become very wealthy.
8 Thi spørg dog den befarne Slægt, læg Mærke til Fædrenes Granskning!
“I request you to think about what happened long ago and consider what our ancestors found out.
9 Vi er fra i Går, og intet ved vi, en Skygge er vore Dage på Jord.
[It seems as though] we were born only yesterday and we know very little [HYP]; our time here on the earth [disappears quickly, like] a shadow [MET].
10 Mon ej de kan lære dig, sige dig det og give dig Svar af Hjertet:
So, why do you not allow your ancestors to teach you and tell you something? Allow them to tell you from what they learned!
11 Vokser der Siv, hvor der ikke er Sump, gror Nilgræs frem, hvor der ikke er Vand?
Papyrus can certainly not [RHQ] grow in places where there is no marsh/swamp; reeds certainly cannot [RHQ] flourish/grow where there is no water.
12 Endnu i Grøde, uden at høstes, visner det før alt andet Græs.
[If they do not have enough water], while they are still blossoming, they wither more quickly than other plants wither.
13 Så går det enhver, der glemmer Gud, en vanhelliges Håb slår fejl:
Those who do not pay attention to what God says are like those [reeds]; godless people stop confidently expecting [that good things will happen to them].
14 som Sommerspind er hans Tilflugt, hans Tillid er Spindelvæv;
The things they confidently expect to happen do not happen; things they trust [will help them] are [as fragile as] [MET] a spider’s web.
15 han støtter sig til sit Hus, det falder, han klynger sig til det, ej står det fast.
If they lean against a house (OR, trust in their wealth; OR, lean on a spider web), it does not (endure/protect them) [LIT]; they cling to things [to be protected], but those things do not remain firm.
16 I Solskinnet vokser han frodigt, hans Ranker breder sig Haven over,
Godless people [are like plants] [MET] that are watered before the sun rises; their shoots spread all over the gardens.
17 i Stendynger fletter hans Rødder sig ind, han hager sig fast mellem Sten;
The roots of those plants twist around piles of stones and cling tightly to rocks.
18 men rives han bort fra sit Sted, fornægter det ham: "Jeg har ikke set dig!"
But if those plants are pulled out, [it is as though] the place where they were planted says ‘They were never here!’ [And that is what happens to wicked people who do not heed what God says].
19 Se, det er Glæden, han har af sin Vej, og af Jorden fremspirer en anden!
Truly, evil people [MET] are not joyful [IRO] for a long time; other people come and take their places.
20 Se, Gud agter ej den uskyldige ringe, han holder ej fast ved de ondes Hånd.
:So, [I tell you, Job], God will not reject you if you are truly godly/righteous, but he does not help [IDM] evil people.
21 End skal han fylde din Mund med Latter og dine Læber med Jubel;
He will enable you [MTY] to continually laugh and to always shout [joyfully].
22 dine Avindsmænd skal klædes i Skam og gudløses Telt ej findes mer!
But those who hate you will be very ashamed, and the homes of wicked people will disappear.”

< Job 8 >