< Job 35 >

1 Og Elihu tog til Orde og sagde:
Then Elihu continued, saying,
2 "Holder du det for Ret, og kalder du det din Ret for Gud,
“Do you think it's honest to claim you are right before God?
3 at du siger: "Hvad båder det mig, hvad hjælper det mig, at jeg ikke synder?"
And you ask, ‘What benefit do I get? What good has it done me by not sinning?’
4 Jeg vil give dig Svar og tillige med dig dine Venner:
I'll tell you, and your friends too!
5 Løft dit Blik imod Himlen og se, læg Mærke til Skyerne, hvor højt de, er over dig!
Just look up at the sky and see. Observe the clouds high above you.
6 Hvis du synder, hvad skader du ham? Er din Brøde svar, hvad gør det da ham?
If you sin, how does that harm God? How do your many sins affect God?
7 Er du retfærdig, hvad gavner du ham, hvad mon han får af din Hånd?
If you do what's right, what good are you doing for him?
8 Du Menneske, dig vedkommer din Gudløshed, dig, et Menneskebarn, din Retfærd!
No—your sins only affect people like yourself, and whatever good you do only affects them too.
9 Man skriger over den megen Vold, råber om Hjælp mod de mægtiges Arm,
People cry out because of terrible persecution; they call for someone to save them from their oppressors.
10 men siger ej: "Hvor er Gud, vor Skaber, som giver Lovsang om Natten,
But no one asks, ‘Where is the God my maker, the one who gives songs in the night,
11 lærer os mer end Jordens Dyr, gør os vise fremfor Himlens Fugle?"
who teaches us more than the animals, and makes us wiser than the birds?’
12 Der råber man, uden at han giver Svar, over de ondes Hovmod;
When they call out for help, God doesn't answer because they are proud and evil people.
13 til visse, Gud hører ej tomme Ord, den Almægtige ænser dem ikke,
God doesn't listen to their empty cries; the Almighty doesn't pay them any attention.
14 endsige din Påstand om ikke at se ham! Vær stille for hans Åsyn og bi på ham!
How much less will God hear you when you say he can't see you? Your case is before him, so you have to wait for him.
15 Men nu, da hans Vrede ej bringer Straf og han ikke bekymrer sig stort om Synd,
You're saying that God doesn't punish people in his anger and pays little attention to sin.
16 så oplader Job sin Mund med Tant, uden Indsigt taler han store Ord.
You, Job, are talking nonsense, making long speeches when you know nothing!”

< Job 35 >