< Job 23 >

1 Så tog Job til Orde og svarede:
and to answer Job and to say
2 "Også i Dag er der Trods i min Klage, tungt ligger hans Hånd på mit Suk!
also [the] day rebellion complaint my hand my to honor: heavy upon sighing my
3 Ak, vidste jeg Vej til at finde ham, kunde jeg nå hans Trone!
who? to give: if only! to know and to find him to come (in): come till place his
4 Da vilde jeg udrede Sagen for ham og fylde min Mund med Beviser,
to arrange to/for face: before his justice and lip my to fill argument
5 vide, hvad Svar han gav mig, skønne, hvad han sagde til mig!
to know speech to answer me and to understand what? to say to/for me
6 Mon han da satte sin Almagt imod mig? Nej, visselig agted han på mig;
in/on/with abundance strength to contend with me me not surely he/she/it to set: consider in/on/with me
7 da gik en oprigtig i Rette med ham, og jeg bjærged for evigt min Ret.
there upright to rebuke with him and to escape to/for perpetuity from to judge me
8 Men går jeg mod Øst, da er han der ikke, mod Vest, jeg mærker ej til ham;
look! front: forward to go: went and nothing he and back and not to understand to/for him
9 jeg søger i Nord og ser ham ikke, drejer mod Syd og øjner ham ej.
left in/on/with to make: do he and not to see to turn aside right and not to see: see
10 Thi han kender min Vej og min Vandel, som Guld går jeg frem af hans Prøve.
for to know way: conduct with me me to test me like/as gold to come out: come
11 Min Fod har holdt fast ved hans Spor, hans Vej har jeg fulgt, veg ikke derfra,
in/on/with step his to grasp foot my way: conduct his to keep: obey and not to stretch
12 fra hans Læbers Bud er jeg ikke veget, hans Ord har jeg gemt i mit Bryst.
commandment lips his and not to remove from statute: portion my to treasure word lip his
13 Men han gjorde sit Valg, hvem hindrer ham Han udfører, hvad hans Sjæl attrår.
and he/she/it in/on/with one and who? to return: turn back him and soul: myself his to desire and to make: do
14 Thi han fuldbyrder, hvad han bestemte, og af sligt har han meget for.
for to complete statute: portion my and like/as them many with him
15 Derfor forfærdes jeg for ham og gruer ved Tanken om ham.
upon so from face his to dismay to understand and to dread from him
16 Ja, Gud har nedbrudt mit Mod, forfærdet mig har den Almægtige;
and God be tender heart my and Almighty to dismay me
17 thi jeg går til i Mørket, mit Åsyn dækkes af Mulm.
for not to destroy from face: before darkness and from face my to cover darkness

< Job 23 >