< Job 18 >
1 Så tog Sjuhiten Bildad til Orde og sagde:
Then Baldad the Sauchite answered and said,
2 "Så gør dog en Ende på dine Ord, kom til Fornuft og lad os tale!
How long wilt thou continue? forbear, that we also may speak.
3 Hvi skal vi regnes for Kvæg og stå som umælende i dine Øjne?
For wherefore have we been silent before thee like brutes?
4 Du, som i Vrede sønderslider din Sjæl, skal for din Skyld Jorden blive øde og Klippen flyttes fra sit Sted?
Anger has possessed thee: for what if thou shouldest die; would [the earth] under heaven be desolate? or shall the mountains be overthrown from their foundations?
5 Nej, den gudløses Lys bliver slukt, hans Ildslue giver ej Lys;
But the light of the ungodly shall be quenched, and their flame shall not go up.
6 Lyset i hans Telt går ud, og hans Lampe slukkes for ham;
His light [shall be] darkness in [his] habitation, and his lamp shall be put out with him.
7 hans kraftige Skridt bliver korte, han falder for eget Råd;
Let the meanest of men spoil his goods, and let his counsel deceive [him].
8 thi hans Fod drives ind i Nettet, på Fletværk vandrer han frem,
His foot also has been caught in a snare, [and] let it be entangled in a net.
9 Fælden griber om Hælen, Garnet holder ham fast;
And let snares come upon him: he shall strengthen those that thirst for his destruction.
10 Snaren er skjult i Jorden for ham og Saksen på hans Sti;
His snare is hid in the earth, and that which shall take him is by the path.
11 Rædsler skræmmer ham alle Vegne og kyser ham Skridt for Skridt:
Let pains destroy him round about, and let many [enemies] come about him,
12 Ulykken hungrer efter ham, Undergang lurer på hans Fald:
[vex him] with distressing hunger: and a signal destruction has been prepared for him.
13 Dødens førstefødte æder hans Lemmer, æder hans Legemes Lemmer;
Let the soles of his feet be devoured: and death shall consume his beauty.
14 han rives bort fra sit Telt, sin Fortrøstning; den styrer hans Skridt til Rædslernes Konge;
And let health be utterly banished from his tabernacle, and let distress seize upon him with a charge from the king.
15 i hans Telt har Undergang hjemme, Svovl strøs ud på hans Bolig;
It shall dwell in his tabernacle in his night: his excellency shall be sown with brimstone.
16 nedentil tørrer hans Rødder, oventil visner hans Grene;
His roots shall be dried up from beneath, and his crop shall fall away from above.
17 hans Minde svinder fra Jord, på Gaden nævnes ikke hans Navn;
Let his memorial perish out of the earth, and his name shall be publicly cast out.
18 man støder ham ud fra Lys i Mørket og driver ham bort fra Jorderig;
Let [one] drive him from light into darkness.
19 i sit Folk har han ikke Afkom og Æt, i hans Hjem er der ingen tilbage;
He shall not be known among his people, nor his house preserved on the earth.
20 de i Vester stivner ved hans Skæbnedag, de i Øst bliver slagne af Rædsel.
But strangers shall dwell in his possessions: the last groaned for him, and wonder seized the first.
21 Ja, således går det den lovløses Bolig, dens Hjem, der ej kender Gud!
These are the houses of the unrighteous, and this is the place of them that know not the Lord.