< Jeremias 26 >

1 I Joasias's søns, kong Jojakim af Judas, første regeringstid kom dette ord fra HERREN:
In [the] beginning of [the] reign of Jehoiakim [the] son of Josiah [the] king of Judah it came the word this from with Yahweh saying.
2 Så siger HERREN: Stå frem i Forgården til HERRENs Hus og tal til hele Juda, som kommer for at tilbede i HERRENs Hus, alle de Ord, jeg har pålagt dig at tale til dem; udelad ikke et Ord!
Thus - he said Yahweh stand in [the] court of [the] house of Yahweh and you will speak to all [the] cities of Judah who come to bow down [the] house of Yahweh all the words which I have commanded you to speak to them may not you hold back a word.
3 Måske hører de og omvender sig, hver fra sin onde Vej, så jeg kan angre det onde, jeg har i Sinde at gøre dem for deres onde Gerningers Skyld.
Perhaps they will listen and they may turn back everyone from way his evil and I will repent concerning the calamity which I [am] planning to do to them because of [the] wickedness of deeds their.
4 Sig til dem: Så siger HERREN: Hvis I ikke hører mig og følger den Lov, jeg har forelagt eder,
And you will say to them thus he says Yahweh if not you will listen to me to walk in law my which I have set before you.
5 så I hører mine Tjenere Profeternes Ord, som jeg årle og silde sendte eder, skønt I ikke vilde høre,
To listen to [the] words of servants my the prophets whom I [have been] sending to you and rising early and sending and not you have listened.
6 så gør jeg med dette Hus som med Silo og giver alle Jordens Folk denne By at forbande ved.
And I will make the house this like Shiloh and the city (this *Q(k)*) I will make into a curse for all [the] nations of the earth.
7 Præsterne, Profeterne og alt Folket hørte nu Jeremias tale disse Ord i HERRENs Hus;
And they heard the priests and the prophets and all the people Jeremiah speaking the words these in [the] house of Yahweh.
8 og da Jeremias havde sagt alt, hvad HERREN havde pålagt ham at sige til alt Folket, greb Præsterne og Profeterne og alt Folket ham og sagde: "Du skal dø!
And it was - when had finished Jeremiah to speak all that he had commanded Yahweh to speak to all the people and they seized him the priests and the prophets and all the people saying certainly you will die.
9 Hvor tør du profetere i HERRENs Navn og sige: Det skal gå dette Hus som Silo, og denne By skal ødelægges, så ingen bor der!" Og alt Folket stimlede sammen om Jeremias i HERRENs Hus.
Why? have you prophesied in [the] name of Yahweh saying like Shiloh it will be the house this and the city this it will be desolate from not inhabitant and it assembled all the people to Jeremiah in [the] house of Yahweh.
10 Da Judas Fyrster hørte det, gik de fra Kongens Palads op til HERRENs Hus og tog Sæde ved Indgangen til HERRENs nye Port.
And they heard - [the] officials of Judah the things these and they came up from [the] house of the king [the] house of Yahweh and they sat at [the] entrance of [the] gate of Yahweh new.
11 Så sagde Præsterne og Profeterne til Fyrsterne og alt Folket: "Denne Mand har gjort halsløs Gerning, thi han har profeteret mod denne By, som I selv hørte."
And they said the priests and the prophets to the officials and to all the people saying a sentence of death [belongs] to the man this for he has prophesied against the city this just as you have heard with own ears your.
12 Men Jeremias sagde til Fyrsterne og alt Folket: "HERREN sendte mig for at profetere mod dette Hus og denne By alle de Ord, I hørte.
And he said Jeremiah to all the officials and to all the people saying Yahweh he sent me to prophesy against the house this and against the city this all the words which you have heard.
13 Bedrer dog eders Veje og eders Gerninger og hør på HERREN eders Guds Røst, at HERREN må angre det onde, han har talet imod eder.
And therefore make good ways your and deeds your and listen to [the] voice of Yahweh God your so he may repent Yahweh concerning the calamity which he has spoken on you.
14 Men se, jeg er i eders Hånd; gør med mig, hvad der er godt og billigt i eders Øjne!
And I here I [am] in hand your do to me according to the good and according to the right in view your.
15 Dog skal I vide, at hvis I dræber mig, så bringer I uskyldigt Blod over eder og denne By og dens Indbyggere; thi sandelig sendte HERREN mig for at tale alle disse ord til eder."
Only - certainly you will know that except [are] about to put to death you me for blood innocent you [are] about to put on yourselves and to the city this and to inhabitants its for in truth he has sent me Yahweh to you to speak in ears your all the words these.
16 Da sagde Fyrsterne og alt Folket til Præsterne og Profeterne: "Denne Mand har ikke gjort halsløs Gerning, men talt til os i HERREN vor Guds Navn."
And they said the officials and all the people to the priests and to the prophets not [belongs] to the man this a sentence of death for in [the] name of Yahweh God our he has spoken to us.
17 Og nogle af Landets Ældste trådte frem og sagde til hele Folkets Forsamling:
And they arose men from [the] elders of the land and they said to all [the] assembly of the people saying.
18 "Mika fra Moresjet profeterede på Kong Ezekias af Judas Tid og sagde til alt Judas Folk: Så siger Hærskarers HERRE: Zion skal pløjes som en Mark, Jerusalem blive til Grushobe, Tempelbjerget til Krathøj.
(Micah *Q(K)*) the Morasthite he was prophesying in [the] days of Hezekiah [the] king of Judah and he said to all [the] people of Judah saying thus he says - Yahweh of hosts Zion a field it will be plowed and Jerusalem heaps of ruins it will be and [the] mountain of the house high places of a forest.
19 Mon Kong Ezekias af Juda og hele Juda dræbte ham? Frygtede de ikke HERREN og bad ham om Nåde, så HERREN angrede det onde, han havde truet dem med? Vi er ved at bringe stor Ulykke over vore Sjæle."
¿ Really did they put to death him Hezekiah [the] king of Judah and all Judah ¿ not was he fearing Yahweh and did he entreat [the] face of Yahweh and he repented Yahweh concerning the calamity which he had spoken on them and we [are] about to do an evil great on selves our.
20 Der var også en anden Mand, som profeterede i HERRENs Navn, Urija, Sjemajas Søn, fra Kirjat Jearim; og han profeterede mod denne By og dette Land med de samme Ord som Jeremias.
And also a man he was prophesying in [the] name of Yahweh Uriah [the] son of Shemaiah from Kiriath Jearim and he prophesied on the city this and on the land this like all [the] words of Jeremiah.
21 Da Kong Jojakim og alle hans Krigsfolk og alle Fyrsterne hørte hans Ord, stod han ham efter Livet; og da Urija hørte det, blev han bange og flygtede og kom til Ægypten.
And he heard the king Jehoiakim and all warriors his and all the officials words his and he sought the king to put to death him and he heard Uriah and he was afraid and he fled and he went Egypt.
22 Men Kong Jojakim sendte Folk til Ægypten; han sendte Elnatan, Akbors Søn, og nogle andre til Ægypten,
And he sent the king Jehoiakim men Egypt Elnathan [the] son of Achbor and men with him to Egypt.
23 og de bragte Urija hjem fra Ægypten og førte ham til Kong Jojakim, som lod ham hugge ned med Sværdet og hans Lig kaste hen, hvor Småfolk havde deres Grave.
And they brought out Uriah from Egypt and they took him to the king Jehoiakim and he struck him with the sword and he threw corpse his to [the] graves of [the] sons of the people.
24 Men Ahikam, Sjafans Søn, holdt Hånden over Jeremias, så han ikke blev overgivet i Folkets Hånd og dræbt.
Nevertheless [the] hand of Ahikam [the] son of Shaphan it was with Jeremiah to not to give him in [the] hand of the people to put to death him.

< Jeremias 26 >