< Jeremias 16 >
1 HERRENs Ord kom til mig således
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said to me],
2 Du skal ikke tage dig en Hustru og ikke have Sønner eller Døtre på dette Sted.
“Do not get married and have children in this land,
3 Thi så siger HERREN om de Sønner og Døtre, der fødes på dette Sted, og om Mødrene, som føder dem, og Fædrene, som avler dem i dette Land:
because this is what [I], Yahweh, say about the children who are born in this city, and about their mothers and fathers:
4 En smertefuld Død skal de dø; der skal ikke holdes Dødeklage over dem, og de skal ikke jordes; til Gødning på Marken skal de blive. De skal omkomme ved Sværd og Hunger; deres Lig skal være Hinmmmmelens Fugle og Jordens Dyr til Æde.
[Many of] them will die from terrible diseases. And no one will mourn for them. No one will even bury their corpses; the corpses will lie on the ground, [scattered] like manure. [Others] will die in wars or from hunger, and [then] their corpses will become food for vultures and wild animals.”
5 Thi så sigem HERREN: Kom ikke i Sorgens Hus, gå ikke til Klage, vis dem ikke Medynk, thi jeg lager min Fred fra dette Folk, lyder det fra HERREN, både Nåde og Barmhjerlighed;
This is [also] what Yahweh said to me: “Do not go to funerals to mourn or to show [those whose relatives have died] that you feel sorry for them, because I have stopped protecting them, and I have caused that things will not go well for them. I have stopped faithfully loving them and acting mercifully toward them.
6 og store og små skal dø i dette Land og ikke jordes. De skal ikke holde Dødeklage eller ridse Huden eller klippe sig for deres Skyld,
[Very many people] will die in this land, [including] those who are important and those who are not important. And no one will mourn for them, or [even] bury [their corpses]. No one will cut himself or shave his head [to show that he is very sad].
7 bryde Brød til en, der har Sorg, til Trøst for den døde, eller kvæge ham med Trøstebæger for Fader og Moder.
No one will bring food to comfort those who are mourning, not even if it is their father or their mother [who has died]. No one will give them a cup [of wine] to cheer them up.
8 Og kom ikke i et Gildehus for at sidde iblandt dem og spise og drikke;
And do not go into the houses where people are feasting. Do not eat or drink anything with them.
9 thi så siger Hærskarers HERRE, Israels Gud: Se, for eders Øjne og i eders Dage gør jeg på dette Sted Ende på Fryderåb og Glædesråb, Brudgoms Røst og Bruds Røst.
[I want you to do this] because this is what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say: ‘While you are still alive and seeing it happen, I will cause there to be no more singing and laughing in this land. There will be no more joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides.’
10 Når du forkynder dette Folk alle disse Ord, og de siger til dig: "Hvorfor udtaler HERREN al den store Ulykke over os, og hvad er det for en Brøde og Synd, vi har gjort mod HERREN vor Gud?"
When you tell these things to the people, they will ask, ‘Why has Yahweh declared that these terrible things will happen to us? What have we done [for which we deserve to be punished like this]? What sin have we committed against Yahweh our God?’
11 svar dem så: Fordi eders Fædre forlod mig, lyder det fra HERREN, og holdt sig til andre Guder og dyrkede og tilbad dem; mig forlod de og holdt ikke min Lov;
Then this is what you must tell them [that I am replying to them]: ‘It is because your ancestors turned away from me, Yahweh. They worshiped other gods and served them. They abandoned me and did not obey my commands.
12 og I bærer eder værre ad end eders Fædre, thi se, I vandrer hver efter sit onde Hjertes Stivsind uden at høre mig;
But you [who are living now] have done more wicked things than your ancestors did! Each of you stubbornly does the evil things that he desires and refuses to pay attention to what I say.
13 derfor slænger jeg eder bort fra dette Land til et Land, I ikke kender, så lidt som eders Fædre, og der skal I dyrke andre Guder både bag og Nat; thi jeg vil ikke give eder Nåde.
So, I will throw you out of this land, and I will send you to a land that you and your ancestors have never known about. There you will worship other gods day and night. And I will not act mercifully toward you.’
14 Se, derfor skal Dage komme, lyder det fra HERREN, da det ikke mere hedder: "Så sandt HERREN lever, der førte Israeliterne op fra Ægypten!"
But there will be a time when people [who are solemnly promising to do something] will no longer say, ‘[I will do this], [just as surely] as Yahweh lives—the one who brought the Israeli people here from Egypt.’
15 men: "Så sandt HERREN lever, der førte Israeliterne op fra Nordens Land og alle de Lande, til hvilke han havde stødt dem bort!" Og jeg fører dem hjem til deres Land, som jeg gav deres Fædre.
Instead, they will say ‘[I will do this, just as surely] as Yahweh lives—the one who brought [us] Israeli people back to our own land, from the lands to the north and from all the other lands to which he had (exiled us/forced us to go).’ [They will be able to say that] because [some day] I will bring your descendants back to this land that I gave to your ancestors.
16 Se, jeg sender Bud efter Fiskere i Mængde, lyder det fra HERREN, og de skal fiske dem; og siden sender jeg Bud efter Jægere i Mængde, og de skal jage dem fra hvert Bjerg, hver Høj og Klippernes Kløfter.
But now I am summoning [your enemies who will seize the people of Judah like] [MET] fishermen [catch fish]. I am summoning those who will search for them on every mountain and hill, and in every cave, [like] [MET] hunters [search for animals to kill].
17 Thi mine Øjne er rettet på alle deres Veje; de er ikke skjult for mig, og deres Brøde er ikke dulgt for mine Øjne.
I am watching them carefully. I see every sin [that they commit]. They will not [be able to] hide from me [MTY].
18 Og først giver jeg dem tvefold Gengæld for deres Brøde og Synd, fordi de vanhelligede mit Land med deres væmmelige Guders Ådsler og fyldte min Arvelod med deres Vederstyggeligheder.
Because of all the wicked things that they have done [DOU], I will punish them twice as much [as I would punish other people. I will do that] because they have caused my land to become unacceptable to me because of their [worshiping] lifeless statues of detestable gods, and [also because they] have done many other evil things throughout my land.”
19 Herre, min Styrke, mit Værn, min Tilflugt i Nødens Stund! Til dig skal Folkeslag komme fra den vide Jord og sige: "Vore Fædre arved kun Løgn, Afguder, ingen af dem hjælper.
[Then I prayed, saying], “Yahweh, you are the one who strengthens me and protects me [MET]; you are the one to whom I go when I have [troubles]. [Some day people from] nations all over the world will come to you and say, ‘Our ancestors left/gave us only something that was false; [they worshiped idols] that are completely worthless [DOU].
20 Kan et Menneske lave sig Guder? De er dog ikke Guder!"
No one can [RHQ] make their own gods; the gods that they make are [only idols]; they are not real gods.’”
21 Se, derfor lader jeg dem mærke, denne Gang lader jeg dem mærke min Hånd og min Styrke; og de skal kende, at mit Navn er HERREN.
[Then Yahweh said], “Now I will show my power to [the people of Judah]; I will show them that I am truly very powerful [DOU]. Then, finally, they will know that I, Yahweh, [am the true God].”