< Esajas 39 >

1 Ved den Tid sendte Bal'adans Søn, Kong Merodak-Bal'adan af Babel, Brev og Gave til Ezekias, da han hørte, at han havde været syg, men var blevet rask.
in/on/with time [the] he/she/it to send: depart Merodach-baladan Merodach-baladan son: child Baladan king Babylon scroll: document and offering: gift to(wards) Hezekiah and to hear: hear for be weak: ill and to strengthen: strengthen
2 Og Ezekias glædede sig over deres Komme og viste dem Huset, hvor han havde sine Skatte, Sølvet og Guldet, Røgelsestofferne, den fine Olie, hele sit Våbenoplag og alt, hvad der var i hans Skatkamre; der var ikke den Ting i hans Hus og hele hans Rige, som Ezekias ikke viste dem.
and to rejoice upon them Hezekiah and to see: see them [obj] house: home (treasure his *Q(K)*) [obj] [the] silver: money and [obj] [the] gold and [obj] [the] spice and [obj] [the] oil [the] pleasant and [obj] all house: home article/utensil his and [obj] all which to find in/on/with treasure his not to be word: thing which not to see: see them Hezekiah in/on/with house: home his and in/on/with all dominion his
3 Da kom Profeten Esajas til Kong Ezekias og sagde til ham: "Hvad sagde disse Mænd, og hvorfra kom de til dig?" Ezekias svarede: "De kom fra et fjernt Land, fra Babel."
and to come (in): come Isaiah [the] prophet to(wards) [the] king Hezekiah and to say to(wards) him what? to say [the] human [the] these and from where? to come (in): come to(wards) you and to say Hezekiah from land: country/planet distant to come (in): come to(wards) me from Babylon
4 Da spurgte han: "Hvad fik de at se i dit Hus?" Ezekias svarede: "Alt, hvad der er i mit Hus, så de; der er ikke den Ting i mine Skatkamre, jeg ikke viste dem."
and to say what? to see: see in/on/with house: palace your and to say Hezekiah [obj] all which in/on/with house: palace my to see: see not to be word: thing which not to see: see them in/on/with treasure my
5 Da sagde Esajas til Ezekias: "Hør Hærskarers HERREs Ord!
and to say Isaiah to(wards) Hezekiah to hear: hear word LORD Hosts
6 Se, Dage skal komme, da alt, hvad der er i dit Hus, og hvad dine Fædre har samlet indtil denne Dag, skal bringes til Babel og intet lades tilbage, siger HERREN.
behold day to come (in): come and to lift: bear all which in/on/with house: palace your and which to store father your till [the] day [the] this Babylon not to remain word: thing to say LORD
7 Og af dine Sønner, der nedstammer fra dig, og som du avler, skal nogle tages og gøres til Hofmænd i Babels Konges Palads!"
and from son: child your which to come out: come from you which to beget to take: take and to be eunuch in/on/with temple: palace king Babylon
8 Men Ezekias sagde til Esajas: "det Ord fra HERREN, du har talt, er godt!" Thi han tænkte: "Så bliver der da Fred og Tryghed, så længe jeg lever!"
and to say Hezekiah to(wards) Isaiah pleasant word LORD which to speak: speak and to say for to be peace and truth: certain in/on/with day my

< Esajas 39 >