< Esajas 3 >

1 Thi se, HERREN, Hærskarers HERRE, fratager Jerusalem og Juda støtte og Stav, hver Støtte af Brød og hver støtte af vand:
for behold [the] lord LORD Hosts to turn aside: remove from Jerusalem and from Judah support and support all support food: bread and all support water
2 Helt og Krigsmand, Dommer og Profet, Spåmand og Ældste,
mighty man and man battle to judge and prophet and to divine and old: elder
3 Halvhundredfører og Stormand, Rådsherre og, Håndværksmester og den, der er kyndig i Trolddom.
ruler fifty and to lift: kindness face: kindness and to advise and wise craftily and to understand charm
4 Jeg giver dem Drenge til Øverster, Drengekådhed skal herske over dem.
and to give: make youth ruler their and caprice to rule in/on/with them
5 I Folket undertrykker den ene den anden, hver sin Næste; Dreng sætter sig op imod Olding, Usling mod Hædersmand.
and to oppress [the] people man: anyone in/on/with man and man: anyone in/on/with neighbor his to be assertive [the] youth in/on/with old: elder and [the] to dishonor in/on/with to honor: honour
6 Når da en Mand tager fat på en anden i hans Fædrenehus og siger: "Du har en Kappe, du skal være vor Hersker, under dig skal dette faldefærdige Rige stå!"
for to capture man: anyone in/on/with brother: male-sibling his house: household father his mantle to/for you chief to be to/for us and [the] ruins [the] this underneath: owning hand: owner your
7 så svarer han på hin Dag: "Jeg vil ikke være Sårlæge! Jeg har hverken Brød eller Klæder i Huset, gør ikke mig til Folkets Overhoved!"
to lift: loud in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to/for to say not to be to saddle/tie and in/on/with house: home my nothing food: bread and nothing mantle not to set: make me chief people
8 Thi Jerusalem snubler, og Juda falder, fordi de med Tunge og Gerning er mod HERREN i Trods mod hans Herligheds Øjne.
for to stumble Jerusalem and Judah to fall: fall for tongue their and deed their to(wards) LORD to/for to rebel eye: appearance glory his
9 Deres Ansigtsudtryk vidner imod dem; de kundgør deres Synd som Sodoma, dølger intet. Ve deres Sjæl, de styrted sig selv i Våde.
look face their to answer in/on/with them and sin their like/as Sodom to tell not to hide woe! to/for soul: myself their for to wean to/for them distress: evil
10 Salige de retfærdige, dem går det godt, deres Gerningers frugt skal de nyde;
to say righteous for be pleasing for fruit deed their to eat
11 ve den gudløse, ham går det ilde; han får, som hans Hænder har gjort.
woe! to/for wicked be evil for recompense hand his to make: do to/for him
12 Mit, Folk har en Dreng ved Styret, og over det hersker Kvinder. Dine Ledere, mit Folk, leder, vild, gør Vejen, du, vandrer, vildsom.
people my to oppress him to mock and woman to rule in/on/with him people my to bless you to go astray and way: conduct way your to swallow up
13 Til Rettergang er HERREN trådt frem, han tår og vil dømme sit Folk.
to stand to/for to contend LORD and to stand: stand to/for to judge people
14 HERREN møder til Doms med de Ældste i sit Folk og dets Fyrster: "Det er jer, som gnaved Vingården af, I har Rov fra den arme til Huse.
LORD in/on/with justice: judgement to come (in): come with old: elder people his and ruler his and you(m. p.) to burn: destroy [the] vineyard violence [the] afflicted in/on/with house: home your
15 Hvor kan I træde på mit Folk og male de arme sønder?" så lyder det fra Herren, Hærskarers HERRE.
(what? to/for you *Q(K)*) to crush people my and face afflicted to grind utterance Lord YHWH/God Hosts
16 HERREN siger: Eftersom Zions Døtre bryster sig og går med knejsende Nakke og kælne Blikke, går med trippende Gang og med raslende Ankelkæder -
and to say LORD because for to exult daughter Zion and to go: walk (to stretch *Q(k)*) throat and to ogle eye to go: walk and to mince to go: went and in/on/with foot their to tinkle
17 gør Herren issen skaldet på Zions Døtre og blotter deres Tindingers Lokker.
and to scar Lord crown daughter Zion and LORD hinge their to uncover
18 På hin Dag afriver Herren al deres Pynt: Ankelringe, Pandebånd, Halvmåner,
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to turn aside: remove Lord [obj] beauty [the] anklet and [the] headband and [the] crescent
19 Perler, Armbånd, Flor,
[the] pendant and [the] bracelet and [the] veil
20 Hovedsmykker, Ankelkæder, Bælter, Lugtedåser, Trylleringe,
[the] headdress and [the] bracelette and [the] sash and house: home [the] soul: life and [the] charm
21 Fingerringe, Næseringe,
[the] ring and ring [the] face: nose
22 Festklæder, Underdragter, Sjaler, Tasker,
[the] robe and [the] overtunic and [the] cloak and [the] purse
23 Spejle, Lin, Hovedbånd og Slør.
and [the] tablet and [the] linen and [the] turban and [the] veil
24 For Vellugt kommer der Stank, i Stedet for Bælte Reb, for Fletninger skaldet Isse, for Stadsklæder Sæk om Hofte, for Skønhedsmærke Brændemærke.
and to be underneath: instead spice decay to be and underneath: instead belt rope and underneath: instead deed: work hairstyle bald spot and underneath: instead robe girding sackcloth branding underneath: instead beauty
25 Dine Mænd skal falde for Sværd, dit unge Mandskab i Strid.
man your in/on/with sword to fall: fall and might your in/on/with battle
26 Hendes Porte skal sukke og klage og hun sidde ensom på Jorden.
and to lament and to mourn entrance her and to clear to/for land: soil to dwell

< Esajas 3 >