< Esajas 19 >
1 Et Udsagn om Ægypten. Se, HERREN farer på letten Sky og kommer til Ægypten; Ægyptens Guder bæver for ham, Ægyptens Hjerte smelter i Brystet.
[the] oracle of Egypt there! Yahweh [is] riding on a cloud swift and [is] coming Egypt and they will tremble [the] idols of Egypt from before him and [the] heart of Egypt it will melt within it.
2 Jeg hidser Ægypten mod Ægypten, så de kæmper Broder mod Broder, Ven mod Ven, By mod By, Rige mod Rige.
And I will provoke Egypt against Egypt and they will fight each against brother his and each against neighbor his city against city kingdom against kingdom.
3 Ægyptens Forstand står stille, dets Råd gør jeg til intet, så de søger Guder og Manere, Genfærd og Ånder.
And it will be disturbed [the] spirit of Egypt within it and plan its I will confuse and they will consult the idols and the mutterer and the necromancers and the soothsayers.
4 Jeg giver Ægypten hen i en hårdhjertet Herres Hånd, en Voldskonge bliver deres Hersker, så lyder det fra Herren, Hærskarers HERRE.
And I will hand over Egypt in [the] hand of a master cruel and a king strong he will rule over them [the] utterance of the lord Yahweh of hosts.
5 Vandet i Floden svinder, Strømmen bliver sid og tør;
And they will be dried up waters from the sea and a river it will become dry and it will be dry.
6 Strømmene udspreder Stank, Ægyptens Floder svinder og tørres; Rør og Siv visner hen,
And they will stink [the] rivers they will be low and they will become dry [the] canals of Egypt reed[s] and rush[es] they will wither.
7 alt Græsset ved Nilbredden dør, al Sæd ved Nilen hentørres, svinder og er ikke mere.
Reeds at [the] River at [the] mouth of [the] River and all [the] sown land of [the] River it will be dry it will be driven about and there not [will be] it.
8 Fiskerne sukker og sørger, alle, som meder i Nilen; de, som, sætter Garn i Vandet, gribes af Modløshed.
And they will lament the fishermen and they will mourn all [those who] cast in the River a fish hook and [those who] spread out a fishing net on [the] surface of [the] waters they will languish.
9 Til Skamme er de, som væver Linned, Heglersker og de, som væver Byssus;
And they will be ashamed workers of flax combed and [those who] weave white cloth.
10 Spinderne er sønderknust, hver Daglejer sørger bittert.
And they will be foundations its crushed all [those who] work of wage[s] [will be] grieved of soul.
11 Kun Dårer er Zoans Øverster, Faraos viseste Rådmænd så dumt et Råd. Hvor kan I sige til Farao: "Jeg er en Ætling af Vismænd, Ætling af Fortidens Konger?"
[are] only Fools [the] officials of Zoan [the] wise [people] of [the] counselors of Pharaoh counsel foolish how? will you say to Pharaoh [am] a son of wise [people] I a son of kings of ancient time.
12 Ja, hvor er nu dine Vismænd? Lad dem dog kundgøre dig og lade dig vide, hvad Hærskarers HERRE har for mod Ægypten!
Where [are]? they then wise [people] your so they may tell please to you so they may know what? has he planned Yahweh of hosts on Egypt.
13 Hans Fyrster blev Dårer: Fyrster i Nof blev Tåber. Ægypten er bragt til at rave af Stammernes Hjørnesten.
They have become fools [the] officials of Zoan they have been deceived [the] officials of Memphis they have misled Egypt [the] corner of tribes its.
14 I dets Indre har HERREN udgydt Svimmelheds Ånd; Ægypten fik de til at rave i al dets Id, som den drukne raver i sit Spy.
Yahweh he has mixed in midst its a spirit of confusion and they have misled Egypt in every deed its as is made to stagger a drunkard in vomit his.
15 For Ægypten lykkes intet, hverken for Hoved eller Hale, Palme eller Siv.
And not it will be for Egypt a deed which it will do head and tail palm branch and bulrush.
16 På hin Dag skal Ægypten blive som Kvinder; det skal ængstes og grue for Hærskarers HERREs svungne Hånd, som han svinger imod det.
In the day that it will be Egypt like women and it will tremble - and it will be in dread of [the] brandishing of [the] hand of Yahweh of hosts which he [is] brandishing on it.
17 Judas Land bliver Ægypten en Rædsel; hver Gang nogen minder dem derom, gribes de af Angst for, hvad Hærskarers HERRE har for imod det.
And it will become [the] land of Judah to Egypt an object of terror every [one] whom someone will bring to remembrance it to him he will be in dread because of [the] plan of Yahweh of hosts which he [is] planning on it.
18 På hin Dag skal fem Byer i Ægypten tale Kana'ans Tungemål og sværge ved Hærskarers HERRE; en af dem skal kaldes Ir-Haheres.
In the day that they will be five cities in [the] land of Egypt speaking [the] language of Canaan and swearing an oath to Yahweh of hosts [the] city of Destruction it will be called of one.
19 På hin Dag skal HERREN have et Alter midt i Ægypten og en Stenstøtte ved dets Grænse.
In the day that it will be an altar to Yahweh in [the] middle of [the] land of Egypt and a pillar [will be] beside border its to Yahweh.
20 Det skal være Tegn og Vidne for Hærskarers HERRE i Ægypten; når de råber til HERREN over dem, som mishandler dem, vil han sende dem en Frelser; han skal stride og udfri dem.
And it will become a sign and a witness to Yahweh of hosts in [the] land of Egypt that they will cry out to Yahweh because of oppressors and he may send to them a deliverer and [one who] contends and he will rescue them.
21 Da skal HERREN give sig til Kende for Ægypten, Ægypterne skal lære HERREN at kende på hin Dag; de skal bringe Slagtoffer og Afgrødeoffer og gøre Løfter til HERREN og indfri dem.
And he will make himself known Yahweh to Egypt and they will know Egypt Yahweh in the day that and they will serve sacrifice and offering and they will vow a vow to Yahweh and they will pay [it].
22 HERREN skal slå Ægypten, slå og læge; og når de omvender sig til HERREN, bønhører han dem og læger dem.
And he will strike Yahweh Egypt striking and healing and they will turn to Yahweh and he will be entreated by them and he will heal them.
23 På hin Dag skal der gå en banet Vej fra Ægypten til Assyrien, og Assyrien skal komme til Ægypten og Ægypten til Assyrien, og Ægypten skal tjene Herren sammen med Assyrien.
In the day that it will be a highway from Egypt Assyria towards and it will go Assyria in Egypt and Egypt in Assyria and they will serve Egypt Assyria.
24 På hin Dag skal Israel selvtredje, sammen med Ægypten og Assyrien, være en Velsignelse midt på Jorden,
In the day that it will be Israel a third to Egypt and to Assyria a blessing in [the] midst of the earth.
25 som Hærskarers HERRE velsigner med de Ord: "Velsignet være Ægypten, mit Folk, og Assyrien, mine Hænders Værk, og Israel, min Arvelod!"
Which he will bless it Yahweh of hosts saying [be] blessed people my Egypt and [the] work of hands my Assyria and inheritance my Israel.