< Hoseas 12 >

1 Efraims Hu står til Vind, efter Østenstorm jager han stadig, af Løgn og Svig er han fuld; med Assur slutter de Pagt, til Ægypten bringer de Olie.
Ephraim feeds on the wind and follows after the east wind. He continually multiplies lies and violence. They make a covenant with Assyria and carry olive oil to Egypt.
2 HERREN går i Rette med Juda og hjemsøger Jakob, gengælder ham efter hans Veje og efter hans Id.
Yahweh also has a lawsuit against Judah and will punish Jacob for what he has done; he will repay him for his deeds.
3 I Moders Liv overlisted han sin Broder, han stred med Gud i sin Manddom,
In the womb Jacob grasped his brother by the heel, and in his manhood he struggled with God.
4 ja stred med en Engel og sejred, han bad ham med Gråd om Nåde; i Betel traf han ham og talte med ham der,
He struggled with the angel and won. He wept and begged for his favor. He met God at Bethel; there God spoke with him.
5 HERREN, Hærskarers Gud, HERREN er hans Navn:
This is Yahweh, the God of hosts; “Yahweh” is his name to be called on.
6 "Drag du nu hjem med din Gud, tag Vare på Kærlighed og Ret og bi bestandig på din Gud!"
So turn to your God. Keep covenantal faithfulness and justice, and wait continually for your God.
7 I Kana'ans Hånd er falske Lodder, han elsker Svig.
The merchants have false scales in their hands; they love to defraud.
8 Efraim siger: "Jeg vandt dog Rigdom og Gods!" Al hans Vinding soner ej Brøden, han øved.
Ephraim said, “I have certainly become very rich; I have found wealth for myself. In all my work they will not find any iniquity in me, anything that would be sin.”
9 Men jeg, som er HERREN din Gud, fra du var i Ægypten, lader dig bo i Telt igen som i svundne Dage.
“I am Yahweh your God from the land of Egypt. I will again make you live in tents, as in the days of the appointed festival.
10 Jeg har talet til Profeterne og givet mange Syner, ved Profeterne talet i Lignelser.
I spoke to the prophets, and I gave them many visions for you. By the hand of the prophets I gave parables.”
11 Gilead er Løgn og Tomhed, i Gilgal ofrer de Tyre; som Stendynger langs med Markfurer er deres Altre.
If there is wickedness in Gilead, surely the people are worthless. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls; their altars will be like heaps of stone in the furrows of the fields.
12 Jakob flyede til Arams Slette, og Israel trællede for en kvindes Skyld, og for en Kvindes Skyld vogtede han kvæg.
Jacob fled to the land of Aram; Israel worked in order to get a wife; and he kept flocks of sheep to get a wife.
13 Ved en Profet førte HERREN Israel op fra Ægypten, og det vogtedes ved en Profet.
Yahweh brought Israel out of Egypt by a prophet, and by a prophet he took care of them.
14 Efraim vakte bitter Vrede, han bærer Blodskyld; med Skændsel dænges han til, hans Herre gør Gengæld.
Ephraim has bitterly angered Yahweh. So his Lord will leave his blood on him and will turn back on him his disgrace.

< Hoseas 12 >