< 1 Mosebog 44 >

1 Derefter befalede han sin Hushovmester: "Fyld Mændenes Sække med Korn, så meget de kan have med sig, og læg hvers Pengesum oven i hans Sæk
And he commanded the steward of his house, saying, Fill the men's sacks [with] food, as much as they can carry, and put every man's money in his sack's mouth.
2 og læg mit eget Sølvbæger oven i den yngstes Sæk sammen med Pengene for hans Korn!" Og han gjorde, som Josef bød.
And put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's mouth of the youngest, and his corn money: and he did according to the word that Joseph had spoken.
3 Da Morgenen gryede, fik Mændene Lov at drage bort med deres Æsler.
As soon as the morning was light, the men were sent away, they, and their asses.
4 Men før de var kommet ret langt fra Byen, bød Josef sin Hushovmester: "Sæt efter Mændene, og når du indhenter dem, sig så til dem: Hvorfor har I gengældt godt med ondt?
[And] when they had gone out of the city, [and] were not [yet] far off, Joseph said to his steward, Arise, follow after the men; and when thou dost overtake them, say to them, Why have ye rewarded evil for good?
5 Hvorfor har I stjålet mit Sølvbæger? Det er jo min Herres Mundbæger, som han bruger til at tage Varsler af! Ilde har I handlet ved at gøre således!"
[Is] not this [the cup] in which my lord drinketh, and by which indeed he divineth? ye have done evil in so doing.
6 Og da han havde indhentet dem, sagde han det til dem.
And he overtook them, and he spoke to them these same words.
7 Men de svarede: "Hvor kan min Herre tale således? Det være langt fra dine Trælle at gøre sligt!
And they said to him, Why saith my lord these words? Far be it from us that thy servants should do according to this thing:
8 Se, de Penge, vi fandt oven i vore Sække, bragte vi tilbage til dig fra Kana'ans Land - hvorfor skulde vi da stjæle Guld eller Sølv fra din Herres Hus!
Behold, the money which we found in our sacks' mouths, we brought again to thee from the land of Canaan: how then should we steal from thy lord's house silver or gold?
9 Den af dine Trælle, det findes hos, skal dø, og desuden vil vi andre være din Herres Trælle!"
With whom [soever] of thy servants it shall be found, both let him die, and we also will be my lord's bond-men.
10 Han svarede: "Vel, lad det blive, som I siger: Den, Bægeret findes hos, skal være min Træl, men I andre skal være sagesløse!"
And he said, Now also [let] it [be] according to your words: he with whom it shall be found, shall be my servant; and ye shall be blameless.
11 Så skyndte de sig at løfte hver sin Sæk ned på Jorden og åbne den,
Then they speedily took down every man his sack to the ground, and opened every man his sack.
12 og han undersøgte dem fra den ældstes til den yngstes, og Bægeret blev fundet i Benjamins Sæk.
And he searched, [and] began at the eldest, and left at the youngest: and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack.
13 Da sønderrev de deres Klæder, og efter at have læsset Sækkene hver på sit Æsel vendte de tilbage til Byen.
Then they rent their clothes, and loaded every man his ass, and returned to the city.
14 Da Juda og hans Brødre kom ind i Josefs Hus, hvor han endnu var, kastede de sig til Jorden for ham;
And Judah and his brethren came to Joseph's house, (for he [was] yet there: ) and they fell before him on the ground.
15 men Josef sagde til dem: "Hvad har I gjort! Ved I ikke, at en Mand som jeg forstår sig på hemmelige Kunster?"
And Joseph said to them, What deed [is] this that ye have done? knew ye not that such a man as I can certainly divine?
16 Da sagde Juda: "Hvad skal vi svare min Herre, hvad skal vi sige, og hvorledes skal vi retfærdiggøre os? Gud har fundet dine Trælles Brøde! Se, vi er min Herres Trælle, både vi andre og han, Bægeret fandtes hos!"
And Judah said, What shall we say to my lord? what shall we speak? or how shall we clear ourselves? God hath found out the iniquity of thy servants: behold we [are] my lord's servants, both we, and [he] also with whom the cup is found.
17 Men han svarede: "Det være langt fra mig at handle således; den, Bægeret fandtes hos, skal være min Træl, men I andre kan i Fred drage hjem til eders Fader."
And he said, Far be it from me that I should do so: the man in whose hand the cup is found, he shall be my servant; and as for you, go in peace to your father.
18 Da trådte Juda hen til ham og sagde: "Hør mig, min Herre, lad din Træl tale et Ord for min Herres Ører og lad ikke Vreden blusse op i dig mod din Træl, thi du er jo som Farao!
Then Judah came near to him, and said, Oh my lord, let thy servant, I pray thee, speak a word in my lord's ears, and let not thy anger burn against thy servant; for thou [art] even as Pharaoh.
19 Min Herre spurgte sine Trælle Har I Fader eller Broder?
My lord asked his servants, saying, Have ye a father, or a brother?
20 Og vi svarede min Herre: Ja, vi har en gammel Fader, og der er en Dreng, som blev født i hans Alderdom; en Broder til ham er død, og selv er han den eneste, hans Moder efterlod sig, og hans Fader elsker ham.
And we said to my lord, We have a father, an old man, and a child of his old age, a little one: and his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him.
21 Så sagde du til dine Trælle: Bring ham med herned til mig, at jeg kan se ham med egne Øjne!
And thou saidst to thy servants, Bring him down to me, that I may set my eyes upon him.
22 Men vi svarede min Herre: Drengen kan ikke forlade sin Fader, thi hans Fader dør, hvis han forlader ham!
And we said to my lord, The lad cannot leave his father; for [if] he should leave his father, [his father] would die.
23 Så sagde du til dine Trælle: Kommer eders yngste Broder ikke med herned, så bliver I ikke mere stedt for mit Åsyn!
And thou saidst to thy servants, Except your youngest brother shall come down with you, ye shall see my face no more.
24 Vi rejste så op til din Træl. min Fader, og fortalte ham, hvad min Herre havde sagt.
And it came to pass, when we came to thy servant, my father, we told him the words of my lord.
25 Da vor Fader siden sagde: Rejs atter hen og køb os lidt Føde!
And our father said, Go again; buy us a little food.
26 svarede vi: Vi kan ikke rejse derned, hvis ikke vor yngste Broder følger med, thi vi bliver ikke stedt for Mandens Åsyn, medmindre vor yngste Broder er med!
And we said, We cannot go down: if our youngest brother shall be with us, then will we go down; for we may not see the man's face, except our youngest brother shall [be] with us.
27 Så sagde din Træl, min Fader. til os: I ved jo, at min Hustru fødte mig to Sønner;
And thy servant my father, said to us, Ye know that my wife bore me two [sons]:
28 den ene gik bort fra mig, og jeg sagde: Han er sikkerlig revet ihjel! Og jeg har ikke set ham siden;
And the one went out from me, and I said, Surely he is torn in pieces; and I have not seen him since:
29 hvis I nu også tager denne fra mig, og der tilstøder ham en Ulykke, bringer I mine grå Hår i Dødsriget med Smerte! (Sheol h7585)
And if ye take this also from me, and mischief shall befall him, ye will bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
30 Kommer jeg derfor hjem til din Træl, min Fader, uden at Drengen. ved hvem han hænger med hele sin Sjæl, er med,
Now therefore, when I come to thy servant my father, and the lad is not with us; (seeing that his life is bound up in the lad's life)
31 så bliver det hans Død, når han ser, at Drengen ikke er med. og dine Trælle vil bringe din Træl vor Faders grå Hår i Dødsriget med Sorg. (Sheol h7585)
It shall come to pass, when he seeth that the lad [is] not [with us], that he will die: and thy servants will bring down the gray hairs of thy servant our father, with sorrow to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
32 Men din Træl skal svare sin Fader for Drengen, og jeg har forpligtet mig til at være hans Skyldner for bestandig, hvis jeg ikke bringer ham til ham;
For thy servant became surety for the lad to my father, saying, If I bring him not to thee, then I will bear the blame to my father for ever.
33 lad derfor din Træl blive tilbage i Drengens Sted som min Herres Træl, men lad Drengen drage hjem med sine Brødre!
Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant abide instead of the lad, a bond-man to my lord; and let the lad return with his brethren.
34 Thi hvorledes skulde jeg kunne drage hjem til min Fader, når jeg ikke har Drengen med? Jeg vil ikke kunne være Vidne til den Ulykke, der rammer min Fader!"
For how shall I return to my father, and the lad [be] not with me? lest perhaps I see the evil that shall come on my father.

< 1 Mosebog 44 >