< 1 Mosebog 42 >

1 Da Jakob hørte, at der var Korn at få i Ægypten, sagde han til sine Sønner: "Hvad venter I efter?"
And Jacob having seen that there was a sale [of corn] in Egypt, said to his sons, Why are you indolent?
2 Og han sagde: "Jeg hører, at der er Korn at få i Ægypten; drag ned og køb os noget, at vi kan blive i Live og undgå Døden!"
Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt; go down there, and buy for us a little food, that we may live, and not die.
3 Så drog de ti af Josefs Brødre ned for at købe Korn i Ægypten;
And the ten brethren of Joseph went down to buy corn out of Egypt.
4 men Jakob sendte ikke Josefs Broder Benjamin med hans Brødre, thi han tænkte, der kunde tilstøde ham en Ulykke.
But [Jacob] sent not Benjamin, the brother of Joseph, with his brethren; for he said, Lest, haply, disease befall him.
5 Blandt dem, der kom for at købe Korn, var også Israels Sønner; thi der var Hungersnød i Kana'ans Land.
And the sons of Israel came to buy with those that came, for the famine was in the land of Chanaan.
6 Og da Josef var Hersker i Landet, og han var den, der solgte Korn til alt Folket i Landet, så kom Josefs Brødre og kastede sig til Jorden for ham.
And Joseph was ruler of the land; he sold to all the people of the land. And the brethren of Joseph, having come, did reverence to him, [bowing] with the face to the ground.
7 Da Josef så sine Brødre, kendte han dem; men han lod fremmed over for dem, talte dem hårdt til og sagde til dem: "Hvorfra kommer I?" De svarede: "Fra Kana'ans Land for at købe Føde!"
And when Joseph saw his brethren, he knew them, and estranged himself from them, and spoke hard words to them; and said to them, Whence are you come? And they said, Out of the land of Chanaan, to buy food.
8 Josef kendte sine Brødre, men de kendte ikke ham.
And Joseph knew his brethren, but they knew not him.
9 Da kom Josef de Drømme i Hu. han havde drømt om dem; og han sagde til dem; "I er Spejdere, I kommer for at se, hvor Landet er åbent!"
And Joseph remembered his dream, which he saw; and he said to them, You are spies; to observe the marks of the land are you come.
10 De svarede: "Nej, Herre, dine Trælle kommer for at købe Føde!
But they said, Nay, Sir, we your servants are come to buy food;
11 Vi er alle Sønner af en og samme Mand; vi er ærlige Folk. dine Trælle er ikke Spejdere!"
we are all sons of one man; we are peaceful, your servants are not spies.
12 Men han sagde: "Jo vist så! I kommer for at se, hvor Landet er åbent!"
And he said to them, Nay, but you are come to observe the marks of the land.
13 De svarede: "Vi, dine Trælle. var tolv Brødre, Sønner af en og samme Mand i Kana'ans Land; den yngste er for Tiden hjemme hos vor Fader, og een er ikke mere!"
And they said, We your servants are twelve brethren, in the land of Chanaan; and, behold, the youngest is with our father today, but the other one is not.
14 Men Josef sagde til dem: "Det er, som jeg siger eder: I er Spejdere!
And Joseph said to them, This is it that I spoke to you, saying, you are spies;
15 Men nu skal I sættes på Prøve: Så sandt Farao lever, slipper I ikke herfra, uden at eders yngste Broder kommer hid!
herein shall you be manifested; by the health of Pharao, you shall not depart hence, unless your younger brother come here.
16 Lad en af eder rejse hjem for at hente eders Broder, og imedens holdes I andre fangne; så vil det. vise sig, om eders Ord er Sandhed; og hvis ikke, så er I, så sandt, Farao lever, Spejdere!"
Send one of you, and take your brother; and go you to prison, till your words be clear, whether you speak the truth or not; but, if not, by the health of Pharao, verily you are spies.
17 Derpå holdt han dem i Forvaring tre Dage.
And he put them in prison three days.
18 Men Tredjedagen sagde Josef til dem: "Vil I beholde Livet, så skal I gøre således, thi jeg er en Mand, der frygter Gud:
And he said to them on the third day, This do, and you shall live, for I fear God.
19 Er I virkelig ærlige Folk, lad så en af eder blive tilbage som Fange i det Fængsel, som I sad i, medens I andre drager hjem med Korn til at stille Hungeren i eders Huse;
If you be peaceful, let one of your brethren be detained in prison; but go you, and carry back the corn you have purchased.
20 og bring så eders yngste Broder til mig, så skal eders Ord stå til Troende, og I skal slippe for at dø!" Og således gjorde de.
And bring your younger brother to me, and your words shall be believed; but, if not, you shall die. And they did so.
21 Da sagde de til hverandre: "Sandelig, nu må vi bøde for, hvad vi forbrød mod vor Broder, da vi så hans Sjælevånde, medens han bønfaldt os, og dog ikke hørte ham; derfor stedes vi nu i denne Vånde!"
And each said to his brother, Yes, indeed, for we are in fault concerning our brother, when we disregarded the anguish of his soul, when he implored us, and we listened not to him; and therefore has this affliction come upon us.
22 Men Ruben tog til Orde og sagde til dem: "Sagde jeg eder ikke dengang: Forsynd eder ikke mod Drengen! Men I vilde ikke høre; se, nu kræves hans Blod!"
And Ruben answered them, saying, Did I not speak to you, saying, Hurt not the boy, and you heard me not? and, behold, his blood is required.
23 Således talte de. Men de vidste ikke, at Josef forstod det, thi han forhandlede med dem ved Tolk;
But they knew not that Joseph understood them; for there was an interpreter between them.
24 og han vendte sig bort fra dem og græd. Siden vendte han sig til dem og talte med dem; og han tog Simeon fra dem og lod ham fængsle for deres Øjne.
And Joseph turned away from them, and wept; and again he came to them, and spoke to them; and he took Symeon from them, and bound him before their eyes.
25 Så gav Josef Befaling til at fylde deres Sække med Korn og lægge Pengene tilbage i hver enkelts Sæk og give dem Rejsekost; og således skete det.
And Joseph gave orders to fill their vessels with corn, and to return their money to each into his sack, and to give them provision for the way; and it was so done to them.
26 Så læssede de deres Korn på Æslerne og drog bort.
And having put the corn on the asses, they departed thence.
27 Men da en af dem i Natteherberget åbnede sin Sæk for at give sit Æsel Foder, fik han Øje på sine Penge, der lå oven i Sækken;
And one having opened his sack to give his asses fodder, at the place where they rested, saw also his bundle of money, for it was on the mouth of his sack.
28 og han sagde til sine Brødre: "Mine Penge er kommet igen; se, de er i min Sæk!" Da sank Hjertet i Livet på dem, og de så forfærdede på hverandre og sagde: "Hvad har Gud dog gjort imod os!"
And he said to his brethren, My money has been restored to me, and behold this is in my sack. And their heart was wonder-struck, and they were troubled, saying one to another, What is this that God has done to us?
29 Og da de kom hjem til deres Fader Jakob i Kana'ans Land, fortalte de ham alt, hvad der var hændet dem, og sagde:
And they came to their father, Jacob, into the land of Chanaan, and reported to him all that had happened to them, saying,
30 "Manden, der er Landets Herre, talte os hårdt til og holdt os i Forvaring, som var vi Folk, der vilde udspejde Landet;
The man, the lord of the land, spoke harsh words to us, and put us in prison as spies of the land.
31 men vi sagde til ham: Vi er ærlige Folk og ikke Spejdere;
And we said to him, We are men of peace, we are not spies.
32 vi var tolv Brødre, Sønner af en og samme Fader; een er ikke mere, og den yngste er for Tiden hjemme hos vor Fader i Kana'ans Land.
We are twelve brethren, sons of our father; one is not, and the youngest is with his father today in the land of Chanaan.
33 Så sagde Manden, der er Landets Herre: Derpå vil jeg kende, at I er ærlige Folk: Lad en af eder blive hos mig, og tag I andre Korn til at stille Hungeren i eders Huse og drag hjem!
And the man, the lord of the land, said to us, Herein shall I know that you are peaceful; leave one brother here with me, and having taken the corn you have purchased for your family, depart.
34 Siden skal I bringe eders yngste Broder til mig, for at jeg kan kende, at I ikke er Spejdere, men ærlige Folk; så vil jeg udlevere eders Broder til eder, og I kan frit rejse i Landet."
And bring to me your younger brother; then I shall know that you are not spies, but that you are men of peace: and I will restore you your brother, and you shall trade in the land.
35 Da de nu tømte deres Sække, fandt hver sin Pengepose i sin Sæk; og da de og deres Fader så Pengeposerne, blev de forfærdede.
And it came to pass as they were emptying their sacks, there was each man's bundle of money in his sack; and they and their father saw their bundles of money, and they were afraid.
36 Og deres Fader Jakob sagde til dem: "I gør mig barnløs; Josef er ikke mere, og Simeon er ikke mere, og nu vil I tage Benjamin; det går alt sammen ud over mig!"
And their father Jacob said to them, You have bereaved me. Joseph is not, Symeon is not, and will you take Benjamin? all these things have come upon me.
37 Så sagde Ruben til sin Fader: "Du må tage mine to Sønners Liv, hvis jeg ikke bringer ham til dig; betro ham til mig, og jeg skal bringe ham tilbage til dig!"
And Ruben spoke to his father, saying, Slay my two sons, if I bring him not to you; give him into my hand, and I will bring him back to you.
38 Men han sagde: "Min Søn skal ikke rejse derned med eder, thi hans Broder er død, og han alene er tilbage; tilstøder der ham en Ulykke på den Rejse, I har for, så bringer I mine grå Hår ned i Dødsriget med Sorg!" (Sheol h7585)
But he said, My son shall not go down with you, because his brother is dead, and he only has been left; and [suppose] it shall come to pass that he is afflicted by the way by which you go, then you shall bring down my old age with sorrow to Hades. (Sheol h7585)

< 1 Mosebog 42 >