< 1 Mosebog 40 >

1 Nogen Tid efter hændte det, at Ægypterkongens Mundskænk og Bager forbrød sig mod deres Herre Ægypterkongen,
Now after these things the chief servant who had the care of the wine, and the chief bread-maker in Pharaoh's house, did something against Pharaoh's orders;
2 og Farao vrededes på sine to Hofmænd, Overmundskænken og Overbageren,
And Pharaoh was angry with his two servants, with the chief wine-servant and the chief bread-maker;
3 og lod dem sætte i Forvaring i Livvagtens Øverstes Hus, i samme Fængsel, hvor Josef sad fængslet;
And he put them in prison under the care of the captain of the army, in the same prison where Joseph himself was shut up.
4 og Livvagtens Øverste gav dem Josef til Opvartning, og han gik dem til Hånde. Da de nu havde været i Forvaring en Tid lang,
And the captain put them in Joseph's care, and he did what was needed for them; and they were kept in prison for some time.
5 drømte Ægypterkongens Mundskænk og Bager, som sad i Fængselet, samme Nat hver sin Drøm med sin særlige Betydning.
And these two had a dream on the same night; the chief wine-servant and the chief bread-maker of the king of Egypt, who were in prison, the two of them had dreams with a special sense.
6 Da Josef om Morgenen kom ind til Faraos Hofmænd, der sammen med ham var i Forvaring i hans Herres Hus, og så, at de var nedslåede,
And in the morning when Joseph came to them he saw that they were looking sad.
7 spurgte han dem: "Hvorfor ser I så ulykkelige ud i Dag?"
And he said to the servants of Pharaoh who were in prison with him, Why are you looking so sad?
8 Besvarede: "Vi har haft en Drøm, og her er ingen, som kan tyde den." Da sagde Josef til dem: "Er det ikke Guds Sag at tyde Drømme? Fortæl mig det da!"
Then they said to him, We have had a dream, and no one is able to give us the sense. And Joseph said, Does not the sense of dreams come from God? what was your dream?
9 Så fortalte Overmundskænken Josef sin Drøm og sagde: "Jeg så i Drømme en Vinstok for mig;
Then the chief wine-servant gave Joseph an account of his dream, and said, In my dream I saw a vine before me;
10 på Vinstokken var der tre Ranker, og næppe havde den sat Skud. før Blomsterne sprang ud, og Klaserne bar modne Druer;
And on the vine were three branches; and it seemed as if it put out buds and flowers, and from them came grapes ready for cutting.
11 og jeg havde Faraos Bæger i Hånden og tog Druerne og pressede dem i Faraos Bæger og rakte Farao det."
And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand, and I took the grapes and crushing them into Pharaoh's cup, gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.
12 Da sagde Josef: "Det skal udtydes således: De tre Ranker betyder tre Dage;
Then Joseph said, This is the sense of your dream: the three branches are three days;
13 om tre Dage skal Farao løfte dit Hoved og genindsætte dig i dit Embede, så du atter rækker Farao Bægeret som før, da du var hans Mundskænk.
After three days Pharaoh will give you honour, and put you back into your place, and you will give him his cup as you did before, when you were his wine-servant.
14 Vilde du nu blot tænke på mig, når det går dig vel, og vise mig Godhed og omtale mig for Farao og således hjælpe mig ud af dette Hus;
But keep me in mind when things go well for you, and be good to me and say a good word for me to Pharaoh and get me out of this prison:
15 thi jeg er stjålet fra Hebræernes Land og har heller ikke her gjort noget, de kunde sætte mig i Fængsel for."
For truly I was taken by force from the land of the Hebrews; and I have done nothing for which I might be put in prison.
16 Da nu Overbageren så, at Josef gav Mundskænken en gunstig Tydning, sagde han til ham: "Jeg havde en lignende Drøm: Se, jeg bar tre Kurve Hvedebrød på mit Hoved.
Now when the chief bread-maker saw that the first dream had a good sense, he said to Joseph, I had a dream; and in my dream there were three baskets of white bread on my head;
17 I den øverste Kurv var der alle Hånde Bagværk til Faraos Bord, men Fuglene åd det af Kurven på mit Hoved!"
And in the top basket were all sorts of cooked meats for Pharaoh; and the birds were taking them out of the baskets on my head.
18 Da sagde Josef: "Det skal udtydes således: De tre Kurve betyder tre Dage;
Then Joseph said, This is the sense of your dream: the three baskets are three days;
19 om tre Dage skal Farao løfte dit Hoved og hænge dig op på en Pæl, og Fuglene skal æde Kødet af din Krop!"
After three days Pharaoh will take you out of prison, hanging you on a tree, so that your flesh will be food for birds.
20 Tre Dage efter, da det var Faraos Fødselsdag, gjorde han et Gæstebud for alle sine Tjenere, og da løftede han Overmundskænkens og Overbagerens, Hoveder iblandt sine Tjenere.
Now the third day was Pharaoh's birthday, and he gave a feast for all his servants; and he gave honour to the chief wine-servant and the chief bread-maker among the others.
21 Overmundskænken genindsatte han i hans Embede, så han atter rakte Farao Bægeret,
And he put the chief wine-servant back in his old place; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.
22 og Overbageren lod han hænge, som Josef havde tydet det for dem.
But the chief bread-maker was put to death by hanging, as Joseph had said.
23 Men Overmundskænken tænkte ikke på Josef; han glemte ham.
But the wine-servant did not keep Joseph in mind or give a thought to him.

< 1 Mosebog 40 >