< Ezekiel 33 >

1 HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
2 Menneskesøn, tal til dine Landsmænd og sig: Når jeg fører Sværdet over et Land, og Folket i Landet tager en af sin Midte og gør ham til deres Vægter,
son: child man to speak: speak to(wards) son: descendant/people people your and to say to(wards) them land: country/planet for to come (in): bring upon her sword and to take: take people [the] land: country/planet man one from end their and to give: make [obj] him to/for them to/for to watch
3 og han ser Sværdet komme over Landet og støder i Hornet og advarer Folket,
and to see: see [obj] [the] sword to come (in): come upon [the] land: country/planet and to blow in/on/with trumpet and to warn [obj] [the] people
4 men den, der hører Hornets Klang, ikke lader sig advare, og Sværdet kommer og river ham bort, da kommer hans Blod over hans Hoved.
and to hear: hear [the] to hear: hear [obj] voice: sound [the] trumpet and not to warn and to come (in): come sword and to take: take him blood his in/on/with head his to be
5 Han hørte Hornets klang uden at lade sig advare, hans Blod kommer over hans Hoved; men den, som har advaret, har reddet sin Sjæl.
[obj] voice: sound [the] trumpet to hear: hear and not to warn blood his in/on/with him to be and he/she/it to warn soul: life his to escape
6 Men når Vægteren ser Sværdet komme og ikke støder i Hornet, så at Folket ikke advares, og Sværdet kommer og over en af dem bort, så rives han vel bort for sin Misgerning, men hans Blod vil jeg kræve af Vægterens Hånd.
and [the] to watch for to see: see [obj] [the] sword to come (in): come and not to blow in/on/with trumpet and [the] people not to warn and to come (in): come sword and to take: take from them soul: person he/she/it in/on/with iniquity: crime his to take: take and blood his from hand [the] to watch to seek
7 Men dig, Menneskesøn, har jeg sat til Vægter for Israels Hus; hører du et Ord af min Mund, skal du advare dem fra mig.
and you(m. s.) son: child man to watch to give: make you to/for house: household Israel and to hear: hear from lip my word and to warn [obj] them from me
8 Når jeg siger til den gudløse: "Du skal visselig dø!" og du ikke taler for at advare ham mod hans Vej, så skal den gudløse vel dø for sin Misgerning, men hans Blod vil jeg kræve af din Hånd.
in/on/with to say I to/for wicked wicked to die to die and not to speak: speak to/for to warn wicked from way: conduct his he/she/it wicked in/on/with iniquity: crime his to die and blood his from hand your to seek
9 Advarer du derimod den gudløse mod hans Vej, for at han skal omvende sig fra den, og han ikke omvender sig, så skal han dø for sin Misgerning, men du har reddet din Sjæl.
and you(m. s.) for to warn wicked from way: conduct his to/for to return: repent from her and not to return: repent from way: conduct his he/she/it in/on/with iniquity: crime his to die and you(m. s.) soul your to rescue
10 Og du, Menneskesøn, sig til Israels Hus: I siger: "Vore Overtrædelser og Synder tynger os, og vi svinder hen i dem, hvor kan vi da leve?"
and you(m. s.) son: child man to say to(wards) house: household Israel so to say to/for to say for transgression our and sin our upon us and in/on/with them we to rot and how? to live
11 Sig til dem: Så sandt jeg lever, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN: Jeg har ikke Lyst til den gudløses Død, men til at han omvender sig fra sin Vej, at han må leve! Vend om, vend om fra eders onde Veje Hvorfor vil I dø, Israels Hus?
to say to(wards) them alive I utterance Lord YHWH/God if: surely no to delight in in/on/with death [the] wicked that if: except if: except in/on/with to return: repent wicked from way: conduct his and to live to return: repent to return: repent from way: conduct your [the] bad: evil and to/for what? to die house: household Israel
12 Men du, Menneskesøn, sig til dine Landsmænd: Den retfærdiges Retfærdighed skal ikke redde ham, den Dag han synder, og den gudløses Gudløshed skal ikke fælde ham, den Dag han omvender sig fra sin Gudløshed, og en retfærdig skal ikke blive i Live ved sin Retfærdighed, den Dag han gør Synd.
and you(m. s.) son: child man to say to(wards) son: descendant/people people your righteousness [the] righteous not to rescue him in/on/with day transgression his and wickedness [the] wicked not to stumble in/on/with her in/on/with day to return: repent he from wickedness his and righteous not be able to/for to live in/on/with her in/on/with day to sin he
13 Når jeg siger til den retfærdige: "Du skal visselig leve!" og han stoler på sin Retfærdighed og øver Uret, så skal intet af hans Retfærdighed tilregnes ham, men han skal dø for den Uret, han øver.
in/on/with to say I to/for righteous to live to live and he/she/it to trust upon righteousness his and to make: do injustice all (righteousness his *Q(K)*) not to remember and in/on/with injustice his which to make: do in/on/with him to die
14 Og når jeg siger til den gudløse: "Du skal visselig dø!" og han omvender sig fra sin Synd og gør Ret og Skel,
and in/on/with to say I to/for wicked to die to die and to return: repent from sin his and to make: do justice and righteousness
15 idet han giver Pant tilbage, godtgør, hvad han har ranet, og følger Livets Bud uden at øve Uret, så skal han leve og ikke dø;
pledge to return: rescue wicked violence to complete in/on/with statute [the] life to go: walk to/for lest to make: do injustice to live to live not to die
16 ingen af de Synder, han har gjort, skal tilregnes ham; han har gjort Ret og Skel, visselig skal han leve.
all (sin his *Q(K)*) which to sin not to remember to/for him justice and righteousness to make: do to live to live
17 Og så siger dine Landsmænd: "Herrens Vej er ikke ret!" Men det er deres Vej, som ikke er ret.
and to say son: descendant/people people your not to measure way: journey Lord and they(masc.) way: journey their not to measure
18 Når den retfærdige vender sig fra sin Retfærdighed og øver Uret, skal han dø;
in/on/with to return: repent righteous from righteousness his and to make: do injustice and to die in/on/with them
19 og når den gudløse omvender sig fra sin Gudløshed og gør Ret og Skel, skal han leve!
and in/on/with to return: repent wicked from wickedness his and to make: do justice and righteousness upon them he/she/it to live
20 Og dog siger I: "Herrens Vej er ikke ret!" Jeg vil dømme eder hver især efter eders Veje, Israels Hus.
and to say not to measure way: conduct Lord man: anyone like/as way: conduct his to judge [obj] you house: household Israel
21 I vor Landflygtigheds ellevte År på den femte Dag i den tiende Måned kom en Flygtning fra Jerusalem til mig med det Bud: "Byen er indtaget!"
and to be in/on/with two ten year in/on/with tenth in/on/with five to/for month to/for captivity our to come (in): come to(wards) me [the] survivor from Jerusalem to/for to say to smite [the] city
22 Men HERRENs Hånd var kommet over mig, om Aftenen før Flygtningen kom, og han åbnede min Mund, før han kom til mig om Morgenen; så åbnedes min Mund, og jeg var ikke mere stum.
and hand: power LORD to be to(wards) me in/on/with evening to/for face: before to come (in): come [the] survivor and to open [obj] lip my till to come (in): come to(wards) me in/on/with morning and to open lip my and not be dumb still
23 HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
24 Menneskesøn! De, der bor i Ruinerne i Israels Land, siger: "Abraham var kun een og fik dog Landet i eje; vi er mange, og os er Landet givet i Eje!"
son: child man to dwell [the] desolation [the] these upon land: soil Israel to say to/for to say one to be Abraham and to possess: possess [obj] [the] land: country/planet and we many to/for us to give: give [the] land: country/planet to/for possession
25 Sig derfor til dem: Så siger den Herre HERREN: I spiser Kød med Blod i, løfter eders Blik til eders Afgudsbilleder og udgyder Blod, og så vil I have Landet i Eje!
to/for so to say to(wards) them thus to say Lord YHWH/God upon [the] blood to eat and eye your to lift: look to(wards) idol your and blood to pour: kill and land: country/planet to possess: possess
26 I støtter eder til eders Sværd, I øver Vederstyggelighed, I gør hverandres Hustruer urene, og så vil I have Landet i Eje!
to stand: stand upon sword your to make abomination and man: anyone [obj] woman: wife neighbor his to defile and [the] land: country/planet to possess: possess
27 Således skal du sige til dem: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Så sandt jeg lever: De i Ruinerne skal falde for Sværdet; dem i åbent Land giver jeg de vilde Dyr til Æde, og, de i Klippeborgene og Hulerne skal dø af Pest.
thus to say to(wards) them thus to say Lord YHWH/God alive I if: surely yes not which in/on/with desolation in/on/with sword to fall: kill and which upon face: surface [the] land: country to/for living thing to give: give him to/for to eat him and which in/on/with stronghold and in/on/with cave in/on/with pestilence to die
28 Jeg, gør Landet til Ørk og Ødemark, dets stolte Herlighed får Ende, og Israels Bjerge skal ligge øde, så ingen færdes der;
and to give: make [obj] [the] land: country/planet devastation and devastation and to cease pride strength her and be desolate: destroyed mountain: mount Israel from nothing to pass
29 og de, skal kende, at Jeg er HERREN, når jeg gør Landet til Ørk og Ødemark for alle de Vederstyggeligheder, de har øvet.
and to know for I LORD in/on/with to give: make I [obj] [the] land: country/planet devastation and devastation upon all abomination their which to make
30 Og du, Menneskesøn, se, dine Landsmænd taler om dig langs Murene og i Husdørene, den ene til den anden, hver til sin Broder, og siger: "Kom og hør, hvad det er for et ord, der udgår fra HERREN!"
and you(m. s.) son: child man son: descendant/people people your [the] to speak: speak in/on/with you beside [the] wall and in/on/with entrance [the] house: home and to speak: speak one with one man: anyone with brother: compatriot his to/for to say to come (in): come please and to hear: hear what? [the] word [the] to come out: come from with LORD
31 Og de kommer til dig, som var der Opløb, og sætter sig lige over for dig for at høre dine Ord. Men de gør ikke derefter; thi der er Løgn i deres Mund, og deres Hjerte higer efter Vinding.
and to come (in): come to(wards) you like/as entrance people and to dwell to/for face: before your people my and to hear: hear [obj] word: speaking your and [obj] them not to make: do for lust in/on/with lip their they(masc.) to make: do after unjust-gain their heart their to go: continue
32 Og se, du er dem som en, der synger en Elskovssang med liflig Røst og er dygtig til at spille; de hører dine Ord, men gør ikke derefter.
and look! you to/for them like/as song lust beautiful voice and be good to play and to hear: hear [obj] word: speaking your and to make: do nothing they [obj] them
33 Men når det kommer - og se, det kommer - skal de kende, at en Profet har været iblandt dem.
and in/on/with to come (in): come she behold to come (in): come and to know for prophet to be in/on/with midst their

< Ezekiel 33 >