< Ezekiel 30 >

1 HERRENs Ord kom til mig således:
The word of the Lord came to me again, saying,
2 Menneskesøn, profeter og sig: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Jamrer: Ak, hvilken Dag!
Son of man, be a prophet, and say, These are the words of the Lord: Give a cry, Aha, for the day!
3 Thi nær er Dagen, ja nær er HERRENs Dag; det bliver en Mulmets Dag, Hedningernes Tid.
For the day is near, the day of the Lord is near, a day of cloud; it will be the time of the nations.
4 Et Sværd kommer over Ægypten, og Ætiopien gribes af Skælven, når de slagne segner i Ægypten, når dets Rigdom bortføres og dets Grundvolde nedbrydes.
And a sword will come on Egypt, and cruel pain will be in Ethiopia, when they are falling by the sword in Egypt; and they will take away her wealth and her bases will be broken down.
5 Ætioperne, Put og Lud og alt Blandingsfolket, Kub og min Pagts Sønner" skal falde for Sværdet med dem.
Ethiopia and Put and Lud and all the mixed people and Libya and the children of the land of the Cherethites will all be put to death with them by the sword.
6 Så siger HERREN: Alle, som støtter Ægypten, skal falde og dets stolte Herlighed synke sammen; fra Migdol til Syene skal de falde for Sværdet, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
This is what the Lord has said: The supporters of Egypt will have a fall, and the pride of her power will come down: from Migdol to Syene they will be put to the sword in it, says the Lord.
7 Det skal lægges øde blandt øde Lande, og Byerne skal ligge hen blandt tilintetgjorte Byer;
And she will be made waste among the countries which have been made waste, and her towns will be among the towns which are unpeopled.
8 og de skal kende, at jeg er HERREN, når jeg sætter Ild på Ægypten og alle dets Hjælpere knuses.
And they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I have put a fire in Egypt and all her helpers are broken.
9 På hin Dag skal der udgå Sendebud fra mig på Skibe for at indjage det sorgløse Ætiopien Rædsel, og de skal gribes af Skælven over Ægyptens Dag; thi se, den kommer.
In that day men will go out quickly to take the news, causing fear in untroubled Ethiopia; and bitter pain will come on them as in the day of Egypt; for see, it is coming.
10 Så siger den Herre HERREN: Jeg gør Ende på Ægyptens Herlighed ved kong Nebukadrezar af Babel.
This is what the Lord has said: I will put an end to great numbers of the people of Egypt by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon.
11 Han og hans Folk med ham, de grummeste blandt Folkene, skal hentes for at ødelægge Landet; de skal drage deres Sværd mod Ægypten og fylde Landet med slagne.
He and the people with him, causing fear among the nations, will be sent for the destruction of the land; their swords will be let loose against Egypt and the land will be full of dead.
12 Jeg tørlægger Strømmene, sælger Landet til onde Folk, og ved fremmede ødelægger jeg det med alt, hvad der er deri. Jeg, HERREN, har talet.
And I will make the Nile streams dry, and will give the land into the hands of evil men, causing the land and everything in it to be wasted by the hands of men from a strange country: I the Lord have said it.
13 Så siger den Herre HERREN: Jeg tilintetgør Afgudsbillederne og udrydder Høvdingerne af Nof og Fyrsterne af Ægypten; de skal ikke findes mere; og jeg indjager Ægypten Rædsel.
This is what the Lord has said: In addition to this, I will give up the images to destruction and put an end to the false gods in Noph; never again will there be a ruler in the land of Egypt: and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.
14 Jeg lægger Patros øde, sætter Ild på Zoan og holder Dom over No.
And I will make Pathros a waste, and put a fire in Zoan, and send my punishments on No.
15 Jeg udøser min Vrede over Sin, Ægyptens Bolværk, og udrydder Nos larmende Hob.
I will let loose my wrath on Sin, the strong place of Egypt, cutting off the mass of the people of No.
16 Jeg sætter Ild på Ægypten, Syene skal skælve af Angst, der skal brydes Hul på No, og dets Mure skal nedrives.
And I will put a fire in Egypt; Syene will be twisting in pain, and No will be broken into, as by the onrush of waters.
17 De unge Mænd i On og Pibeset skal falde for Sværdet og Kvinderne vandre i Fangenskab.
The young men of On and Pi-beseth will be put to the sword: and these towns will be taken away prisoners.
18 I Takpankes sortner Dagen, når jeg der sønderbryder Ægyptens Herskerstav, og dets stolte Herlighed får Ende der. Selv skal det skjules af Skyer og dets Småbyer vandre i Fangenskab.
And at Tehaphnehes the day will become dark, when the yoke of Egypt is broken there, and the pride of her power comes to an end: as for her, she will be covered with a cloud, and her daughters will be taken away prisoners.
19 Jeg holder Dom over Ægypten; og de skal kende, at jeg er HERREN.
And I will send my punishments on Egypt: and they will be certain that I am the Lord.
20 I det ellevte År på den syvende Dag i den første Måned kom HERRENs Ord til mig således:
Now in the eleventh year, in the first month, on the seventh day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
21 Menneskesøn! Ægypterkongen Faraos Arm har jeg brudt; og se den skal ikke forbindes, ikke læges ved at der lægges Bind om den, så den kunde få Kræfter til atter at gribe Sværdet.
Son of man, the arm of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, has been broken by me, and no band has been put round it to make it well, no band has been twisted round it to make it strong for gripping the sword.
22 Derfor, så siger den Herre HERREN: Se, jeg kommer over Farao, Ægyptens Konge, og bryder hans Arme, både den hele og den brudte, og lader Sværdet falde af hans Hånd.
For this cause the Lord has said: See, I am against Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and by me his strong arm will be broken; and I will make the sword go out of his hand.
23 Jeg spreder Ægypterne blandt Folkene og udstrør dem i Landene.
And I will send the Egyptians in flight among the nations and wandering through the countries.
24 Men jeg styrker Babels Konges Arme og lægger mit Sværd i hans Hånd; og jeg bryder Faraos Arme, og han skal stønne for ham på såredes Vis.
And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and will put my sword in his hand: but Pharaoh's arms will be broken, and he will give cries of pain before him like the cries of a man wounded to death.
25 Jeg styrker Babels Konges Arme, men Faraos skal synke; og de skal kende, at jeg er HERREN, når jeg lægger mit Sværd i Babels Konges Hånd og han svinger det imod Ægypten.
And I will make the arms of the king of Babylon strong, and the arms of Pharaoh will be hanging down; and they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and it is stretched out against the land of Egypt.
26 Og jeg spreder Ægypterne blandt Folkene og udstrør dem i Landene; og de skal kende, at jeg er HERREN.
And I will send the Egyptians in flight among the nations and wandering through the countries; and they will be certain that I am the Lord.

< Ezekiel 30 >