< Ezekiel 11 >

1 Så løftede Ånden mig og bragte mig til Herrens huses østport, den der vender mod Øst. Og se, ved Indgangen til Porten var der fem og tyve Mænd, og jeg så iblandt dem Jaazanja, Azzurs Søn, og Pelatja, Benajas Søn, Folkets Fyrster.
And it lifted up me a spirit and it brought me to [the] gate of [the] house of Yahweh eastern which faces east-ward and there! [were] at [the] entrance of the gate twenty and five man and I saw in midst of them Jaazaniah [the] son of Azzur and Pelatiah [the] son of Benaiah [the] leaders of the people.
2 Og han sagde til mig: "Menneskesøn! Det er de Mænd, som pønser på Uret og lægger onde Råd op i denne By,
And he said to me O son of humankind these [are] the people who plan wickedness and who counsel counsel of evil in the city this.
3 idet de siger: "Er Husene ikke nys bygget? Byen er Gryden, vi Kødet!"
Who say not [is] in [the] near [future] to build houses it [is] the pot and we [are] the meat.
4 Profeter derfor imod dem, profeter, Menneskesøn!
Therefore prophesy on them prophesy O son of humankind.
5 Så faldt HERRENs Ånd på mig, og han sagde til mig: Sig: Så siger HERREN: Således taler I, Israels Hus; jeg kender godt, hvad der stiger op i eders Ånd.
And it fell on me [the] spirit of Yahweh and he said to me say thus he says Yahweh thus you have said O house of Israel and [the] thoughts of spirit your I I know it.
6 Mange har I dræbt i denne By; I har fyldt dens Gader med dræbte.
You have multiplied slain [ones] your in the city this and you have filled streets its [the] slain.
7 Derfor, så siger den Herre HERREN: De, som I dræbte og henslængte i dens Midte, de er Kødet, og Byen er Gryden; men eder vil jeg føre ud af den.
Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh slain [ones] your which you have put in [the] midst of it they [are] the meat and it [is] the pot and you he will bring out from [the] midst of it.
8 I frygter for Sværd, og Sværd vil jeg bringe over eder, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
A sword you have feared and a sword I will bring on you [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
9 Jeg vil føre eder ud af den og give eder i fremmedes Hånd, og jeg vil holde Dom over eder.
And I will bring out you from [the] midst of it and I will give you in [the] hand of strangers and I will bring about on you judgments.
10 For Sværd skal I falde; ved Israels Grænse vil jeg dømme eder. Og I skal kende, at jeg er HERREN.
By the sword you will fall on [the] territory of Israel I will judge you and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
11 Byen skal ikke være eder en Gryde, og I skal ikke være Kødet deri; ved Israels Grænse vil jeg dømme eder.
It not it will become for you a pot and you you will become in [the] midst of it meat to [the] border of Israel I will judge you.
12 Og I skal kende, at jeg er HERREN, hvis Vedtægter I ikke fulgte, og hvis Lovbud I ikke levede efter, hvorimod I levede efter eders Nabofolks Lovbud. -
And you will know that I [am] Yahweh whom in statutes my not you have walked and judgments my not you have done and according to [the] judgments of the nations which [are] around you you have done.
13 Men medens jeg profeterede således, døde Pelatja, Benajas Søn. Da faldt jeg på mit Ansigt og råbte med høj Røst: "Ak, Herre, HERRE, vil du da helt udrydde Israels Rest?"
And it was when prophesied I and Pelatiah [the] son of Benaiah he died and I fell on face my and I cried out a voice great and I said alas! O Lord Yahweh complete destruction [are] you? making with [the] remnant of Israel.
14 Så kom HERRENs Ord til mig således:
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
15 Menneskesøn! Dine Brødre, dine Medfanger og alt Israels Hus, alle de, om hvem Jerusalems Indbyggere siger: "De er langt borte fra HERREN, os er Landet givet i Eje!" -
O son of humankind brothers your brothers your [the] people of redemption your and all [the] house of Israel all of it whom they said to them [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem be distant from with Yahweh to us it it has been given the land to a possession.
16 derfor skal du sige: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Ja, jeg har ført dem langt bort blandt Folkene og spredt dem i Landene, og kun i ringe Måde var jeg dem en Helligdom i de Lande, hvor de kom hen.
Therefore say thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh that I have removed far away them among the nations and that I have scattered them among the lands and I have become for them a sanctuary a little in the lands where they have gone there.
17 Men derfor skal du sige: Så siger den Herre HERREN: Jeg vil samle eder sammen fra Folkeslagene og sanke eder op i Landene, hvor I er spredt, og give eder Israels Jord.
Therefore say thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh and I will gather you from the peoples and I will gather you from the lands which you have been scattered among them and I will give to you [the] land of Israel.
18 Derhen skal de komme og fjerne alle dets væmmelige Guder og alle dets Vederstyggeligheder;
And they will come there towards and they will remove all detestable things its and all abominations its from it.
19 jeg giver dem et nyt Hjerte og indgiver dem en ny Ånd; jeg tager Stenhjertet ud af deres Legeme og giver dem et Kødhjerte,
And I will give to them a heart one and a spirit new I will put in inner being your and I will remove [the] heart of stone from flesh their and I will give to them a heart of flesh.
20 for at de må følge mine Vedtægter og holde mine Lovbud og gøre efter dem. Så skal de være mit Folk, og jeg vil være deres Gud.
So that in statutes my they may walk and judgments my they may keep and they will do them and they will become for me a people and I I will become for them God.
21 Men hines Hjerter holder sig til deres væmmelige Guder og deres Vederstyggeligheder; dem gengælder jeg deres Færd, lyder det fra den Herre HERREN.
And to [the] heart of detestable things their and abominations their heart their [is] going conduct their on own head their I will requite [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
22 Så løftede keruberne Vingerne og samtidig Hjulene; og Israels Guds Herlighed var oven over dem.
And they lifted up the cherubim wings their and the wheels [were] close by them and [the] glory of [the] God of Israel [was] above them from to above.
23 Og HERRENs Herlighed steg op fra Byen og stillede sig på Bjerget østen for.
And it went up [the] glory of Yahweh from over [the] middle of the city and it stood still over the mountain which [was] from [the] east of the city.
24 Derpå løftede Ånden mig og bragte mig ved Guds Ånd i Synet til de landflygtige i Kaldæa; og Synet, som jeg havde skuet, steg op og svandt bort.
And a spirit it lifted up me and it brought me Chaldea towards to the exile[s] in the vision by [the] spirit of God and it went up from on me the vision which I had seen.
25 Så kundgjorde jeg de landflyggige alle de Ord, HERREN havde åbenbaret mig.
And I spoke to the exile[s] all [the] words of Yahweh which he had shown me.

< Ezekiel 11 >